Chapter 124

Jaysa waited for her husband to finish talking to the guard's that were stationed on the outside of the stairway. Her face was a bit red by what Levi had said to her. He was so sweet, saying lines like that to her. Danzel has said some lines to her before, but nothing like those. She leaned against the wall and touched her chest. She could feel her heart racing. Was it because of that man? She was unsure what the reason was. Taking in a couple of breaths to calm her racing heart, she heard her husband walking towards her. Jaysa pushed herself off the wall and held her hands behind her back as she spoke.

"So did you get everything taken care of?" Danzel just looked down at her. She cocked her head to the side. "What is it?" Jaysa questions. Danzel reached from one her arms from behind her back and started to walk. He was dragging her along with him. She stumbled a bit before being able to catch up to his fast pace. "What is going on?" Danzel didn't respond. When she looked at the hallway they were walking down, she realized they were heading towards their bedroom chamber. Pushing a door open, Danzel pulled Jaysa inside, slammed the door shut and pushed his wife against the closed door. "What ar-," Jaysa was unable to voice out any complaints when she felt her husband's lips on hers, and a tongue entering her mouth. She was in a bit of shock that she forgot how to breathe. It took her moment and she started to take some breaths through her nose. Jaysa though, was not interested in what the man was doing. She took her hands and tried to push the man off of her by pressing against his chest. Instead, Danzel took both of her hands in his and placed them against the door. He pulled away for a moment. "Danz-," again her voice was muffled by another long deep kiss. Jaysa didn't mind these kisses, but she was confused to way he would suddenly drag her in their bedroom for this. Finally pulling away, the couple took a moment catching their breath.

"I love you." Danzel spoke up. Jaysa glanced up at Danzel. "I think you the most beautiful woman that I have fallen in love with." Jaysa was confused to why Danzel was saying this stuff. "You were my angel that had come into my life." Jaysa stared into Danzel's eyes. His eyes were not filled with lust, but they were defiantly cloudy. Jaysa remembered something like this happening before; where Danzel would spout out stuff he wouldn't normally.

"Danzel." Jaysa spoke in a low tone. "What is up with you? Did something happen?" Danzel brought his face over by Jaysa's shoulder.

"I don't want to lose you."

"Huh?" Jaysa was confused.

"I saw you. He was flirting with you and you were gobbling it all up."

"Wait, who was flirting." Danzel pulled his head away and looked straight into Jaysa's face. His eyes were stern as he spoke.

"He was wooing you and you were blushing as he said those things." Jaysa took a moment to understand what her husband was saying. A small laughter slipped there her mouth. "What the-," Danzel question before his voice was drowned in a burst of laughter. "What the hell is so funny?" Danzel question his voice had anger in it. He was being serious and here she was laughing at him. "It's not funny!" Danzel yelled. She finally calmed down and looked at her husband.

"Any woman would blush after hearing those types of lines coming from a man." She spoke in a gentle voice. "However Danzel, you don't have to worry about me being wooed by any man but you." She looked at him with her eyes in a seductive way.

"Are you saying that if my uncle said those lines then you would also be wooed as well?" Jaysa was quiet for a minute. "You've got to be kidding me!" He yelled.

"I'm just kidding. Your uncle is not someone that could woo me over at all." Danzel looked at Jaysa for a moment.

"I don't want you getting excited over any other man but me."

"O, you're quite possessive." She smirked at the man.

"You should already know this." Danzel smirked as he grabbed Jaysa lips with his and kissed her again. She felt her feet being lifted off the floor, as Danzel carried Jaysa over to the bed without breaking from the kiss. He laid Jaysa on the bed. "I want you." He spoke in a deep lustful voice. Jaysa brought one of her hands to her husband.

"I'm yours. You can have me anytime you want." Danzel grinned He brought one of his hands behind Jaysa's back and unzipped the zipper on the dress. He pulled the material down exposing her naked neck. Danzel leaned in and started to suck right below her ear as well as her neck. Several seconds later he pulled away. He smirked at the marks that were now on her. He was going to mark everywhere on her body so that way everyone would know she belonged to him.