Chapter 162

Four more hours have passed. The young man was sitting on the floor. His legs spread out in front of him. He was tired. It was way into the morning. He thought it was at least around three-thirty. When Jaysa was placed into the room was about five in the late afternoon. Danzel was getting anxious. What was going on? Why wasn't anyone telling him anything? Suddenly loud screams could be heard from the other side of the door. Danzel could hear Jaysa screaming. She was in pain. She was calling out his name. He wanted to go in there so bad. Joseph had stopped him a few times from bursting into the room. He had to explain that this was for the midwifes and that men were not allowed to come during the time. Danzel protested against it several times, but Joseph just repeated the same thing. It was like trying to teach a child what was right and wrong so that they knew they understood it.

"Danzel!" The scream could be heard clearly from the other door. The pain that was in voice only hurt Danzel even more. "Danzel! Hurts. Ah…Hurts! Danzel!" Those worse he heard over and over again. Danzel grabbed his clothed chest. He could feel his heart breaking. The sound of Jaysa yelling for him. Yelling about how the much pain she was in. Danzel couldn't take it anymore. He jumped up to his feet.

"Your highness. Where do you think you are going?" Joseph questioned the man.

"I'm going it to see Jaysa. What else!" Danzel yelled,

"You can't" Joseph tried to hold back the man.

"Try to stop me." Danzel yelled. "She is in pain. I need to be by her side."

"Sire! I told you about this before. We can't go in there."

"But she—" Danzel stopped. It was quiet. The painful cries of Jaysa had stopped. Danzel looked at Joseph then the door. The sound of an infant crying could be heard. Danzel felt his body relax. "My baby..." Danzel spoke softly. The rage and pain had left his voice. "…has been born." Joseph stood in front of Danzel. He had let go of the man.

"We need to wait until the women say it's okay for us to go in." Danzel glanced up at Joseph and then back at the door. He wanted to go in right now.

Several minutes had passed when the door finally opened. A woman was holding something that clearly had blood on it. Danzel's face went pale.

"Is that…" Danzel felt his heart fall. He just heard the cry of his child. But did it. He didn't want to finish the thought.

"No your majesty. This is something that is part of the birthing process. The child it's is fine. The mother right now is feeding the infant."

"I want to see my child." Danzel almost yelled at the woman. She stood back from the sudden outburst. She sighed and then went back into the room closing the door. Within minutes. The woman was back.

"The midwife said that you can go in. But due to her feeding the child. She doesn't want anyone else in the room." Danzel's body was filled with excitement and joy. He was finally able to see his child. He turned to Joseph.

"I'm sorry. I will defiantly let you in once the feeding is done."

"It's fine Sire. You should go see your heir." Danzel smiled. He followed the young woman into his bedroom chambers, closing the door.

Danzel made his way into the room. He saw his wife sitting on the bed holding a bundle of blankets. It was his. Danzel pushed passed the woman and made his way over to his wife. He looked down at the tiny infant as it suckled on the mothers' teat.

"Congratulations your highness. It is a boy." The midwife spoke as she walked over to the King.

"My son." Danzel repeated the words. He was beyond delight. He had his first son.

"So what is his name." Danzel looked at Jaysa. She looked up at her husband. They have been thinking about baby names and were able to come up with one for each gender.

"Thelonius." Danzel replied. The midwife looked at the couple.

"Thelonius." The midwife repeated. "That is a beautiful name." Danzel rubbed his sons face.

"It sure is."

It's only been a couple of days since the newborn came into the world. Danzel couldn't help showing off his son to any and all people that were around him. He held a small party in the throne room showing off the bundle of joy. Danzel invited everyone, including the King from Kortanel. Since he had no real proof of the King starting any type of war with his Kingdom, nor after all these months nothing had happened. He knew he couldn't be rude and not invite the man. However, just in case. He did have Joseph keep an eye on the man. If anything were to happen, he would be notified right away.

The gifts that were giving ranged from gold, to trinkets of sorts. Danzel accepted everything that he had received. Jaysa was sitting in the throne chair next to her husbands. She was in and out of what was going on. She was still sore from giving birth and tired from the lack of sleep. Her husband was had more energy for the both of them. The cry of the infant was heard and Jaysa knew that it was feeding time again. She tried to get up. Danzel seeing her struggle to get up, stood him. He helped his wife up.

"I need to feed Thelonius." Danzel understood. He walked over to the crying child and picked him up. He cradled the infant in his arms and smiled. Even though the child was crying, he still thought the small body was the cutest baby he had ever seen. Jaysa walked over to her husband who handed the child into Jaysa's arms. She bowed at the King and made her way out of the room. Eyes were on her as she left. Some more menacing then others. Jaysa ignored the feeling. She had a feeling who it was. She also knew that with so many people around that nothing would happen to her.