Chapter 322 ( Shio )

"That idiot..." - Sakuya muttered with a huge smile on her face because the ring she held in her hands, was an important souvenir for her, the last gift her mother had given her and that she had lost during a mission in which she almost lost her life - ".... . ."

She quickly squeezed the ring and put it on her finger, only to look at the other letters before walking in the direction of the room where Houki and Tatenashi were so she could hand them their letters.

* * * * *

Two days had passed since the blond's abrupt disappearance and he was currently walking in the middle of the inhospitable desolate wasteland caused by the [Aragami].

"You can come out of hiding, I don't plan on making you get hurt," Cloud said as he looked in the direction of a destroyed dwelling, only to hear the footsteps of someone approaching.

"Really?" - asked a female voice with a slight childish tone as a small face peered out of the window of the destroyed house - "As far as I know, you [God Eater] are trained to kill my kind."

"Normally I would be, but one, you haven't attacked me, you've just been watching me from the shadows for the last day" - Cloud replied calmly - "Not to mention that I don't sense hostility in you, but simple curiosity, although if I'm honest, I'm surprised to see you too because this breaks the whole scheme we have about your race."

"?" - the golden-eyed girl just tilted her head in confusion because she didn't understand the meaning of so many complex words.

"Oh, I'm sorry..." - Cloud replied as he motioned for the girl to come closer. She slowly walked from her hiding place, showing him what she looked like in the process.

The young girl who appeared to be about 12-13 years old, had white hair, pale skin and pretty golden eyes. She was wearing what appeared to be a [Fenrir] banner that was in tatters, though it was serving its purpose of being able to cover the young girl's body.

After seeing her appearance, no one would have any suspicion about the young girl's true identity, but Cloud knew it perfectly well. He could feel his desire to devour react to the girl, proving that she was not human, but something else, something far more dangerous yet appetizing to his [DNA].

"Tell me... What do you need from me, [Aragami]?" - Cloud asked, though if anyone heard his words they would never be able to connect such abominable beasts with the pretty girl in front of him.

"I knew you'd spot me right away, Onii-chan~!" - exclaimed the girl with a huge smile, though this expression changed to a sharp look in a matter of seconds - "After all, we are the same... monsters in human guise..."

". . ." - Cloud frowned when he heard this though he didn't contradict the girl's words. He could feel how his primal instinct was whispering to him to devour the [Aragami] regardless of whether they were beneficial to his body or just another nudge in the destruction of his genetic code.

The girl smiled happily as she saw how the blonde seemed unbothered by her words, only to focus back on her appearance - "I've waited a long time to get to know you, Onii-chan, though I'm sure you know about it."

"Yeah... I've felt like you've been watching me a few times" - Cloud replied as he shook his head away from the [Tyrant]'s screams, a side effect of having consumed [Cores] that weren't of [Draconic] descent.

"It was a sign to see how you would react, after all, our race is not known for its kindness" - the girl replied calmly. Cloud for his part, only decided to play along with the girl regarding her identity as [Dragon] and not [Aragami] because he felt he had found someone important to the plot, after all, she was the only [Aragami] who not only had consciousness, ability to speak normally, but also emotions and desires, proving that she had reached the peak of evolution of the world-devouring species, although he didn't know if this evolution also translated to unbridled strength because he didn't feel any kind of reaction from her.

"Anyway, I guess in human etiquette I'd have to introduce myself now," the girl said with a smile, "My name..."

Cloud noticed how the girl seemed to have frowned when she heard this because she seemed to be struggling to come to a conclusion.

"I don't have a name... this is a problem, now we can't talk anymore..." - The girl muttered as she held her head in annoyance.

"Why do you say that?" - Cloud asked with surprise and curiosity. He had to admit that the girl was too human for his taste, as if she was a girl who had acquired the body of an [Aragami] and not the other way around.

"Because I saw it in that place full of humans, like in order to continue the conversation they had to give their name, but since I had never conversed with someone before, I never thought of getting a name..." - replied the girl as she puffed out her cheeks in annoyance.

"I see..." - Cloud nodded as he analysed the girl's words. It was obvious that she had been watching [Fenrir: Far East] from a distance and from what he could see, she was doing so out of simple curiosity and not out of a desire to eliminate everyone in the place - "But that's easily fixed."

"Huh?" - the girl looked at the blonde for a few seconds before tilting her head in confusion - "Really?"

"I just have to give you a name, don't I?" - Cloud replied simply.

"Right!" - The girl exclaimed excitedly as she danced happily.

Cloud gave her a glance, only to feel a bead of sweat run down the back of his neck as he felt how the girl seemed to have gained an illusory tail that wagged with excitement - "She's like a dog, no, like a puppy..."

"Give me my name!" - exclaimed the girl excitedly as she ran to hug the blonde - "Name, name, name!"

"Ok, ok, you don't have to get so excited!" - Cloud exclaimed as he rolled his eyes at her, though he could understand how the girl felt.

"Name ~! Name ~" - the girl didn't seem to have heard him because she was chanting as she danced.

Cloud looked at her for a few seconds as he thought about possible name candidates, only to come to a conclusion... their names sucked and he didn't have the slightest idea what the girl's name was.

He quickly scanned the girl, noticing how she looked at him like he was a puppy.

"Wanko... no, that's too obvious..." - Cloud thought to himself as he started to think - "Think.... Chiot (French for puppy)... Chiot... Chio... Shio!"

"Shio! You're going to be called Shio!" - Cloud said as he waited for the girl's reaction.

The girl froze for a few seconds as she started mumbling the name the blond had given her.

"Did you like it?" - Cloud asked as he raised an eyebrow.

"Un!" - Shio exclaimed with a huge grin - "Shio! My name is Shio!"

"That's good to hear" - nodded Cloud as he pulled out a burger from his inventory and handed it to him.

"What's this?" - Shio asked as he looked at the food the blond was handing him - "????"

"It's food, food" - Cloud said calmly as he watched the girl curiously take the burger before eating it.

"Delicious!" - Shio exclaimed excitedly as she devoured the burger with relish - "Do you have any more?"

Cloud handed her another burger, only to notice how the girl didn't even take a second to finish eating it.

"Do you have any more?" - Shio asked with a huge grin.

". . ." - Cloud was silent because something told him that the amount of food she would consume in the future, would grow considerably - "Here..."

"Thank you, Onii-chan ~!" - Shio exclaimed excitedly as she savoured the taste of the burger - "I have to admit, humans know how to eat..."

"What do you plan to do now?" - Cloud asked as he looked at the young [Aragami] girl.

"Hmm... I guess I'm going to accompany you because I have nothing to do" - replied Shio as she tilted her head - "Not to mention that I had wanted to talk to you more seeing as we're the same..."

". . ." - Cloud was silent because it wasn't the best idea for someone to follow him when he was researching some things about [Fenrir: Far East], or rather, Johannes.

"Can't I?" - Shio asked as she looked at the blond with concern.

"Uh... it's not that you can't, it's just that I'm a bit busy..." - Cloud said as he started to think.

"I can always help you," Shio replied as he gave him a smile full of pride, "I may not look like it, but I have pretty good skills so I won't get caught, remember they haven't found me even though I've been hanging around where the humans live."

Cloud sighed for a few seconds before nodding because it was better that he had Shio in front of his eyes because he knew that things could get complicated if she did something strange or if someone discovered her, after all, she was the first [Aragami] to be almost completely human.


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