Chapter 92

It was late afternoon. The sun had started to lower in the sky. So Jaysa knew she would have to head back to the castle soon. The young Queen walked over to the area that she knew so well. However, it did not look that same as it did before. There was something missing. Something that was huge. Something that was Jaysa's home. The shack was gone. It was nothing but a bare lot. She walked on the soft grovel that used to be the kitchen. She couldn't believe it. Her home was actually gone. Jaysa ran as fast as she could to her mother's grave. The sight she saw almost made her faint. Her cross was gone and the flowers were all over the place. Jaysa fell to her knees and picked up one the dead flowers.

"How could this have happened?" Jaysa thought.

We're making room and want to expand the Kingdom. The words Joseph spoke came back in her head. She knew that she could not blame the priest. He was just doing what he was told. The person to blame was…

"Danzel, what is your plan for this Kingdom. We have already removed the homes that no one lives in. So what's your plan now?" Joseph asked his Majesty. Both men were in the strategy room. They had a map on the table that showed his Kingdom. Danzel wanted to make his Kingdom grow big and marvelous.

"Well I do have a plan." Danzel spoke.

"And what is this plan of yours?" Joseph asked.

"Well I-," Before Danzel could speak. He heard his name yelled out in anger.

"Danzel!" Danzel turned towards the door and saw his wife fuming with anger.

"What did I say about-," The young King was quiet when he felt her hand against his face. The sound echoed in the room.

"What the fuck have you done?" She yelled.

"What are you talking about?" Danzel questioned confused.

"You or your men trampled on my mother's grave." Jaysa yelled.

"I don't know what you are talking about." He spoke. The young King turned towards Joseph and began to speak. "My plan is to –," Thud. Danzel was interrupted and his hand quickly touched the back of his head. Something had hit him, but he was unsure to what. He scanned the room and found the item. It was a slipper. A lady's slipper. She had thrown her shoe at him. How can she throw something like that at him? She had been outside all day, so the smell of her feet or anything she had stepped on was now on his head. It grossed him out. He stared at the shoe while it lied there innocently. He turned to look at his wife. "What the hell are you doing throwing something like that at me? You could have hurt me!"

"Like that would hurt." She spat. "Your head is as thick as concrete. There is no way that a shoe could hurt you. Besides you need to answer my question."

"I don't have to answer something I don't know anything about."

"I'll find something bigger and heavier to throw at you." She threatened.

"Yeah right." He spoke. He turned to face Joseph whose face showed fear. This made Danzel turn around. His face went pale when he noticed that she was holding a paper weight. The item was sitting on the corner to keep the map in place, and now it was in his wife's hand. Danzel swallowed. He had a feeling that she would not throw that knowing that it would actually cause damage. He believed she was bluffing.

"What kind of threat is that? You won't throw that at –" Danzel stopped in his tracks as he saw something fly towards him. Instinct made him duck out of the way allowing the object to barely pass him. The item crashed through the wooden shutters that were closed behind him. Danzel sat on the floor with his hands behind him holding his weight up. He stared at the shattered pieces of wood on the floor. He couldn't believe that she would actually throw something like that at him. He glared over to his wife who was still in the same position when she threw the item. Jaysa's body was bent over a bit and her arms were still stretched out as if she was frozen.

"My Queen." Joseph spoke. "Sire I think it would be best if you sit down with your wife and talk about this issue before she kills us all." Joseph spoke the last part to Danzel. Danzel nodded in agreement once he was back on his feet.

"Ma'am." Joseph bowed when he past Jaysa who was standing straight up.

The two were now alone in the room. A slight breeze could be felt in the room making some of the maps wiggle as the wind passed over them.

"Are you going to tell me what is going on?" Danzel questioned. "Why did you barge in here and yell about some grave?"

"It's not some grave. It's my mother's grave!" Jaysa yelled. Danzel stayed quiet for a moment.

"How would the guard know?" He spoke back.

"So are you saying, if they don't know whose grave it belongs to, then it's okay to deface it or destroy it?" Jaysa yelled.

"No," Danzel spoke back. His voice was cracking."

"So why did you allow them to do that?" Jaysa yelled. She did not hide her anger. She was beyond pissed.

"I didn't know it happened." Danzel yelled back. "How the fuck am I supposed to know about that?" He yelled out. Jaysa was taken back.

"I…I… You are just supposed to know!" Jaysa yelled out.

"Well, I didn't fuckin know." He yelled. Jaysa was completely pissed off to where tears began to fill her eyes. Danzel must have taken the tears another way, because he spoke back in a calmer voice. "I'm sorry that happened." His eyes never moved away from hers. "But there is nothing I could do now. The damage has already been done." He spoke. Jaysa felt pure hatred rising inside her.

"I hate you! You asshole!" She cursed as she ran out of the room. He didn't care at all. Jaysa ran passed Joseph who was standing outside of the room. He stood by the wall next to the door. Jaysa ignored the man as she ran off. Joseph walked inside the room. He saw Danzel leaning against the table with one of his hands on the table and the other covering his face.

"Your majesty." Joseph spoke. Danzel did not look at the man.

"What?" Danzel asked.

"Your wife, what are you going to do?"

"What do you think? I'm going to make things right." Joseph questioned.