Chapter 91

Three months had past. Jaysa was walking in the market area where the villagers bowed their heads in respect. Jaysa was not here to shop, but to meet an old friend that she hasn't seen for some time.

"Jaysa," a familiar voice yelled out. Jaysa looked up to see her dear friend.

"Erica!" Jaysa spoke with excitement. Both women met each other in the middle of the market.

"Whoops," Erica spoke.

"What is it?" Jaysa asked concerned.

"I should have called you her Majesty." She curtseyed.

"Oh please," Jaysa spoke. "I'm just a peasant that happened to become Queen." Erica giggled.

"Still the same attitude I see" Both girls began to laugh.

Jaysa made her way towards Erica's home.

Entering the home, she was met with two kids about the age of six or seven chasing each other.

"Dora, Sora stop it." An older woman yelled at the two girls who stopped in their tracks.

"We're sorry mama." Both spoke at the same time.

"Who are those cute children?" Jaysa questioned.

"Oh, they are my sisters. They are identical twins." It's very rare that someone gives birth to twins who look the same. Both girls had their brown hair in pigtails and dressed in the exact same outfit. Jaysa would never be able to tell them apart even if she tried.

"I have made some food and-." The older woman turned around with some glasses which she dropped and fell to her knees. "Your Majesty. What brings you to my home?" She questioned.

"Mother," Erica spoke. "This is my friend Jaysa."

"No, she's the Queen." Her mother spoke back.

"Ma'am." Jaysa spoke. "I may be the Queen now, but when I met your daughter, I was just a mere peasant like yourself." Jaysa walked over to Erica's mother and squat down so she was closer to her face. A smile appeared on Jaysa's face. "And please treat me as such." The woman nodded. Jaysa helped the older woman up onto her feet. She held the woman's hands in her own. "I'm your daughter's friends and nothing more." The woman nodded. The older woman picked up the wooden cups and cleaned the liquid, which was in the cups off of the floor. She refilled them and sat them on a table where Jaysa and Erica sat at while chatting up.

"So what's it like to be married to his highness?" Erica questioned. Jaysa blushed.

"What exactly do you mean?" Her face was getting redder by the second.

"Whoa!" Erica spoke. "So you have done it!" Jaysa could only nod. Erica looked around and in a whisper, she asked. "Is he good?" Jaysa's face turned brighter red. Even her ears were the color of reddest apples. She nodded to her friends questioned.

"Are you guys planning to have some kids?" The redness started to die down when Jaysa spoke.

"I don't know if I am ready for kids with him or not."

"Well, it's fine. You are still young." Erica spoke. It was quiet for a moment then Erica spoke up again. "I want to ask you something."

"Yes," Jaysa spoke.

"Did you have a part in helping us women get our rights back." Jaysa nodded.

"It just took some pushing." Jaysa laughed. "Like threatening to take sex away." Both girls laughed.

"Yeah, men love the sex." Erica spoke between laughs.

"Well, you ladies look like you're enjoying yourselves." A man spoke. The man had just walked into the small home a few seconds ago and walked over to Erica. He leaned down and gave her a small kiss on the lips. Jaysa's eyes focused on the two and she a face to her friends saying tell me."

"Oh, Jaysa. This is my husband. We have been married for only two months." Erica spoke.

"But we've known each other since we were little." The man spoke.

"His name is Adam." Erica spoke.

"Please to meet you." Adam bowed his head in respect.

"And this is my friend Jaysa."

"Jaysa." He spoke back.

"She's also the Queen of the Kingdom." Adam's eyes went wide and back to normal. He smirked.

"I had a feeling I've seen you from somewhere. Well, I'm glad that even though you are the Queen, you are still friends with my wife." Jaysa just giggled to his response.

"I would never turn away a good friend." Jaysa spoke. Adam smiled at Jaysa. The man bowed one more time before leaving the women alone.

"I'm really glad you became Queen. You've helped us a lot. I'm glad." Erica spoke.

"All I did was told him my thoughts, and told him I would ignore him if he did not do as I said." Jaysa spoke. "He's the one that actually signing the documents. I had no part in that."

"But because of you, those documents were written up and signed by the King. So I say that you have done a lot." Erica spoke. The two girls spoke and laughed about what their lives had been like since Jaysa had become Queen. She even told Erica about the young teenager Madison, which she considers as a younger sister. Erica's mother soon brought out a dish for all on the house hold could eat. The twins sat at the table eating their food and making comments about the Queen eating at the table. Erica's mother was scared that the comments would offend Jaysa, but Jaysa just waived it off and laughed.

"Do you really need to leave?" The twins asked in sync.

"Yes," Jaysa spoke. "I want to stop by an area before I head back to the castle."

"Aaa," The twins whined. Jaysa bend down to their level and spoke.

"I can come and visit again." She smiled at the twins.

"Really you mean it." They spoke again. Jaysa nodded. "Yeah" The girls spoke out in joy. They held each other's hands and spun around in circles.

"You be careful you hear." The family spoke to Jaysa.

"Don't worry. I'll be fine." Erica smiled. Jaysa waived towards Adam and Erica's mother. "It was nice meeting both."

"Nice meeting you as well." Both spoke back as they waived. Jaysa turned her back and headed towards the dirt road.