Chapter 117

While walking away, Danzel couldn't help but have several thoughts run through his head. He wanted to know who this man was. He was wanted to know if his uncle had anything to do with this man. If not, was the man a spy? If he was a spy, where did he come from? So many questions about the man flooded the King's mind. He needed to know who this man was before something happened that he would regret.

Not paying attention to his surroundings, the King turned the corner and bumped into a small figure. He looked down to see who had fallen onto the floor.

"Jaysa!" Danzel spoke in a surprised tone. He held out a hand allowing his wife to grab it. She pulled herself back on her feet and dusted off her dress. "What are you doing here?" He asked. "This is not a place that you usually go to." Jaysa grinned.

"I heard that there was some kind of wild beast that doesn't speak our language. So I wanted to see him for myself." Danzel put his hands on his temple and closed his eyes.

"What do you think this is? An attraction for something?"

"I just wanted to see if it was true, is it true? Huh huh?" Jaysa asked as she looked at her husband brining her face close to his as she spoke. He had to take a step back.

"Wow! Why would you care if we do or not? He is a man we know nothing of. So I don't want you going down to the dungeon to see that man. Do you understand me?"

"Boo, you're no fun." Jaysa mocked.

"What is up with you? Your attitude is a bit different than usual?"

"I don't understand what you're talking about?" Jaysa smiled as she let her head fall sideways. Danzel knew something was up. She seemed chipper than usual. Something must have happened. He wasn't sure what it was. But knowing that her mood was better then what he was used to, he didn't push the issue.

"Jaysa, it's almost time to eat our afternoon food. Are you hungry? We can go eat."

"Sure!" Jaysa spoke with glee. Danzel started walking towards the dinner hall. Jaysa stayed for a moment and glanced toward the direction her husband had come from.

"Jaysa!" She heard her name being called. She responded and made her way towards her husband.

Later that day, a young woman made her way towards the cells. She had brought a basket of food with her. It held some bread and some chicken meat. Going down the stairs always brought back bad memories, but she pushed them to the farthest part of her mind. She knew she had to get used to coming down here no matter how hard it is to forget. Jaysa looked through all the cells, trying to find this beast that everyone is talking about. She finally found him in a far cell. His hands were still chained up against the wall. She saw what they meant by him looking like a beast. His hair and beard were all over the place.

She squat down so she would be eye level with the man. Even though his head hung down, it showed he had no interest in making any type of eye contact. She stayed quiet seeing if the man would say anything. She sat in silence for several minutes. Her legs were starting to give out. Looking around, she found a small stool at the entrance of dungeon. She placed the basket on the floor and walked over to the wooden object and brought it back to the place she was. Sitting on it, Jaysa picked up the basket and began to remove the cloth that covered the food. At that time, the young woman heard the sound of the shackles.

"Are you hungry?" Jaysa asked the man. She was rewarded with silence. "Do you not understand the words that I am saying?" The man didn't respond. "Why are you not saying anything? Even a grumble would work. I have no idea if you are hurt and cannot eat. I am sure you have to be hungry. So please say or do something." The man finally raised his head to look at her. She was happy that he had made a move, but the man still didn't speak. "You need to tell us if you are enemy or not. If you don't, I don't know what my husband would do to you. And if I can, I would not want to see an innocent man be tortured. The man still didn't say anything. "Can you say a least something, even if it's not in our language?" She started to beg. The man looked away and then back at the young woman. He opened his mouth.

"What do you think you're doing in here? Didn't the King say that you are not allowed in here?" A deep voice from behind her spoke. Jaysa looked at the guard standing behind her. She had seen him somewhere before. She took in his uniform and realized who he was.

"You're that guard from before." She remembered him from the time she took Madison to her first bath. He wore the same grayish green jacket on with gray shirt that was tucked into his black pants and green knee high boots" She didn't know why his outfit was different than the other guards. At that time, she didn't care about any of the men in the castle except Joseph.

"Yes my Queen!" He bowed in respect. "I was not able to introduce myself before at that time. I am Michael Franken. I'm also a first Lieutenant , so you can call me Lt Franken." He spoke in nothing but politeness towards the young Queen. She wasn't used to that at all.