Chapter 578 [Orcus XII]

Another month flew by for the duo, who were preparing to leave this place.

Cloud had managed to read all the books in Oscar's library, and in the process had managed to get enough information to be able to modify and improve his three main weapons.

Thanks to his new [Creation Magic], the modification of his naginata was finished and now he could use it very naturally and without problems in energy consumption.

His weapons were now much stronger because they had been tempered with elemental minerals, and the destructive power of his ammunition was greater with the new form of elemental gunpowder manufacturing.

Yue had begun to show a more relaxed attitude now that she had arrived at an answer to her doubts. She decided to trust her uncle again, and although she was still a little terrified of discovering something else that would change her mind, she decided to give him the benefit of the doubt.

With Yue's help, and the notes she had found in Oscar's library, he had managed to improve his storage rings, and if you ask why he had managed it before, the answer was quite simple, because Cloud had used the storage system so much, that he had instinctively created a form of detection for this type of item. This had nothing to do with affinity, it was a simple situation created by the blond's dependence on this type of system.

"Did you find a way to be able to get out of here, Cloud?" - Yue asked, who was sincerely eager to be able to get out of this place.

"I think I found it, but there's a problem" - Cloud muttered with a frown.

"Which one?" - Yue asked, confused by her "husband's" words.

"I guess we need Oscar's ring, the problem is that idiot used it to make a connection with the core of the labyrinth and ended up destroying himself" - Cloud answered with a cold face.

Yue's expression changed slightly when he heard this as he remained silent - "Maybe there's another ring?"

"I have no idea, but the places I've checked, I haven't found anything" - Cloud replied as he shook his head.

Yue quickly ran to the room she had used alone, much to his annoyance, and started looking everywhere.

Cloud raised an eyebrow when he saw this as he decided to search other facilities.

Maybe Yue was right and there was another ring somewhere, because if not, they would have to climb the 100 floors of [Orcus], and that would be a massive pain in the ass.

* * *

Hours passed, and the two blondes were standing in front of the strange door that had a small hole in it.

"I guess this is what he meant about us needing the ring" - Yue said as she picked up a ring very similar to the one Cloud had used earlier to talk to Oscar - "Don't make that face."

"I can't be happy after hearing how in the room there was a whole box of those things" - Cloud replied neutrally - "That was the worst prank I've ever received."

"I don't think it was a joke, I think Oscar Orcus had a hobby for creating this kind of jewelry, maybe he used it to de-stress" - replied Yue while tilting her head.

"Just, let's get this over with" - sighed Cloud as the blonde vampire opened the door.

The duo slowly walked towards the exit as fresh air impacted against their faces.

"We're free at last!" - Cloud exclaimed with excitement.

"Unless it's a trap and we've fallen into another maze" - Yue replied with a teasing smile as she saw her husband's expression change - "Just kidding, this level of purity and sunshine, can't be simulated so easily, not to mention that I can sense a variety of mana signatures in the area."

"By the way, where are we?" - Cloud asked while looking at the place, and noticing how they seemed to be in a desert area.

Yue tried to say something, but before she could, she saw a group of silhouettes approaching at full speed - "We've got company!"

Cloud quickly fired in their direction, causing the enemies to fall one after another, not even caring about their race - "We had."

"It's not a good idea to greet guests with gunfire, Cloud" - Yue replied boredly, but her expression changed when as she tried to cast a spell, it didn't seem to work - "Strange, I can't use my magic."

Cloud raised an eyebrow as he tried to do the same, only to see that he had the same result - "Deserted place, large rocky constructions, prevented from using magic, this sounds like we're in the [Raisen Gorge], and by the way, I only shot because I could feel the hostility of those things"

"I know, I would have done the same thing too" - Yue replied as she shrugged - "What now?"

"The normal thing would be to get out of here, the problem is that walking could take ages" - Cloud replied boredly.

"Any form of transportation?" - Yue asked as she cocked her head to the side.

"Hmm, I'm not a mechanical expert, so I wouldn't know if I can transmute a vehicle" - Cloud replied as he started to think - "Besides, those are more complex than a firearm."

"Hmm, I guess we'll have to do it the old-fashioned way" - muttered Yue with boredom - "Wait, you don't need to have much knowledge of the mechanics, you just need to think of the concept, form and function, that's the way to use a magic like [Creation Magic] which is an ancestral ability of the conceptual type"

Cloud's eyes widened in surprise when he remembered this as a huge smile appeared on his face.

He quickly approached the wall as he took a metal sphere in his other hand, then transmuted everything.

Yue watched in surprise as a part of the wall began to change shape, taking the form of a strange thing that appeared to be a metal horse with wheels - "What's that?"

"A motorcycle" - Cloud answered honestly - "A method of transportation from my world."

"Interesting" - Yue muttered as she watched the blond get on. She quickly jumped up behind him and hugged his abdomen with a small smile on her face - "Do you know how to pilot this?"

"Of course" - Cloud replied calmly - "My handlers were experienced military men, and I've been training from a very young age, my "father" taught me how to drive vehicles since I was 8 years old, the same time I picked up my first gun."

"You were some kind of child soldier?" - Yue asked with a frown.

"Not exactly, I didn't train to kill, I trained to handle weapons and vehicles in case of emergency" - Cloud answered while shaking his head.

"A self-defense system, I understand" - nodded Yue as Cloud started the bike and resumed his journey.

She let out a small cry of excitement as they sped through the inhospitable canyon, not knowing how their journey would be much more lively from now on.

* * * * *

". . ." - Belta looked at the huge gorge in front of her with an unreadable expression as she grabbed her head. She could feel some memories trying to resurface, but no matter how hard she tried, nothing appeared in her mind - "Does this place have anything to do with me?"

She was really confused because she felt uncomfortable, but at the same time she felt hope - "Why do I feel like this? Why do I wish to enter this place despite this feeling of pain that devours my inner self?"

Belta, slowly moved her hand to her chest as she felt a cold sweat run through her body, only for an image to appear in her mind, a blonde girl crying and screaming that everything would be alright - "Miledi..."

She opened her eyes, startled as she felt her head was about to crack, only for after a few seconds a sinister voice to echo in her thoughts.

"Things can't be that easy, Belta, you still don't amuse me enough with your suffering and insecurity" - said the male and slightly distorted voice.

Belta began to scream in pain as she felt the image of the young blonde slowly disappear from her memories - "No! Don't take her!"

* * * * *

"Why does this kind of thing always happen to me!" - Shea exclaimed with tears running down her eyes - "And where is Belta-chan!"

The poor platinum light blue-haired girl, was running at full speed because a strange creature that appeared to be a dinosaur, was running after her, trying to devour her.

"Stupid visions! Stupid talent that only causes me trouble!" - Shea shouted as she begged for help to arrive quickly - "Why can't these visions be any more timely!"

Shea was about to give up hope because her legs were tired, when she heard the loud unfamiliar sound. She quickly made a last effort and ran in that direction because in her visions she had seen a strange machine, and this sound did not sound organic - "Help! Please help me!"

The girl continued to scream, until she heard the sound of a small explosion along with the sound of something heavy falling behind her.

"Huh?" - Shea let out a small cry of surprise, only to scream in terror when she saw how the beast was just inches away from her - "Kya!"



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