WebNovelThe JOKER17.54%


"What? But—But that's impossible!"

"Miss Patricia…"

"NO! That can't be! There—There must be some sort of mistake. You should check again. You're a doctor, right?"


"JUST TELL ME! Just tell me you made a mistake. I will forgive you." The doctor attempted to speak many times but Miss Patricia will always talk over him. She's not listening at all.

"Please… you only made a mistake."

The doctor and her parents are starting to get uneasy by the number of people looking and listening to their conversation. The patients inside the emergency room at that moment started to eavesdrop as well. It's just hard not to with the volume of her voice. While some are amused as though they were watching a movie drama.

"Baby Pat, please calm down for a moment." her mom started placating her as well.

"No! I mean, that's impossible. I experienced morning sickness. I also experienced the other pregnancy symptoms. My menstruation stopped. I get tired very easily. I also get nauseated whenever I move around too much, sometimes for no reason at all. I also have some food cravings. Answer me, aren't those signs of pregnancy?"

She just went on and on. Her parents have a conflicted expression. And when she finally calmed down, the doctor said, "Miss Patricia, yes, you're correct. Those are indeed signs of pregnancy."

She seemed to have a total switch in mood as soon as the doctor said that. But what the doctor said the next moment seemed like a nail on the coffin for her.

"But Miss Patricia, according to the tests, you're not pregnant. Say, did you do a pregnancy test?" she shook her head as an answer.

"What you experienced was clearly a false pregnancy. It's a very rare case. It happens when a woman feels a very strong desire to get pregnant, desire to get married, and many more factors. And in response, the brain will or may trick the body into "thinking" that it's pregnant." the doctor explained all that in a very detached manner.

"No no no…" she muttered repeatedly. Not wanting to believe what she just heard as she shook her head side to side with her hands at either side of her head.

"Baby Pat…" her mother's voice cracked as she attempted to speak to her daughter but all she could get in response were the repeated "no". And it broke her heart. Her husband tried calming her down as well by gently stroking her back. But looking at him, it's obvious that he's in disbelief as well. I mean, which parent would be happy to see their daughter become like that? They must be guilty as well because they're not always home. They only give her money but not really spend time with her too much as they're moving from one place to another most of the time.

Minutes later, Miss Patricia suddenly lifted her head and glared at me. Seeing this, her parents, the doctor, and even the coachman turned their heads toward me.

"You! It's all your fault!"


In the end, I had to go back to the apartment. My shoulder still hurts like hell. Though the doctor popped it back to its original spot. He said that it will take a few weeks before it will completely heal. My neck and my arm are tingling as well.

In fact, I am very thankful that the doctor gave me a general anesthetic before "manipulating" my shoulder bone back in place, or else I would probably die from the pain. Normally, when the bone is already in place, the severe pain should improve almost immediately. But since it took a while before I was brought to the hospital, it already started swelling.

He even said that I should be thankful that I don't need to undergo surgery since my nerves and blood vessels aren't damaged. Indeed, I am thankful.

As a result, I had to wear a shoulder splint for a few days or maybe until three weeks or so to keep my shoulder from moving. He also prescribed me a muscle relaxant to keep me comfortable while I am still healing.

In the end, I had to pay 75 demi. It would have been more if not for the health insurance Kai painstakingly paid monthly. I only have to pay for the medicine and the splint.

Thinking about it, it turned out that what I gained from this stupid request is 25 demi and an injury. Oh! Plus the unreasonable animosity of Miss Patricia. I don't know, she just started blaming me all of a sudden. Wasn't it supposedly the horses' fault?

She was freaking out and blaming me while pointing her index finger at me, shouting at the top of her lungs. So her parents had no other choice but to send me back home. Mr. Carlos, her father, even apologized to me a couple of times. If anything, I'm glad they gave me money for the transportation cost.
