Fighting and Livestreaming

Garp:Bwahahahahahahahahahahahah!!! Luffy only you would do it you brat!!!

Garp was shocked that his grandson. The idiot grandson would steal the marine news controller and camera to use it. What the hell was his grandson doing!? Does he want to die or something.

Me: It's not focusing. Ah there we go. And we're live! Hi! My name is Monkey D Luffy and i cancelled your stupid news channel!

Sengoku:So he did it. But how?

Me:You might be wondering. How the hell did i cancel the news channel. Well, some guy snuck in Marine Ford and stole the controller. I found himurking around in Dawn Island trying to steal food and killed him. So i have the controller now. And i thought to myself. Hmmmmm. Why not broadcast my journey to the world. So here we are.

Sengoku:How the hell did that guy snuck in and stole the controller? Did he disguise himself as a marine or something. Now the Straw Hat has the controller now. And he is pirate.

Me:And if your going to put a bounty on me, do it when something big happens first This is a small matter. You can just make another one but it will take a long time so i suggest you to not make another and let things go normally. Not that this is normal.

Garp:Hehehehe. That stupid brat. This is going to be fun.

Sengoku:This is not fun Garp! Someone snuck in MarineFord and no one noticed!

Garp:The brat said the guy is dead so you don't have to worry. But did he really kill him, i didn't think the brat had the guts to kill someone.

Me:And Grandpa if your watching this don't try to find me. You don't even know where I am. I can also dodge your Fist of Love now or whatever.

All eyes were on Garp now as i said that on the TV. Everybody knew the Fist Of Love. Some shuddered as they had experienced it before.

RMarine:Vice Admiral Garp! Is that kid your grandson?

Garp:Uhahah... Ermmmm. Yes?

RMarine :But Vice Admiral! You're a Marine! How can you let your grandson be a pirate!

Garp:The brat always had one goal in his mind and that is to become the Pirate King. But I'm going to show him the Fist of Love before he becomes that.

Sengoku:Are you sure you can put your grandson in prison Garp. Even you can't do it I'm sure of that.

Me: Woahhhh!!! Is that a sea King!

Everybody stopped their banter as they looked at the screen again.

Garp: There's no sea king. Is he going cuckoo?

Me:The sea king's that way. It's under the water.

Sengoku:How did he... Observation Haki!Garp! You're grandson has observation Haki! Did you train him to use it!

Garp:Hell no! I haven't visited him in years. And if i would, i would've told you!

Sengoku:You better have not visited him Garp.

RMarine:That kid knows Observation Haki. If he knows that he could also know Armenant Haki as well.

Rmarine2:Question is who taught him? He can't learn it by himself. Or did he.

Garp: There's no way my idiot of a grandson learned two kinds of Haki on his own. That took me ten years to fully master everything about it. There's no way.

Sengoku:We shall see Garp.

Me:So we're going to fight it and have sea king meat. I've never ate sea king meat before. I bet it's going to be tasty. But how am I going to fit giant chunks of meat in the boat. One piece of meat is already bigger than me. Guess i have to seel it to a fish market in a nearby island and keep some to myself unfortunately.

Garp:The brat would never do that! He loves meat! He treats meat like a god!

RMarine:No offense Vice Admiral but your grandson is a very weird person. Treating meat like a god. That's a first.

Garp:None taken kid.

Me:And i know what your thinking Grandpa. You would never sell meat! You would eat it all yourself. You treat meat like a god!

Garp: Exactly!

Me:Well grandpa. I have learned a thing or two about nutrition while i lived Dawn Island. See grandpa, that's why I have a six pack and muscles.

Garp:Huh, how did he found out about nutrition? Those are written in books— Wait a second! The brat can read now!

Sengoku: Garp. Are you saying that Your grandson can't read before?

Garp:Yeah! He can't even read the letter A. How can he read now?

RMarine:No offense Vice Admiral but i need to say it again. You have a weird grandson.

Garp:I sure do.

Me:And yes Grandpa. I can read. It's just very hard to sit around and read. I learned that i have something called ADHD when i read a book. It means A dangerous huge dick!

RMarine :Cough Cough!!


Garp:Brat ! What kind of book did you read! Wait don't tell me. You read a Sex Ed book. You shouldn't read it untill your 18+ years old.

Me: Shishishishishishi. I made that joke myself. Took me three minutes to think about it. A lot has changed over the years Grandpa. And you might like it. Or maybe you won't.

Garp:Still can't believe he made a sex joke. Guess the brat has really changed. If he knows what dick means then he knows about the thing.

Sengoku:The kid's funny. But he's still a pirate.

Me: We're coming close to the sea king. About 1km away. He will sense that I'm coming when I'm at least 300m away from him.

Garp:Guess we get to see the brat fight! Let's see how strong he is.

Sengoku:Yes. If we evaluate his strength then we might know how to deal with him.

Garp:Aghhhh! Don't say that Sengoku! He's still a child.

Sengoku:Maybe. But we still have to take measures. If he can face a sea king without fear then he obviously has strength.

Garp:Whatever Sengoku just watch the brat fight and don't do anything! We might be here for awhile.

Sengoku:If we're going to stay here for a while. I'm going to order some food for us both. You guys have to make sure that no one comes in and interrupts this. If they will, they will definitely report to their superiors.

RMarine:Yes Admiral. *Goes to lock the door*

Me: We're nearing the sea king. Let me prépare some rope so i can toe you around

*Whoosh !!*

A giant snake like being rose up from the sea causing big waves to form around him.

Me:Oh wait a minute! You the sea king that tried to eat me from before! I'm definitely going to kill you!

Garp:He's definitely going to kill that sea king.

(To the fight scene)

I launched my hand to the sea king's face and grabbed it. I then used it to propell myself up into the air. Once I'm up, i blew my finger and changed my hand shape to be even bigger. Then, Black Armenant Haki covered my finger. I flew down towards the sea king, my haki covered fist cocked back ready to strike him. Wanting to try this for so long, i shouted




I landed on top of the sea king's bloodied head. It's brain was splattered all over the sea.

Me:Yes! I defeated you!! Now to tie you up. And I'm Definitely adding this to the photo collection.

I took the Recording camera and set it to timed camera mode. It's still recording me so don't worry The marines are very entertained.

Me:Set timer to 5 seconds. Put it down. And now to start the timer.

(Back at MarineFord)

The Marines were staring at the screen in shock. The Admirals were wide eyed at my display of strength.

RMarine:What kind of monster is he!?

Rmarine2: To be able to destroy a sea king with one punch. Except for the High Ranking Marines. We can't even do that!

Sengoku 😶😶😶😶

