

Garp:Do you see that Sengoku!!!!??? That's my grandson over there!!!! I can't wait to fight him!!!

Sengoku:*Gulp* Yeah i see him. He's strong for a pirate that just started his journey.

Sengoku💭: The 4 Blues are going to be chaos with him around. It's better to not fight him. We don't want casualties on our side. We'll let him be for now, if he comes to the Grand Line we can give him a challenge with Kuzan, Akainu, Aokiji, Garp, Tsuru, Me and many others that are just as strong.

RMarine:Admiral. What should we do? Should we give him a bounty? That way he will have the bounty hunters attention. A strong man like him should have a high bounty. The greedy hunters will likely go to kill him.

Sengoku:Put that idea off for now. No one has witnessed him kill a sea king except for the people that are in this room. Let him do something first. He'll surely raid a merchant ships later.

After the discussion, the Marines continued to watch me from the screen. They saw that i was setting up the timer for the picture.

RMarine: What's he doing?

Me:Okay. Timer is set.

I then stood on the floating sea king's body and crouched down. I then smiled largely like a goofy guy.



Unknown to themselves, the smile was very infectious. All of the Marines smiled. Even the most serious ones smiled a little bit. The usually serious Sengoku was one of them. Garp was.... still Garp.

After taking the picture. I went on the boat and continued rowing the boat.

Me💭:It feels kinda boring without someone to talk to. I wish I had a chat like the ones in the Livestreams in my previous world. Wait a minute.

Me:Ya know it feels kinda boring without someone to talk to. It also feels very awkward as well since people will think that you are mentally insane.

Sengoku:What is he trying to say here.

Me:So I had an idea. It's a rough one but we'll see.

RMarine:What kind of idea is it? C'mon I wanna hear it.

Me:So we have Den Den Mushi right?

Garp:Yeah we do. Use them to shout out commands in training drills.

Me:The Den Den Mushi can self update if they are connected to a cell tower. Usually these cell towers are guarded by the Marines.

Sengoku:Where is he going with this? Oh!

Garp: What Sengoku! Have you figured it out!?

Sengoku:Maybe. I don't know. We'll just have to listen to straw hat.

Me:I was thinking if we could add a 'chat' function to the Den Den Mushi.

Garp:What the hell is a chat function!?

Me:Now my grandpa will probably be asking"What the hell is a chat function!?"

Garp:Hey! You read my mind!

Me:And no i did not read your mind grandpa. I just know your personality too well.

Garp:Oh. I thought it was mind reading.It would've been much cooler.

Sengoku:Shut up and listen Garp.

Me:The chat function can let you talk to me by sending messages and the Den Den Mushi will say the message out loud. For example, if grandpa wanted to say hi to me. He will have to type in 'hi' in his Den Den Mushi and send the message to my Den Den Mushi. Then, the Mushi will receive his message and say it out loud for me. You get what I'm saying?

RMarine:Sounds hard to do. But with time we could do it.

Sengoku:We could just find his Den Den Mushi code number and connect our Den Den Mushi to his.

RMarine:Yeah but how do we tell him? There's no way we would know his right?

Sengoku:Garp. Your his grandfather. Surely you would know his Mushi's code number.

Garp:I dunno. I have to ask Makino.

Sengoku:Then call her.

Garp: Already on it.

(Makino's bar)

Makino:Luffy. I wonder where you are now?

*purupuru! purupuru!*

Makino:Oh! I wonder who's calling?

Makino:Hello! Who's this?

Garp:Hey Makino!

Makino:Oh! Mr Garp! How are you?

Garp: I'm fine.

Makino:So why did you call?

Garp: This will sound like a stupid question but do you know about the brat's Den Den Mushi code number? I sorta forgot about it.

Makino: Luffy's Den Den Mushi's code number? Why'd you need it?

Garp:I wanna talk to him. I have nothing to do.

Makino:Okay..... So Luffy's Den Den Mushi's code number is 420****lig**69.

Garp:Got it. I need to go now. And before i go, go to Fox News Channel and watch it. You'll find quite a surprise.

Makino:O-okay. I'll go do it i guess.

*Du du du*

Makino :Wonder why he told me to open that blasphemy of a News Channel.

Makino picked up the TV remote and turned to the said news channel. What she saw was Luffy rowing a boat while talking.

Makino:Luffy! What are you doing in the channel! Better call Garp!


Harp:The code is 420****lig**69

Sengoku: Alright... There's a connect to that Den Den Mushi thing. Everyone Press Yes.

Marines:Yes Admiral.

Everyone pressed yes.

Me:Woah!! Why is there so many people connecting to my Mushi all of the sudden!? Wait is it you guys!?

RMarine: There's a keyboard and a send button. Guess it will send the message.

(This RMarine guy is appearing a lot so will give him a name. His name will be Luca.)

Luca:Shall i send him one?

Garp:Let me send one first Luca.

(This (**) sign will be when someone sends a message to Luffy's Den Den Mushi and the Mushi will read the message out. There will also be a name at the front so you know who sent the message)

Garp:** Hey Brat!! Guess who's here to talk with you!?**

Me:Grandpa!! You guys figured it out already!? How'd you find out my code so fast?!

Garp:** Makino helped us. I called her to tell me the code.**

Me:Wait. Mom told you the code!!!

Garp:Wait Mom! He calls Makino mom now! How much have i missed!!

Makino:**Luffy!! You better explain to me why your on the TV now!!

Me:Well Mom. Basically i cancelled Fox News because who likes them? Then i decided too record my journey with this camera i looted from a guy.

Makino:** Luffy. Why have you been hiding this for me? You can tell me everything you know?

Me:*Sigh* I know mom. But i know you will disagree with me and forbid me for doing this.

Makino: *Smile*How does he know me so much?

She says in the bar.

Makino:** You're right Luffy. I would've forbid you from doing this. But it has already been done. But i hope you will be careful from now on. There are a lot of people who would want to kidnap you and force you to record their journey. **

Me: Don't worry mom. I just defeated a sea King with just one punch. I'm pretty sure i can handle the pirates at North Blue.

Makino:**I hope so wait.... You just defeated a sea king in one punch!! You're that strong!!!**

Garp:**Bwahahahaha!!! We witnessed the fight first hand.**

Makino:** We? Who are you with Mr Garp?**

Garp:Should we tell her. Luffy knows but she doesn't.

Sengoku:Tell her. She'll understand.

Garp:I'm basically with Sengoku and 50 marines watching the brat on a big screen in front of us.

Me:Hey guys! I thought the number will be less. Didn't expect 50 people were watching me.

Makino:**Where are you guys!!?? You're not harming Luffy are you!?**

Luca: We're not hunting the kid are we?

Sengoku:No. Not until Akainu finds out about this.

Luca:Why Akainu?

Garp:The guy will probably issue a bounty and say that he is a pirate scum who wants to encourage people to become scum like him.

Luca:Then tell her that.

Sengoku:**No Miss Makino. We will not be hunting your son yet. Word has not got out about this incident. But it will not be kept a secret for long.

Makino:**At least Luffy's safe for now. I hope you can stall the Marines away for a while.

Sengoku:**We will but not for long. Mugiwara will eventually have to make a name for himself. And Marines will notice**

Me:Mom. You don't need to worry about me! Worry about yourself. You still haven't gotten pregnant

All the Marines were stifling they're laughter for that marriage joke. Makino was blushing red at the bar.

Makino:**Luffy!! How many times have i told you!! Shanks and I are not ready for a child yet!!

All the Marines stop holding their laughter as they saw what Makino sent. And it was being read out loud in a woman's voice.

Garp:Holy shit! Red Hair has a girlfriend! And in North Blue as well!

Luca:If word gets out pirates are definitely going to find her.

Makino:**Oh no! Uhh i seemed to have revealed a secret! Please don't find me. I typed in accidentally!

Luffy: Don't worry mom. If they try to hurt you they have to get through me first!

Sengoku:**Do not worry Mugiwara and Miss Makino! This secret will be a high class secret that only the people in this room will be the only ones who know of the relationship. So do not be afraid.**

Luca:Are you sure keeping this a secret will be okay? What if someone in this room leaked out the secret.

Sengoku:As of this moment, if someone in this room dares to leak this secret out they will be executed secretly. Do you follow me!? *Leaks out massive amounts of Conquerors Haki.*

All marines except of Harp:Y—yes Admiral Sengoku !!

Sengoku:Good! Now focus back on the screen. It looks like Mugiwara is going through something.

Me:Where did i put the binoculars again? Ah here it is.

I took out the binoculars.

Me:Your probably wondering why i need the binoculars for, i need them sometimes because i sense something with Observation Haki but i don't know what it is.

Making:**Haki?? Shanks told me before about what it is. He said it's really hard to use them.**

Me: That's why i trained mom.

Me: Let's see why is there so many people in front of me?

Me:Ah shit...