Chapter 103

Danzel had been sitting on throne since Jaysa had stormed out. He wanted to allow her to cool down before seeing her again. If he didn't, then he knew that they would just end up fighting again. He wanted this to work. He wants her to understand how much he is worried about her and the child. When he found that she was caring his kin, he was ecstatic. He was having a child with the woman he loved. He wanted to raise the child together with her. Ever since she had left the room, the only thing he could think of was her. He wanted to see her now. He couldn't wait any longer.

Danzel headed towards their bedroom. That would be the last place that she would be. He had been searching for her in the most obvious places, but yet, she was not found. He wanted to see her. He wanted to apologize for the fight that they just had. He wanted to just be with her, even if she didn't want to be with him. As Danzel approached the double doors, he heard a loud clashing sound. It was the sound of something hitting the floor and breaking. Terrified of what it could be, Danzel slammed the doors open with full force and made his way inside.

"Jaysa!" Danzel yelled. He didn't receive any response instead, he heard some sobbing. Rushing over to the noise, Danzel stopped as he saw glass shattered all over the floor, and liquid was dripping down the wall. He looked from the right to left and found Jaysa balled up. He rushed to her side grabbing her in his arms. "What happened?" Jaysa had her tears stained face from her husband.

"I'm....sorry...." She spoke in sobs.

"What did you do?" Danzel questioned. "What happened?" He asked her again. He tried to get his wife to look him in the eyes.

"Sorry." She finally looked at her husband. "There was a spider and I freaked out. I threw the cup at it." She lied. Danzel, believing her story, just grabbed her and brought her into a tight hug,

"As long as you're safe, then I'm happy." He smiled gently at her. Jaysa tried her best to smile back.

Down in a dark hallway was a room that had a light puckering outside of the cracks through the door. A man was inside laughing with joy.

"I did it!" He spoke it in ecstatic voice. "I will now be able to kill that child and soon that pesky woman! Once I do that, Danzel will fall and I shall become King again." Now, I just have to wait. Wait for them to die!" He smirked darkly.

It had been days since Martin had given Jaysa the poison. She sat at the table across from Martin and avoided eye contact. Since she was here and Danzel was happy, then he knew that she had yet to take the poison.

What was stopping her? Martin questioned to himself.

"Jaysa," a soft voice spoke out to the young woman. Jaysa looked over at her husband. "Are you not feeling well?" He asked. "You have barely touched any of your food. That is not good for you or the baby." Jaysa looked down at her stomach.

The baby. Jaysa thought to herself. He only cares about the baby. Tears started to fall down her face.

"Jaysa! What's wrong?" Danzel panicked as he saw the tears begin to flow. He reached over to touch her face, and Jaysa slapped his hand away. She did not want to be touched by the man. Not now. "Jaysa," his voice was soft. She had been in so many different moods since she had gotten pregnant. Danzel had gotten used to them, but he still had a hard time trying to find out what to do when she was like this. The only thing though, was that he didn't realize that the current mood swing she had now had a deeper meaning. "If you do not feel good, you can go lay down." Jaysa nodded. She politely excused herself from the table and made her way out.

Walking into the hallway, her tears had yet to stop. She was so confused to what she should do now. Suddenly a sharp sting of pain had hit her abdomen. Jaysa hunched over in pain.

"What is going on?" Jaysa questioned herself. She felt the pain grow. The young Queen fell onto her knees wrapping her arms around her stomach. She had never felt pain like this before. Slowly, the pain began to subside. Jaysa was able to slowly get up onto her feet and make her way towards their bedroom.