Chapter 538 ( Recognize )

Cloud was walking back to the forest when they were evicted from the hotel for a stupid reason, though it wasn't as if it affected their plans.

The group continued on their way, ignoring the strange looks from the people, when the blond sensed something strange nearby.

Slowly, he looked in that direction, only to frown because the look he felt, had disappeared, so it was obvious that the source of said look, knew who they were, unlike the others who only showed instinctive annoyance for them.

"Cloud?" - Kyoko asked confused.

"It's nothing, we'll talk when we get to our camp" - Cloud answered normally as he continued walking towards the forest.

* * * * *

"That was close" - Shaiapouf said as he wiped his sweat because he could feel how the blond was looking at him before hiding.

He had reduced his size greatly, taking the shape of a boy of about 5 years old, and he was praying that the blond hadn't found him so soon.

Shaiapouf waited a few minutes as sweat ran down his forehead, only to let out a sigh of relief when he saw that the blond had disappeared, but he still didn't let his guard down.

He quickly changed his form and started walking all around the town to make sure he wasn't being followed.

It wasn't until a few hours later, that he returned to his base of operations, at which point he noticed how Youpi was looking at him with a clear expression of hatred.

"Did something happen?" - Shaiapouf asked in surprise as he looked at his brother and comrade.

"No, it's nothing" - Youpi answered with disdain as he folded his arms.

"If it's nothing, then I'll go report something important to the king" - Shaiapouf said as he tried to enter, only to jump back as he saw his brother attack - "What are you doing?"

"I'm sorry, I can't allow you to enter unless I report to the king first" - Youpi said seriously.

"You fool, I'm one of the three [Royal Guards]!" - Shaiapouf exclaimed angrily as he felt like something weird was going on.

"I know, but let's just say that your actions don't have Meruem-sama very happy" - replied Youpi with a frown.

"We can leave this for another time, I have to tell something of utmost importance to the king" - Shaiapouf said while moving his brother aside - "That thing is in the village and we have to escape."

Youpi didn't show any kind of expression when he heard this because Neferpitou had already said that the possibility of the appearance of the blond beast in this town, was extremely high.

"Why aren't you saying anything?" - Shaiapouf asked with a frown.

"Because Neferpitou already said it was a possibility" - replied Youpi while snorting with disdain - "Now, I recommend you to wait here until I return with the king's orders, and I recommend that this time, you follow his instructions."

Shaiapouf was silent as he watched his brother withdraw, only to show a serious expression and thought about his situation, which was becoming increasingly precarious.

He was aware that many of his actions, were upsetting the king, but he didn't know that things were that bad.

The more he thought about his situation, the worse his expression got as he felt a bad feeling, so he quickly began to think of a way to appease his leader's anger.

"How can I get out of this?" - Shaiapouf muttered as his mind worked at full speed, but no matter how hard he thought, no answer appeared in his head, until after a few seconds later, a crazy idea popped into his thoughts - "If I remember correctly, that thing had two companions."

Shaiapouf quickly recalled what he had seen before escaping - "They were both females, and if that thing's way of relating, is the same as ours, then those two women have a huge potential, one that could serve the king."

The blond [Royal Guard] quickly began to think about this possibility as a huge smile appeared on his face, after all, with this he could not only appease the wrath of his leader, but also return the "favor" to that blond beast - "Ok, I know what to do."

Shaiapouf quickly turned around and ran away from the entrance of his home base.

5 minutes later, Youpi was returning with a serious expression, after all, he had managed to give Shaiapouf one last chance, thanks to the fact that despite everything, they were still the direct children of the former queen, but when he reached his post, his expression changed to one full of fury - "That bastard!"

Youpi couldn't believe what was happening as he felt his blood boiling.

"Where did he go!" - Youpi roared as he looked around with an expression of absolute fury, only to grit his teeth when he saw that his brother was nowhere to be found - "Ok, this was enough, I'm not going to help him anymore!"

Youpi quickly took a breath and went back to the king so he could inform him about Shaiapouf's disappearance.

Meruem was furious because it was obvious that his guard was not taking him or his orders into account - "Ok, when he comes back, I want you to catch him, we've had enough of that bastard, is that clear?"

"As clear as crystal, my king" - Youpi answered while gritting his teeth because he could feel how his king was looking at him with neutrality, all thanks to the fact that he had tried to speak for that idiot Shaiapouf, and he had paid by betraying him more than once.

"I hope your actions reflect your loyalty, Youpi" - Meruem said as he narrowed his eyes - "Because I don't want failures this time."

"I promise I will do your bidding, this is the last time I let my human side take control of my actions" - Youpi said while ducking his head.

Meruem just nodded coolly as he went back to his reading, after all, he found human knowledge fascinating.

"Sorry for the interruption, Meruem-sama, I got the information I wanted" - Neferpitou said as she entered the king's room, and saw how Youpi was gritting her teeth furiously and with her head down - "Did something happen?"

She quickly handed Meruem a report with everything she had discovered so far from the brains of the two old sages.

"Shaiapouf, that's what happened" - replied Youpi after looking in the direction of her king, and seeing how he authorized her to speak - "His death has already been confirmed".

"I see" - muttered Neferpitou before clicking his tongue - "That idiot".

"Good work, Neferpitou, so far, you have been the most responsible of the three of us, and the only one who has not let me down" - Meruem said with a slight appreciation - "Keep up the good work"

"As you command, my lord!" - Neferpitou exclaimed as he bowed his head in submission.

"Youpi, I'm going to let all your mistakes slide because I'm in a good mood, I want you to go train until you can say that you are useful for my battle against the blonde beast" - said Meruem as he looked at Youpi seriously - "I know that out of the three of us, you have the most latent potential on the battlefield, so I want you to use those talents to their full potential!"

"I will gladly do so, my lord!" - exclaimed Youpi as he impacted his head against the ground - "I promise I won't disappoint your trust anymore!"

"I hope so" - said Meruem as he squinted his eyes and went back to his reading - "Interesting, the more I learn about human culture, the more interesting I find them, not for their strength, but for their intellect and imagination, perhaps the humanity in our DNA is not as demeaning as I thought"

Neferpitou said nothing in response, she just withdrew, as did Youpi, who had a serious expression on her face.

When the two [Royal Guards] came out of the king's room, they looked at each other.

"I want you to let me know if that bastard comes back, I want to grind him with my own hands before I hand him over to the king" - Youpi said before retreating silently.

"Consider it done" - replied Neferpitou as he shrugged his shoulders and went back to his room to continue extracting the information from the two sages, although at the same time, something told him that that would be the last time anyone saw Shaiapouf - "I just hope my hunch is wrong because I don't wish anyone but the king, to have the pleasure of killing that idiot who has only caused us trouble for the past few days".

Just thinking about the whole situation that had resulted from her brother's actions, made her start to get angry, though she quickly calmed down because she still had a job to do, one that didn't take up much of her mind, so she needed to concentrate or she would make a mistake and end up destroying the brains of the two old men, eliminating with them the information her king wanted.

"Go home, brother, so I can watch them give you a slow and painful death" - Neferpitou smiled before walking back to his room.


Guys this world is about to end...

Cloud and his companions are going on a new journey to a different new World.

So join him nd is in this journey...


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Current Chapter - 593

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