Chapter 102

Jaysa was steaming with anger as she marched down the hallways. She was grumbling to herself about how insensitive her husband was. All she did was go out to get some fabrics. Yeah, a man pushed her down, but she is fine. It's not like it really hurt her much. Jaysa was not paying attention to her surroundings until she heard a deep chuckle come out from in front of her. Jaysa looked up and saw Martin walking towards her. Normally she would try her best to stay away from the man, but she wanted to at least show him some respects. She bowed her head, but Martin stopped making her stop.

"My dear, what has gotten you so mad? Was it my dear nephew of mine?" He questioned. She knew that he knew the answer to the questions. It was stupid of him to even ask her that.

"Yes," she responded in a soft voice. "My highness was angered because I went out against his wishes."

"Oh, and you did not believe that to be right?" He questioned.

"I can take care of myself. He does not have to worry." Jaysa spoke.

"But he does have to worry. You are caring his kid." Jaysa touched her stomach.

"I take great care of my body." She spoke.

"But that is not what the King sees. He sees you as someone that bears his children."

"I'm will have his children no problem. I'm grateful for that. However, I want to do my own thing." She spoke.

"My dear." Martin spoke as he walked up closer to Jaysa. "What it sounds like to me, is that you want to get rid of an issue. And the issue sounds like…" he stopped and pointed at her stomach. "…what is lodged in there."

"What are you trying to say? That I want to kill my child?" Martin flew his hands in the air.

"I never said anything of that sort. However, you do give that impression that you want to make a better woman out of yourself. But yet, you are forced to do what the King says with no input on your side."

"Where are you going with this?" Jaysa questioned. Martin reached into his pocked at pulled something out. His hand was in a fist and stretched it out. Jaysa only looked at his hand.

"Take it." He spoke. Jaysa hesitated to reach out, but her body moved on her own. He dropped a tiny bag into her hand. It was smaller than her pinky fingernail.

"What is this?" Jaysa questioned.

"It's something that will take away all of the problems that you having. It would make you feel so much better. All you have to is put that entire bag in any type of liquid. You will then feel free from what you are feeling right now." He spoke. She stared at the little bag.

"Does it have a name?" Jaysa asked not taking her eyes off of the item.

"Yes, it's called sonra." Martin spoke. Jaysa did not say a word and kept her eyes on the packet. "You don't have to if you don't want to." Martin spoke as he reached for the item.

"No," Jaysa spoke as she closed her hand and moved it out of his reach. Martin smirked. Her eyes went soft and she questioned the man in front of her.

"Will this harm me or the baby?"

"It will only do what you want it to do." He spoke out. It was not really an answer, but a question to her question. "My dear, I have to go. Keep that and do what you wish with it." Martin began to walk away.

"Wait!" Jaysa yelled. "What does it do?"

"You'll see when you take it." He responded as he continued on his way. Jaysa started back at the man's back not know what to do. She sighed and looked at the bag. Why did she take it? Why did she not give it back? Will this make everything she is feeling right now go away? Jaysa wanted to know. She wanted to try it.

Jaysa was in the room that she shared with her husband. She sat on her side of the bed where her table sat. Jaysa started at the glass in front of her. She had requested the liquid from one of the maids. Jaysa had been sitting in the same spot for what seems like hours. The bag was next to the glass. Was this one of those drugs she had heard of before? She never knew the actual name of them. This was the first time that she had seen a drug before. There were so many thoughts going through her head. She didn't know if she should or shouldn't take that medicine. It was from Martin of all people. So who knows what this powder was.

Jaysa touched her stomach. There was a child growing inside her. Danzel and her and made this child together. Danzel had treated her nice, but he could also be a jerk. He would tell her what she could and couldn't do. The thoughts of his negativity on her grew. Would she better off if she didn't have this child? Jaysa grabbed the powder and poured it into the drink watching it dissolve. Would she be better off if she did not have this child? Was she only here to be used as a factory for making children? Jaysa didn't want to be like that. She does not want to be treated as such. Jaysa reached out for the glass. Her hands lifted the item up with shaking fingers. Will Danzel hate her if she was to lose the child? Would he send her to her death?

Jaysa sat the glass on the table again. Death had scared her. It always had. Since her mother passed, death was all that she knew. Many had died around her. She would have possibly died in the cell as well. Her life had changed since she married Danzel. However, it also feels like she is still in the cage she was in before she met the man. Jaysa suddenly remembered what one of the guards said,

"He will just get rid of you once you have his children!"

Was that true? Would he get rid of her? These thoughts just swam in her head unable to let her think clearly.

"He will kill me no matter what." Jaysa spoke out to herself. "I'm just like those other girls' that men can do anything they want to the women." Jaysa couldn't stop the negativity to overcome her mind. "He will kill me." She spoke again. "I was just blind by everything." She felt like she was going insane. Her head began to pound. She needed to breathe. What was she going to do? Jaysa looked back at the glass. "Will this stop it? Will this stop the pain?" Jaysa reached over for the glass. She brought it up to her lips ready to take a sip. This was it. This was her choice.