Chapter 69

The young Queen walked into the throne room. The maid bowed as she closed

the doors without coming inside the room. Jaysa looked at the closed doors not knowing

why the maid did not come in. She turned around at the throne where she saw her

husband. He sat conformably in the chair. His legs were crossed and his arm was

propped up on the arm chair with his cheek resting on his knuckle. She was

embarrassed to look at the man after what happened last night.

"What did you request me for?" Jaysa questioned the man in front of her. She

was trying to hide her embarrassment. She saw her husband smirk as if he knew her


"My dear wife, how have you been?" He spoke as if he had not seen her for

several days. Jaysa just humped to the voice that he had used.

"You should know." She rolled her eyes as she spoke. "I want to know why you

called me here." She spoke with irritations in her voice.

"Do I need a reason to call upon my wife?" He asked. Jaysa put her hands on

her hips.

"If you don't have anything to say I'm leaving."

"Wait," Danzel yelled as he ran over to his wife grabbing her arm and pulling her

into a kiss. She turned her head away from him.

"What are you doing?" She asked as she pushed her hands against his chest

trying to push him away. He held her tight in his arms not allowing her to escape.

"What's wrong? We kissed several times last night." Danzel spoke. "You were so

wild as you rode me." Jaysa felt heat buildup in her cheeks as he spoke in a low and

seductive voice.

"Shut up!" She yelled. "I don't want to hear that."

"But it's the truth." He spoke in a gentle tone.

"It was sex." She yelled out. "I did it to appease you." She watched as he

scrunched his eyebrows and the grin he wore turned into a sneer.

"To appease me." He asked with anger in his voice. Jaysa didn't know why she

said that, but she knew she couldn't take it back. Danzel pushed Jaysa out of his arms.

He glared down at her. "Are you trying to say that it was a pity fuck?" Jaysa opened her

mouth, but nothing came out. "If I remember correctly, you were enjoying it as well."

Jaysa stayed quiet. She couldn't help but feel that if she said she enjoyed it, then she

would have to admit to herself that she fell for him, even if it did make this man mad.

She just didn't want to admit anything like that. Danzel soon gave up on that

conversation realizing that she was not about to answer. He walked over to the bottom

of the three set stairs. Without turning around, he spoke to her. "Now that we have

gotten all problems squared away, its time you become my rightful Queen." He turned to

look at Jaysa. "That means you will now be involved in what I do. However, that does

not mean that you are allowed to speak your opinion."

"Tch, then what's the point of being here?" She spat. Danzel stormed over to

Jaysa and spoke.

The point…" He spat. "…is to support your husband and his choices." She just

rolled her eyes. He ignored he reactions and spoke again. "You will sit at that throne

from now on." He pointed to a chair that Jaysa knows was not there before. He smirked

at her and spoke. "And there is already an event that you have to go to."

"What? Watch people kiss your royal ass like they did during your wedding."

Danzel ignored her comment as if she never uttered a word.

"Your first event will be a hanging."

"What?" Jaysa yelled out. "Oh, hell no. I'm not going to do that." She spoke as

she turned around and walked away.

"You will have to. You are obligated to." Danzel spoke.

"Who says? You?" She yelled.

"Well, duh." He mocked her.

"I will not watch a life being taken. I have seen it before-,"

"And you will see it how many times a crime is committed and if it's requested as

a punishment."

"I will not go." Jaysa spoke as she reached for the door handles.

"If you don't, you will no longer be able to care for that young girl anymore."

Danzel responded. Jaysa stopped and turned to look at her husband.

"Why bring her into this?" She has nothing to do with this conversation." She

hissed out.

"If that is what I will have to do, then I will." He spoke. Jaysa's eyes pierced the

man in front of her. It didn't matter if he was handsome or good in bed. He was still an

asshole. There was no way she could fall for this man. "So will you go?" Danzel

questioned as if he was asking her to go out somewhere exciting. Her glare never


"I'll be there." She spoke in disgust. He smirked. She no longer wanted to see

that man's face. So she opened the door and left as fast as she could and did not look


There were several people surrounding a small platform that stood off the ground

by several feet. A man that wore a black hood and leather plants stood on top of the

platform waiting for his victim. Jaysa was forced to watch the event that took place right

in front of her. She sat in a sheltered area that blocked out the sun. It was similar to a

veranda. Jaysa sat on one of the wooden chairs that were outside. The temperature

was very hot and she felt bad for everyone that had to stand under the hot rays during

this event.