Chapter 160

A couple of hours have passed. The four of them were having so much fun. Catching up on things that have happened the last few months. Jaysa wasn't paying attention to what time it was until a guard made his way over to the group.

"My majesty. It's getting late. I'm sure that the King would worry if you do not come home soon." Jaysa looked at the man and sighed. The guard was right. If she came home late. Danzel may throw a fit.

"Okay." Jaysa stood up from the chair. "I guess it's time for us to take our leave."

"Oh. That is fine." Erica stood up and walked over to Jaysa giving her a hug. "You are welcome here anytime. Remember that okay." Jaysa nodded. The couple bowed their heads and raised them again. They watched as Jaysa, Madison and the guards walked down the streets.

Will need to get home before Danzel throws a fit. Jaysa thought to herself.

Danzel sat in the chair that he found not to be very comfortable. Yet he sat in it anyway. He listened to Joseph as he spoke. They were in the familiar room that held all the maps and tables in it. The two never wanted to speak of what was going on somewhere where they could be heard. So the two would always come to this room.

"Have you heard anything from your intel about the Kortanel Kingdom? Are they still planning on forcing me to resign or start up a war?" He hasn't heard anything since the last time they have spoken. Joseph had been keeping up with the person he said was his intel, but the person had not giving any type of update to the Priest.

"I have yet to hear anything. I keep asking to make sure that they are not missing anything. The person swears up and down that they don't have any update. It seems like their King had stopped with the plan."

"I highly doubt that." Danzel spat. "If that man wanted to take over my country. He wouldn't say it just for laughs. I've know that man for several years. I have never seen making any of those types of jokes before."

"I don't know that man personally like you do Sire. But, if my intel says that there is no update on what is going on. Then there is nothing I can do. I can keep asking the man. I can only do so much if the man is actually withholding information. However, I have yet to have that happen. This person had been working on my side for several years. There should be no reason for them to suddenly stop with giving me the information unless…"

"Unless we have been betrayed." Danzel finished the sentence. He growled. This wouldn't be the first time that someone had betrayed him. If that was true. Then he wouldn't be able to count on anyone.

"Sire. I will try to do what I can do." Danzel crossed his arms as he looked at the man. He leaned back in the chair.

"I want you to do whatever is needed." Joseph nodded.

Joseph had kept his ears opened and nothing had come his way. He would keep Danzel updated with any little information he would receive, but it wasn't what he wanted. There had not been any more details about what was said before. It may have been just a something that the King had said as a joke. Or he was drunk and said it. Danzel and Joseph both wondered about that. They were not sure what to do. They kept alert. Yet, nothing had happened. A little over four months have passed since then. Danzel had Joseph deal with the issue with Kortanel. He wanted to focus on his wife. It was getting closer and closer to the time that she may give birth. She had been carrying the child with no issue. Danzel would tell her to rest, which she would. Then the next thing he knew, she was back on her feet. She needed to get around. She rested when she needed it, but when she felt she didn't need it. She was up and around. Her belly had grown even bigger. Whenever the two were alone. Danzel would rub on her stomach and talk to it. He was beyond excitement now. He wanted her to hurry and have the child. Of course, she would tell him it was impossible until it was time. Jaysa was just as excited for the child to hurry and enter the world as well. She couldn't wait either. Rubbing her stomach.

Jaysa sat on the throne chair in the throne room. They were having another open door policy event. Danzel had told her not to come. Jaysa not wanting to be bored with reading or something else, argued against it. Saying she had not missed one of the events and she wouldn't start now. Madison would go off and do other things while this was going on. Madison understood Jaysa's passion to wanting to be there and listen to the villager's comments, complaints, and suggestions to make the Kingdom even better. There was one thing that she did not tell Danzel about. She had been feeling pain going through her back. She had felt the pain several times. However, this time it was getting worse than what she was used to. Danzel had noticed Jaysa flinching a couple of times. He had stopped the villager that was talking with his had to question his wife.

"Are you okay?" His voice held worry." Jaysa looked over at her husband.

"Yes. I am fine." Jaysa would reply. Danzel not sure whether to believe her or not decided to let it slide for now. He allowed the man in front of him to continue talking again. Within minutes. Jaysa started to cry out.

"Ou….ah….god…." She was pressing down on her side.

"There is something wrong with you." Danzel jumped up from his chair and looked at Jaysa whose face was scrunched in pain.

"I'm…fine….it will pas…ou….ahh." Jaysa cried out in pain. She was bending over as far as her big belly would let her. She grabbed the arm of the chair and twisted her body in pain.

"No. You are not fine. We need you to lie down." Danzel grabbed Jaysa's hands. He gently pulled her up onto her feet. Jaysa felt as if her limps had gone numb. She fell down but was caught by Danzel. He had one of his arms around her waist. Jaysa was panting and gasping uncontrollably. Danzel pulled her up and helped her walk. They made their way down three steps when Jaysa spoke out.

"Danzel." Her voice was on the urge of tears.

"It's okay." Danzel tried to calm her down.

"No, it's not." Jaysa touched her dress. He looked down and saw liquid flooding around her feet.

"What…" Danzel was confused and scared to what was going on. Did she wet herself? A woman pushed through some of the villagers and ran up to the King. She bowed in respect and then looked at the king.

"The Queen's water had broken. She is going into labor. She needs to have a midwife take care of her." Danzel looked down at Jaysa. Her face was still twisted in pain. He couldn't waste any time. He called over one of his guards.

"Go get the midwife. Tell them that my wife is in labor and we need her in my bed chambers now!" The man nodded and ran out of the room. Danzel scooped Jaysa into his arms. The dress was completely soaked. Danzel didn't care that his arm was soaked with whatever the liquid was. He needed to get Jaysa to their room and fast. He ran out of the room. Joseph or someone else would deal with the villagers that were left in the room.