Chapter 94

The two girls followed the young King outside of the castle and over by a small building. It was made out of bricks that were cracked and some were missing.

"What is this place?" Jaysa questioned.

"You'll find out soon enough." He spoke. Danzel opened the door of the small building which revealed stairs going down. There was a wooden stake already lit and several more to the bottom of the stairs. Danzel grabbed the wooden stake and advised the girls to follow him. They both looked at each other and then make their way down the stairs. Once they were all at the bottom, Danzel pulled out some keys and unlocked the door in front of them, He opened the door and the smell of death surrounded them. Madison and Jaysa plugged their noses to the smell. "Sorry, I should have warned you about the smell." Danzel spoke gently.

"Yeah, you should have." Jaysa mocked. With her noise closed from her fingers, a weird voice came out making Madison giggle.

"I want to show you this." He brought the girls into the room. There were shelves that held dead bodies or skeletons of what was once a body. Madison started to back out scared of what she was seeing.

"What the hell is this?" Jaysa yelled out.

"You said that one of my men ruined your mother's grave. So I-,"

"You didn't" Jaysa spoke. Her voice was getting low. She removed her hand from her nose not caring about the smell.

"Well yeah, now your mother's grave will never be wrecked again because her grave is now here."

"Your men destroyed the flowers and the cross I made. You disturbed her eternal rest. How could you?" Jaysa yelled.

"I…I thought you would be happy abo-,"

"You moved my mother's body without my consent. How do you think I would feel?" Danzel stayed quiet. "I want you to out her back were you found her!" She yelled.

"I can't." Danzel spoke.

"What do you mean you can't?" Jaysa hissed through her teeth"

"That property had already been sold. I can't possibly tell them to bury some unknown person into a ground that belongs to them." Danzel spoke back to his wife.

"Make them." She hissed. She looked down at her mother's skeleton. Her mother's hair was almost completely off the skull and she wore the same night gown that Jaysa buried her in that night. Tears began to well up in her eyes. "This isn't right." She whispered. "My husband is such a horrible man for digging you up from your grave." A couple of tears fell down the young Queens face. She turned to leave the room.

"Jaysa!" Danzel yelled. She stopped. Jaysa never looked her husband and spoke in a low growl.

"Make them."

Danzel was never able to get the man whom bought the land to willingly bury the woman in his yard nor would he force the man to do it.

"I thought she would be happier." He spoke out to Joseph. "She wouldn't have to keep going out to town just to see her mother."

"But is that what your wife truly wanted?"

"What are you saying?" Danzel asked. Joseph shrugged his shoulders.

"I'm just saying." Joseph spoke.

"That she wants to get away from me?" He yelled.

"No Sire," Joseph spoke out in a worried voice.

"Then what?" Danzel yelled. He gripped the arms of the throne chair and leaned forward.

"An excuse to see her friend Erica." Joseph spoke.

"What? Erica?" Danzel questioned. "Why does that name sound familiar?" He questioned.

"She was one of the girls that came to the castle several months ago." Danzel brought his hand up to his chin and leaned back in his chair.

"I feel like anything I do does not please her." He spoke. Joseph didn't know what to say. He felt bad because he knew Danzel had been trying his best to make Jaysa happy.

Jaysa was standing in front of the mirror looking down at her bare stomach. It was starting to bulge out a bit. She was wondering if she was getting fat for all the food she was eating. However, she could no longer deny the fact that she was pregnant. A knock came from outside the chambers and Jaysa pushed her dress down over her belly.

"Yes, Jaysa opened the door and spotted a young maid on the other side.

"Ma'am, I'm here to bring you to the baths and get you ready for dinner." Jaysa nodded.

A bath would be nice. Jaysa thought.

Jaysa soaked in the huge tub of water. The maid stood behind her. The young Queen stood up allowing the maid do her job on helping her dry, comb her hair, and dressing her clothes respectfully for dinner. The maid noticed the small bulge and questioned her majesty.

"Are you pregnant?" Jaysa looked down at the maid. The young maid was frozen in her spot. Jaysa sighed and spoke.

"I think, but whatever you do. Don't tell his majesty."

"Why?" The maid spoke. "The King would be thrilled to learn that there is an heir on the way." The maid cheerfully said.

"That's my problem." Jaysa said in a low voice. "I don't want to feel like I'm a baby maker."

"Ooo," was all the maid could say. She now understood why the Queen was requesting for her to stay quiet. "I'll not tell a soul." The maid spoke. Jaysa smiled.

Jaysa's hair was dried, brushed, and put up in a bun with two beads handing from the sides of the bun. The maid found a dress that was a bit looser fit so it wouldn't smash Jaysa's stomach. It was a beautiful baby blue color. It had long sleeves and small v-cut top. The material pushed against her breasts and flared out downwards.