Chapter 142

"Everything that had happened with Levi had just been change." Danzel turned his head away from the priest.

"So my uncle just used that to his advantage?" Danzel began to growl. "He was trying to make Jaysa fall in love with that man, and to tell you the truth. I was actually scared that she would leave me."

"She's a good child. I don't think that she would ever leave you."

"That's what I'm always thinking. But I was still worried about that. It wasn't until what happened in the library. I found out that she was the same as me with the same worries" Danzel took in a small sigh.

"She has the same scars that you have. That's why you both are so well for each other." Danzel sighed.

"And more." Danzel added. Joseph stayed quiet. "You may be right though." Danzel gazed back up to the older man. "What about Lieutenant. What information do have about him?" Joseph nodded showing he acknowledged the questioned.

"I have found that he was Martin's subordinate while he was King." Danzel already knew that. He had seen that man with his uncle a lot while the man was running the country. "Even though he had promised loyalty to you. I believe that he still has complete loyalty towards your uncle. I am almost certain about that. Due to the fact that the man was talking to the merchant about things he shouldn't say a word about.

"So you think that he's working with my uncle? Danzel waited for the man to respond.

"I'm afraid so." Joseph responded. Sadness could be heard in his voice. Danzel growled.

"It seems like the only people that I can trust are you and my wife. I feel like everyone else is against me."

"There is also Madison. The young Queen is quite fond of here. She's been with you for almost a year. It's like you have a daughter already." Joseph chuckled a bit. Danzel rolled his eyes away from the man.

"I understand that Jaysa loved that girl, and I highly doubt she would ever let her leave the castle or even her side. But for a daughter. I don't see her as that. I had a son that was born stiff. I want to try again for another. Jaysa had agreed with me as well. We both want to have a child"

"Have you been trying for one?" Joseph was rewarded with a grin. "Oh, so then there might be a little one running around soon." Joseph spoke in joy. Danzel's face went serious.

"The only thing though. If and when Jaysa gets pregnant again. I will make sure that she is not stressed or being tricked into drinking something that could kill her or the child. I don't want to go through that again."

"I agree fully." Joseph agreed. Danzel leaned back in the chair. He had no proof that his uncle or the Lieutenant bought that poison. To make it worse. He's learning that he had people that are not truly loyal to him. They want to sabotage him in any way possible. Even though he is King.

"Joseph. I want you to keep an eye on that Lieutenant from now on. If you see anything suspicious, let me know right way. You got that?" Joseph nodded.

"Yes your majesty." Danzel looked up at the ceiling and let a sigh.

"I'm sorry that I am having you check on all of this. I know I'm keeping you quite busy."

"No. It's fine. That's what I am here for. If you need something, Don't hesitate and ask." Danzel smiled up at the priest.

"You're really the only person that I can truly have faith in."

"Besides your wife of course." Joseph chuckled.

"Yeah." Danzel agreed.

Madison had dragged Jaysa back to the library. She could tell how excited the teen was. Everything that happened in the past couple of day, she wasn't able to spend time with the young teen. She was sure that Madison felt lonely without her.

The two made it in front of the doors Jaysa knew so well. Opening the doors, Jaysa knew so well. Opening the doors, Jaysa could smell the leather that filled the room. She didn't know if it was because she was with Madison, but walking into the library. She felt like she hadn't been there for a while. Even though she was just here two days ago. Madison tugged the girl over to a table that they have been using for cutting and sewing fabrics together. The library had become a place of haven for the two girls. Danzel and Joseph would come in now and then if they were looking for something, but other than that. The girls had it to themselves.

Jaysa allowed the smaller girl to yank her along to the table and stopped in front of a dress that was sloppily folded.

"Is this it?" Jaysa asked.

"It is." Madison picked up the bundle of fabric and showed it off. Since it was starting to get colder. The dress was longer than the previous one. I went down to her ankles and also had long sleeves. It was bright red with pink and blue flowers on it. Jaysa had started to realize that the young teen really liked the flower fabrics. There was a small amount of pink lace at the end of the sleeves as well,

"That is beautiful." Jaysa spoke with a huge smile. She held the bottom of the dress and checked out tall the seams. She noticed that the girl had improved so much. Checking other parts of parts of the dress she thought silently to herself. She has gotten really good.

"So what do you think?" Madison was anxious to know what the young Queen thought. Jaysa turned to look at Madison. A smile slowly appeared on her face.

"It's wonderfully done. I can't believe how much you have improved." A huge smile spread across the young teens face.

"I'm so glad." Her voice was almost high pitched when she spoke with excitement. "I've been wanting to show you this for quite a while. But was never able to due to everything that was going on." Jaysa frowned a little when she heard the excitement slowly disappear from the teens voice.

"Yeah. There was quite a bit of stuff that had a happened. But now…" Jaysa grabbed the girl into a hug. "… We will be able to stay with each other with limited interruptions." Jaysa glanced over to the table and noticed another dress. "What is that dress?" Jaysa questioned.

"Oh. This one was one I was working on before. I wanted to show you that one too." Madison went to grab the dress.

"Hey Madison. Why don't you try on these dresses. I want to see what they look like on you." Madison looked at Jaysa for a moment before saying.
