Chapter 159

Madison and Jaysa exited the carriage. They were at the beginning of the market. They would not be able to ride the any further. Besides. It would not be fun if they were unable to look around and see what all could be offered. One man walked in front of the women, and another behind them. The villagers already knew that it was the Queen and were calling her to their stall. Many sellers were trying their best to make deals with the Queen and sale whatever their stand held. Jaysa would decline some of them, if she was not interested. Yet, some were really good at negotiating with her. So she would buy some things from them. The two were really enjoying the time away from the castle. Even if she had two guards with them, it was still fun.

"Your highness." Jaysa saw a man she barely recognized. She soon realized who he was when she saw the young woman standing beside him. It was Erica and Adam. Jaysa almost ran over to the couple.

"How are you guys?" Jaysa asked as she gave the young woman a hug.

"I'm doing good. And you?" Erica gently pushed Jaysa away from her to see the large belly that stood out. "How far are you now?" Erica questioned. Jaysa rubbed her stomach and smiled at Erica.

"I'm four months in already."

"So you will be giving birth soon. Have you had any complications at all? Are you taking good care of your health?"

"Yes…Yes." Jaysa responded.

"Why don't you come to our home. I can tell you girls have a lot to talk about." Adam broke the two girl's conversation. "I don't know if you really want to be having this type of conversation here in the middle of the market.

"Oh yes. I do have Madison with me and…." Jaysa looked at the two men. The two looked the way her eyes went and knew what she was saying.

"That's fine. So please. Come." Adam replied. "As long as you're done with your shopping." Jaysa nodded.

"I am. What about you guys."

"We were just going to pick up one more thing and head home."

"Okay. Then why don't we go. We will follow you." Jaysa smiled and Erica returned the same smile.

The group made their way down a road where several houses were on either side of them. It's been a while since she was here. Danzel had removed all the unnecessary house. Which of course, her old one was one of them. She was mad about moving her mother from her resting spot. Yet, looking at the village now. She saw the vision that Danzel was looking for. There were so much more room for villagers to make their own fields. Many had their own animals to take care and now they were not cluttered in one place.

"Here we are." Jaysa broke out of her thoughts as she looked at the small shack. It was pretty small from the outside. They made their way inside. It was much larger inside. There was a table and chairs to the left. There were two rooms that Jaysa thought them to be bedrooms.

"This is pretty nice." Jaysa commented.

"I'm sure it's nothing like what you are used to."

"Don't even." Jaysa laughed. "There are times that it's just too much. I really do like it this small. This amount of room is enough for me. Of course my husband would never agree to it. He's so spoiled like that." Jaysa couldn't help but laugh. Erica started to laugh along with her.

"Why don't you sit down. You shouldn't be standing too much." Jaysa sat down in one of the chairs and so did Madison. The two guards were standing by the front door. The four ignored the men and continued their conversation from the streets.

"So. You are getting closer to the birth of your child. I bet his highness is excited." Adam set down some tea for Jaysa and Madison."

"Thank you." She thanked the man. She took a sip and enjoyed the sweet taste. "Yes. He is very excited. He checks my stomach each night. It's as if he's trying to watch the baby grow even though he can't." Jaysa chuckled to herself.

"I know that any man would be happy to learn that his wife is carrying a child. Speaking of carrying a child." Erica stopped. Jaysa's eyes went wide.

"When!" Erica laughed. "How long?"

"We just found out the other day. I'm also not that long. I will be giving birth several months after your child does. Maybe our children can become best friends."

"If they are girls. They can teach each other how to make dress. And do some make overs."

"What if they are boys?" Adam questioned. The two girls stayed quiet. Jaysa was the first to speak.

"I hope that he doesn't have the attitude that my husband has."

"And besides. Boys are not fun to dress up." Adam chuckled at his wife.

"Of course. They are not dress up dolls." Adam sat down next to Erica.

"That would be cool if the baby is a girl." Madison piped up. "I can teach her some things as well." Jaysa looked down at Madison.

"You will be like an aunt to my child. Or would you prefer to them to call you big sister." Madison's eyes went wide. Joy spread across her face.

"I…. I don't know which one." Madison spoke softly. "Being a big sister. That would be a lot of responsibility than being an aunt." The girls couldn't help but chuckle at the young teen who was lost for words.

"Don't worry Madison. The baby will not be coming any time soon. So right now, you have plenty of time to think about it." Madison nodded. She never thought that far into whether she wanted to be a sister or an aunt. By blood, they were not related. Yet Jaysa had taken care of her like she was her own. Madison looked up at Jaysa. She had done so much for her. She wanted to think her as much as she could. With Jaysa saying something sweet like that. Madison didn't want to disappoint the young Queen. She will help take care of the child. Whether it be a boy or girl. She will do what she was needed of her.