Chapter 623 ( The man in the middle of the desert - I )

"Seriously" - muttered Cloud while frowning as he heard how Kaori was arguing with Yue.

"Sorry, let's just say Kaori is someone competitive" - replied Shizuku, who was sitting next to cloud.

"I know, I've known her for years, I even think I know her better than Amanogawa" - replied cloud while holding the bridge of his nose - "Anyway, I'm surprised that you're the one next to me."

"I won at rock, paper, scissors" - Shizuku replied as she shrugged her shoulders.

"Come to think of it, that's your strange talent, being unbeatable at that game" - Cloud replied as he continued driving through the desert.

"A useless talent" - Shizuku said as she shook her head, but her expression changed as she felt the ground tremble slightly - "Cloud."

"Yes, there is something huge nearby" - Cloud replied with a frown as he looked around and noticed how a huge sand worm was moving nearby.

"Cloud, there's something much closer" - said Yue, who had stopped arguing with Kaori.

"How much closer?" - Cloud asked as he raised an eyebrow, though there was no need for the vampire girl to answer because right behind them, a huge sandworm very similar to the first one, had appeared - "Oh."

"Daddy!" - Myu cried out in fear.

"Relax, everything is under control" - replied Cloud with a small smile as he pressed the accelerator to full throttle - "It's time to use turbo mode!"

"Wow ~!" - Myu exclaimed as the group shot off and left the huge worm behind - "Again ~! Again ~!"

"Sorry, but it's dangerous, so no" - Cloud replied as he shook his head.

Myu muttered something under her breath as the girls looked at each other.

"Ok, but when we get out of the desert" - sighed Cloud as he saw how the little girl seemed to be depressed.

"Daddy's the best!" - Myu exclaimed with a huge smile.

"Anyway, I think at this distance we're safe and seeing our speed, that thing won't come after us" - said Cloud while shaking his head - "Although we'll still have to watch out for the slightest movement."

"Ok" - nodded the girls.

"Cloud, I sense a faint energy signature nearby, possibly a human" - said Yue with a frown - "It was easy to spot in this desolate place because it's one of the few detectable presences."

Cloud frowned as he thought about whether it was a good idea to help, or not.

"Cloud, please" - Kaori said as she looked up from her seat at the blond.

"As you wish" - Cloud sighed as he shook his head.

Kaori smiled slightly as the group drove in the direction where Yue had sensed the weak human.

A few seconds later, the group came to what appeared to be a small mound of sand.

"Is this it?" - Cloud asked as he raised an eyebrow.

"Yes, though he's so weak I'm surprised he's still alive," Yue replied as he made a hand motion that made the sand disappear.

Kaori quickly got out of the car and ran to the young man who showed that he not only had an abysmally high temperature, but was showing clear signs of dehydration for obvious reasons.

"Cloud, create a place where we can cure him" - Shea said as he gave the disinterested blond a little poke.

Cloud shook his head before creating a strange igloo of rocks - "I'm going to investigate the surroundings while you guys cure that guy, after all, someone has to be guarding the area to prevent another one of those giant worms from attacking us"

"I'm coming with you" - Yue said as she prepared to follow the blond.

"No, Kaori needs your help to be able to regulate that stranger's temperature" - Cloud replied as he shook his head - "You're the only one with good enough magical control to pull it off without damaging it in the process"

Yue clicked her tongue, but said nothing to refute her husband's words.

"Then I'll accompany you" - Tio said as a small smile appeared on her face - "I'm sure my services will be needed"

"If you say so" - Cloud replied as he gave her a blank look.

"Oh, the indifference, his raw look makes my insides twist with emotion" - said Tio with a slightly red face.

"What's wrong with Tio Onee-chan?" - Myu asked, confused with the dragoness' way of acting.

"Let's just say he got heat stroke" - Shea answered with a forced smile.

"Oh, that's bad, Myu got heat stroke when she was younger and it wasn't good" - Myu said with concern as she looked at the black-haired woman - "Shouldn't she rest?"

"Let's just say she got a different heat stroke" - Shea answered with an uncomfortable smile because she didn't want to be the one responsible for ending the innocence of such a tender girl like Myu-chan.

"Myu doesn't understand" - muttered Myu as she shook her head.

* * * * *

"Did you feel it too?" - Cloud asked as he looked at the dragon who was accompanying him.

"Yes, his mana is too erratic, so it's obvious that he's suffering from some kind of disease of magical origin" - replied Tio with a frown - "It's possible that it's some kind of poisoning."

"I think the same thing, magical poisoning" - Cloud said as he started to think. That was one of the many advantages of being a dragon, having a huge magical affinity to be able to detect this kind of peculiarities - "Good thing it's in the first stage, that means Kaori can cure it without much trouble."

"The problem is that that man wears clothes too refined to be a simple adventurer" - Tio replied while shaking her head - "His complexion also tells me that he is a noble from a nearby place."

"A nobleman?" - Cloud repeated as he raised an eyebrow - "It's possible, though now I'm curious as to why there's a noble in the middle of the desert"

"It's possible it has something to do with magical poisoning" - replied Tio with a frown - "Maybe things aren't as simple as we think."

"It's a possibility, though we'll have to wait for him to wake up before we can find out more about it" - Cloud muttered as he started to think - "Which I don't think it'll take much."

"I wouldn't be surprised if he's awake when we get back" - nodded Tio as she shook her head, though her expression changed slightly as she felt the ground begin to shake - "I guess it's time to get to work, do you want me to do the honors?"

"Sure, besides, I've seen that you've been a bit tense about our upcoming battle, so I guess this will serve as a bit of a stress release" - Cloud replied as he watched the girl smile slightly.

"Thanks for understanding, now if you'll excuse me, I have to go dematerialize an annoying worm" - Tio replied as a pair of black wings came out of her back.

Cloud walked behind the girl, only to see as after a few seconds, a huge explosion appeared in the distance - "Ok, I think that was too much."

* * * * *

The draconic duo walked back inside the rock igloo, when they noticed how the man had regained consciousness and seemed to be trying to interact with the girls.

"What's wrong?" - Cloud asked as he raised an eyebrow.

"Let's just say our patient still isn't completely sane," Kaori replied with a forced smile.

"Huh? Another angel?" - asked the boy as he noticed Tio's presence - "Oh, this must really be heaven!"

"Ok, enough" - said Cloud as he understood what was going on with just a few words from Kaori and the screams of this strange man.

"Oh? Are you god?" - asked the man as he looked at Cloud with surprise and curiosity - "I would like to ask for the hand in marriage of one of your angels!"

The girls' expressions darkened when they heard this because they could put up with some cloying words or attempts at flirting, but the words of the misguided man were something very different. Each of them loved Cloud, so for this strange man to try to marry any of them right in front of the blond was awkward, annoying and extremely rude.

Cloud grabbed the bridge of his nose before delivering a firm blow to the man's head that knocked him unconscious - "Ok, when he wakes up again, we'll talk more calmly."

"Ok" - nodded the girls as he shook his head, although if they were honest, none of them wanted to be the first this stranger saw because he would create this stupid misunderstanding again.

15 minutes later, the strange man opened his eyes again and looked around in a deep state of confusion as he mumbled things about how he had gotten to heaven and seen a squadron of beautiful angels.

"Ok, I think you're calm enough to be able to talk" - Cloud said as he walked next to Myu.

"Wait, I know you, you're god!" - exclaimed the man, only to let out a cry of pain as he felt something hit him in the head - "Ugh!"

"I'm not god, you're not dead either, we saved you, though honestly I'm regretting letting them do it" - Cloud replied with a frown.



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