Chapter 134

"I never tried to—" Jaysa was caught off when lips were pushed against her with fierce. Tears started to form into her eyes. She didn't want this. She didn't want what this man had to offer.

Danzel! Help me! She cried in her head.

"The fuck is going on here?" A more than familiar voice could be heard. The kiss was broken and Jaysa looked over to see what it was.

"Danzel!" Jaysa yelled out. She tried to free herself from the man's grips.

"Your highness." Levi spoke, his voice cold.

"What the fuck do you think you are doing to the King's wife?" Danzel yelled out in a growl. Levi took a hold of Jaysa by the waist and pulled her up to him.

"I have heard of nothing but how you treated this girl. For her to try to take her own life, alone, shows how miserable that she truly is!" Levi yelled out.

"What are you saying?" Jaysa tried to pull out of the man's grasp. Levi leaned down by Jaysa's ear and spoke gently into it.

"I love you. I have fallen for you when I first saw you in the dungeon. I know that I can give you all the happiness in the world. You will not want to try to end your life. I want you to be with me. I will love you forever." Sobs could be heard coming from the smaller body that he was holding. "What? Why are you crying?" Levi questioned. "Is it because of this man?" He looked up to Danzel. The man was glaring at him.

"I… I didn't try to take me life." Jaysa spoke out.

"What?" Levi was confused. "But you said that—"

"It's true that I almost took a poison to end a life. But it wasn't mine." Levi's eyes went wide.

"You were….preg…."

"I tried to kill the baby of the man I loved!" Jaysa yelled out.

"What the heck are you saying?" Levi was beyond confusion. "But the man said that you tried to take your life because this man…. This man ra… raped you."

"That's not true." Jaysa spoke out in tears. "I love this man. I know that our relationship started out bad, but I did fall in love with the man. But I fell in love with him after I hurt him the worst way ever." Jaysa fell to her knees. Levi let her go as she fell to the ground. She touched her stomach. "I took something away from him that he was so excited for." Jaysa brought her hands into her face and she cried out. "If someone was being treated unfairly, I would say it was Danzel."

"Jaysa." Danzel's voice was low as he stared at his wife.

"I would think after something like that that had happened, that he wouldn't want to be with me anymore. I want to make up for what I had done to him." Jaysa looked up at Danzel. "I would understand if you didn't want a wife like me anymore. I have don't nothing but keep my heart closed from you. I have kept that wall between us and wouldn't let you get close to me. Then I… I…." Jaysa held her stomach again and bend over. Footsteps were heard through the sobbing. They stopped just in front of the young woman.

"Raise your head." Danzel spoke in a gentle voice. Jaysa shook her head violently from side to side. "Raise your head." Danzel spoke in stern voice. Jaysa slowing raised her head. Tears were still streaming down her face. Danzel bent down so he was eye level to his wife. He brought his hands to her face and wiped away the tears that were falling.

"D… Danzel." Jaysa spoke between sobs.

"You can't take all the blame. Like you said, we did start off rocky. I forced you into this marriage because I wanted you. Also, I can understand why you had that wall up when it came with me. I also know why it took a while for you to open your heart. You have told me many things about yourself, and I was able to further understand where you were coming from."

"Dan…zel." Jaysa spoke his name out slowly.

"And for the child. I know that it wasn't your fault. There have many attempts of foul play that have tried to bring us apart. So I know that what had happened with our child was not fully your fault."

"But Danzel." Danzel shushed her up by putting his finger on her lips.

"You didn't take the poison. If you had, you wouldn't be here now." Jaysa looked down at the ground. "So, I would say that it was both of our faults. We have been getting better. We have been able to grow a stronger relationship now. Don't you think?" Danzel smiled at Jaysa. Jaysa stared at her husband for a moment before nodding. Danzel grabbed a hold of Jaysa's hand and brought her onto her feet.

"So…. What you're telling me is that everything that I was told was a lie?" Levi questioned. Danzel wrapped his arm around his wife's body bringing her closer to him. Once he felt she was secure he looked up at the man in front of him.

"Let me guess. It was my uncle that spoke those words to you?" Danzel questioned.

"Who….No. It was the Lieutenant that spoke to me. He told me all of this when he was taking me over to the baths.

"The Lieutenant?" Danzel repeated.

"Yeah. He told me that you just beat and abused the Queen. As a man who is love. I couldn't just stand here and allow you to do that to her."

"It's true that some things like that had happened." Jaysa spoke. Levi could feel his anger rushing through his body. "however, it was also partially my fault. I have learned so much from this man. To tell you the truth. I didn't trust men for a long time. That is why I struggled with this marriage, with this man. Although I have had those issues, he still tried to bring this relationship together. When I think back to many of the actions this man took, I'm surprised how much he patiently waited for me. Of course at the time, I didn't think he was the gentleman he is now."