Chapter 163

Danzel watched as his wife left the room with the hungry child. He couldn't help but want to keep them both by his side. When she fed the infant, he was also there by her. He didn't want to miss a thing. It was his first child after all. He knew that he would want more. Once both of them were used to being parents. He wanted to speak with her about having another child. He got his son, so maybe try for a daughter. To him it really didn't matter. They were still children that he and Jaysa had made together. With the everyone paying attention to the Queen and child, no one, especially Danzel, noticed the removal of three people.

"Well," Danzel started. "While my wife is feeding the child. Why don't we go to the main hall and have ourselves something to eat? What do you all say?" Many nodded and responded to Danzel.

"Sounds like an excellent plan, your highness."

Martin made his way out the throne room along with two other men. He had to finish the deal. It was too much now for him to get what he wanted. There was another obstacle in his way of getting what was his. He had been working with the man for the past several months. Even with someone keeping their eye on him and his Lieutenant. He was still able to get the information sent to and from where it needed to go without prying eyes. He just had to use people that the King was unaware of. He was able to get the information back and forth without Danzel being the wiser. No one knew what was going on. Martin made sure of that. The three men made their way into one of his chambers. Martin walked over his desk and sat down in his chair.

"Please sit. King Aiden." Martin gestured for the man to sit. The man stood tall in his long gray robes. His black hair slicked back. His long hair was braided in the back and stopped just below his hips. His dark eyes stared at the man sitting on the other side of the table. He scowled at the man before walking over to the chair. He sat while staring that Martin. Martin placed his elbows on the table. He intertwined his fingers as he looked at the King in front of him.

"Are we going to talk here? Is it safe to do that?" His voice was low and deep as he spoke.

"I highly doubt anyone even realized we were gone. Let alone the King. My nephew's mind has been on that child and his wife more than on me. So I would say it's fine. The King turned to look at the Lieutenant that stood behind him. "Don't worry about him. He is the most loyal subject that I have. He has the same dream as I do." Aiden nodded and glanced back at Martin.

"So. What is it that you want to now talk about?"

"Well, of course I want to put the plan that we were talking about into action. Now that that woman had given birth. I have to deal with another hindrance. I want you to fulfill my request." Martin leaned down behind the desk. He opened a drawer and pulled out a two big bags. He tossed them on the table closer to Aiden. Aiden looked at the bags and back at Martin. "That is just a down payment. I will give you all the rest once the deed is done. The King grabbed one bag and opened it. He smirked at the sight and closed it back up.

"You're King will be very angry once he finds out what you have done."

"I don't care what my nephew thinks. I want what's mine back. And if this is the way to get it. Then so be it." Martin snared. He didn't care what he had to do. As long as he can get what he's been waiting for the past several years, he didn't care what he had to do. Martin looked at the man sitting in front of him. He laid his head on his intertwined fingers. "So. Do we have a deal?"