
(Hi I'm back. School is a hellhole)

Me:Hey you guys aren't answering. Is there really someone spying on you guys?

Garp:**Yeah there is.**

Me:Oh really? Who are they?

Garp:**Tsuru and Hina.**

Me: Thank God it's not Akainu. They're fine. bring them in and let them watch.

Garp: Luca. Go get two chairs. And you two!!!

Garp was glaring at the two women while flaring his Conquerors Haki at them. The two women froze. They never thought that the usually goofy add carefree Garp would suddenly be serious.

Garp:If you dare to hunt my grandson and speak to anyone about this I will show you what that my title as a Vice Admiral was not for show! You got that!?

Hina:Yes Garp—san!!

Tsuru:Hmph. Whatever.

Tsuru💭: Never thought that he could be serious. That's a surprise.

Hina 💭:When i see Garp—san everytime he's always goofing off. His serious side.... Scares me.

Garp:Haaah.... Well then. The chairs are in front of you. Sit down.

They sat down beside him. Hina was slightly shaken after the burst of Conquerors. Tsuru just doesn't care.

Tsuru:You never told me that our grandson is now a pirate.

Sengoku, who was eating his seafood flavored chips choked on what Tsuru said.

Sengoku:Cough! Cough! Did i just hear you right? You said that Mugiwara is your grandson. You and Garp—

Tsuru:Are parents to Dragon and grandparents of Luffy. Yes. That's what I'm saying.

Garp:Tsuruuuuuu!!! You were never supposed to say that? Now I'm going to be careful of what i say to Luffy anymore. He will not find out about this.

Sengoku:Never thought that you're a mother.

Tsuru:It was a fun experience for me and Garp. Now Dragon is the most wanted criminal ever. Who would've thought.

Garp:It was fun. Wished we could've had more children though. I always wanted a lot of children.

Tsuru:We could've had more of we weren't high ranking Marines. Stupid pirates will find out.

Garp:Now that's stupid.

Meanwhile with our gril Hina. She had also heard what Taurus said and was in shock. She couldn't believe that Vice Admiral Garp had a child with Tsuru. And the child was Dragon. And now their grandchild is a pirate.

Hina💭:What a crazy family. I'm definitely not going to say anything now. Garp san will kill me if i do!

Me:You guy are still not saying anything. Are you having a staredown or something?

Sengoku:**No Mugiwara. Harp was just telling them the gist of things.**

Me:Oh okay. So while you guys were talking i was thinking for a little bit. And i want to ask something to grandpa.

Garp:**What'd you wanna ask?**

Me:I have never met my grandma before. Have any reason for that?

Garp:Ah fuck!!!! Why did he ask that question now!!

Me:So i was wondering. If my grandma was a pirate. But that'll be impossible as a Marine dating a pirate is illegal.

Harp:Ah shit what do I say to him?

Me:So we're going to cut the 'marrying a pirate theory' and go to the Marines. The oldest woman currently still on duty at the Marines is Tsuru. And i am leaning towards that theory. You guys were on a team together when you were younger so that makes even more possible. So now I'm asking you. Is my grandmother Tsuru?


Me: I'm going to take that as a yes.

By now all of the Marines except for Sengoku and Hina were looking at the two.

Marine1:I know this waaaayyy pass the time to say it but Congrats for getting married.

Marine 2:Yeah Congrats!! Hope you stay happy forever. Even though it really is pass the time to say it.

Everyone: Congratulations!!!!

Garp:Haha! Thank you so much! I am very happy!! What do you think Tsuru?

Tsuru was looking away embarrassed. She never received that much congratulations before.

Tsuru:Thank you i guess.

Me:So now that's out of the way. We gotta set sail to Shell Island. I gotta really cash in that bounty. And i also saw the newspaper today. Why the hell do i have a 950,000 Belly Bounty? It was just the Alvida Pirates. It's a piece of cake for all of you!

Sengoku:**Yeah that's the thing. Defeating the Alvida Pirates is no easy feat in East Blue. And you did that with ease. You definitely deserve a high bounty. It can be higher but that will be unfair for newbie pirates**

Me:When have pirates play fair?

Sengoku:**True But the common folk and Marines there will question your strength. So you got to do more to show them.**

Luca:**I like how we're encouraging him to get a higher bounty.**

Sengoku:**I never expected to do this in my life.**

Hina:**Encouraging a pirate to get a higher bounty. That's new for me.**

Me: How'd you get in?

Hina: Garp told me the code. Though it's pretty easy to remember. What if someone tries to get in?

Me:Yeah i should probably change it.

Luca:**I got one. What about 1473692580?**

Me:Yeah that seems harder to get in. You guys got it back there. I'm renewing the code.

Sengoku:**It's very easy. You guys dealt with more complicated stuff. This should be a piece of cake. **

Me:I hope it will be.

Sure enough it was easy for them. As soon as I change the code. They immediately joined back. Tsuru or Grandma now also joined to.

Me: Alright you guys are back. Now you remember that kid that i Knock out? I'm going to wake him out now.

Sengoku:**How is he knocked out that long?**

Me: Conquerors Haki can knock the shit out of you.

Makino:**Luffy. Dadan and the whole town are watching and they don't understand what you're talking about. Can you explain it to them?**

Me:Okay so There are three types of Haki. Armenant, Observation, and Conquerors Hakim. Armenant can turned your fist black, it makes your punches super strong. Strong as in you can destroy a building type of strong.

Sengoku:**Armenant Haki can also damage Logia type débile Fruit users like Luffy here.**

Me:That too. Observation Haki let's you see very far away. Whole island far. It can alsoey you see the future for a little while. I'm almost getting to that level. I just need to train a little more.

Sengoku:**You are stronger than we thought Mugiwara. When we meet the fight is going to be grand. **

Me:I think it will be a battle fo the ages. And onto the last one Conquerors Haki. Few only have this Haki as you have to have a mindset of a king to unlock it. Which few only have. The other two you can unlock but only through rigorous training. In the Grand Line and the New World almost everybody has the two of them. Almost because there are civilians living there. If you don't have it, you're going to die as soon as you get there.

At Dawn Island, everybody gulped. They never thought that such powers exist and that the sea is very dangerous.

(Elsewhere. Revolutionary Army Main HQ)

Sabo: Dragon san!! Dragon San!!

Dragon:Yes Sabo? What is it? I'm very busy planning as you can see.

Around Dragon. There were stacks of papers about attacks on Island and strategies on how to attack them. It was a mess there as Dragon is not a housewife. He is a Commander of the most wanted group in the whole world, he has no time for cleanliness.

Sabo:Look at this!! I found it on TV!!

Dragon followed Sabo as Sabo was very excited for some reason. And it also piqued his curiosity a little bit. When he looked at the screen. He did the traditional Big Monkey Smile. And he smiled hard.

Dragon: Hihihi 😀. Luffy. So you have started your journey huh? What an interesting way to start it. Hihihi.

Sabo:💭 Why is Dragon San smiling like that? Is that guy in the TV important to him? Better ask him later.

Dragon:Sabo.... Get me my Den Den Mushi. And get it fast.

Sabo:Yes Dragons San!

(At sea)

I was busy talking about what kind of food i will find okimy journey. Unsurprisingly, Garp was giving me a list of foods that i need to try out when I'm on my journey. Sengoku surprisingly joined in the discussion. Soon the Livestream became a stream about what foods are a must to try when out on a journey. But soon someone joined in. And that someone was not who i was expecting.

(Dragon has joined the stream)

Soon all discussion stopped and all eyes were on the notification.

Me:I was not expecting this.....