Chapter 106

The young King put a gentle hand on her stomach. He watched as her stomach raised and fell down again. He laid his head on her stomach. "I can't wait until our child is born. I want to have a real family with you." His voice was gentle. Jaysa could only smile at him. Suddenly the pain from before had hit her again but stronger than it had before. Jaysa immediately went into the fetal position holding her stomach. "Oh my God!" Danzel freaked out. "What is wrong?" Danzel was unsure of what to do.

"I'm fine." Jaysa tried to smile, but the pain began to increase.

"You're in pain." He yelled out. His face was full of worry.

"I said I'm fine. The pain will go away in a few moments." As she spoke those words, the pain soon subsided. She relaxed her body and looked at Danzel. "See, I'm fine." Danzel's face hadn't changed. He was still worried of what could happen to his wife's body.

"What do you mean the miss is in pain?" Joseph questioned the King. The two men were in the throne room. They were supposed to have a meeting about upcoming events, but Danzel had brought up what happened yesterday to the priest because he was concerned for his wife's health.

"She told me that she was fine, but I can clearly tell that she is not." He spoke. Danzel was leaning back in the chair, his eyes were focusing on nothing particular. His hands were lazily laying on the armrest. "I didn't know what to do. I stayed with her till she fell asleep."

"I'm not sure either. Maybe she should see one of the doctors-,"

"She said she didn't need it." Danzel spoke. "But there is something bothering me."

"What's that?" Joseph asked.

"Jaysa admitted that Martin gave her a drug called sonra. It was to kill the unborn child, but she swears she didn't take it."

"You have to be kidding me." Joseph spoke out in disbelief. "That man will do anything to become King, but trying to get the miss to take a poison. That is going too far." Joseph spoke in anger.

"I do agree. That man can bully me as much as he likes, but I won't have it if he tries to harm my woman." Danzel growled out.

"Is there something that you are planning to do?" Joseph asked. "Killing someone of kin is still a sin. I would suggest against it."

"Why is that man able to get away with trying to kill his own kin? The child might still be in the Queen, but it's his kin no matter what." Danzel could feel his blood start to boil. "I want to kill that man!" Danzel growled out.

"I have been by your side since you were born. I don't want you to do something that you would regret" Joseph said in concern.

"Then what do you expect me to do?" Danzel's voice began to rise.

"Not murder." The old man spoke out in a deep low voice. "You don't want to become your uncle, do you?" Danzel looked back and took a breath.

"You are right. I don't want to become him."

"Sire, we will figure this out okay." Danzel just nodded.

Madison was sitting next to Jaysa on the bed. Both girls were reading some books. Jaysa was starting to feel better, but the pain would still come now and then. Madison had brought some books for the Queen could read and not be so bored while she was sitting in the bedroom. The girls were quiet like they would be in the library. Just a few giggles form the small girl and them naturally breathing was heard in the room.

"Hey, Jaysa..." Madison spoke up.

"What is it?" Jaysa spoke without averting her eyes away from the book.

"I have noticed that the King has been quite worried about you."

"Does he?" Jaysa spoke in a low voice.

"He's worried about you and the child." The teen girl spoke out. Jaysa closed her book and looked at the small girl. She smiled as she spoke.

"That man is a worry wart. There is nothing wrong with me. So he doesn't have to worry." Jaysa said in a sweet voice.

"But he is still worried." Madison spoke as she looked down at the book. "I am too." Jaysa looked at the girl.

"You don't have to worry." Jaysa's head fell back to look at the ceiling. "Also I have already spoken to that man. He understands that my emotions are not in sync like they were before. But he understood that if something was seriously wrong that I would let him know."

"He loves you a lot." Jaysa looked at the small girl. "I can tell by the way he acts when he thought you betrayed him. He totally wigged out. Also when he found that you were pregnant. He was overjoyed. He really loves you. He will do anything for you." Madison looked over at Jaysa. "You have a really good husband. Almost like the prince that you hear about in the fairy tales." She giggled. Jaysa looked at Madison. Tears had formed in her eyes. Yes, he was a wonderful man. He would do anything for her. She wanted to make this work and she will make this work. She rubbed her stomach. This child will help them become a true family. She smiled.