
Sengoku:**Dragon! What are you doing here! Are you trying to spy on us!?

Dragon:**No Admiral Sengoku. I am just here to follow along with my son in his journey.**

Sengoku:**That could be just a rouse. You could be here to distract us so you could get information out of us!**

Me:Aye chill out Sengoku. Let him explain. He might be a wanted criminal but he's still grandpa's son and my father. Even though we've never met before.

Dragon:**Yeah about that. When you are the Leader of the Revolutionary Army you can't just have a child be around you. So i sent you to your grandpa. Hoping he could take care of you. I can see that failed miserably for him. **

Me:I was never one to follow commands from snobbish Marine Captains and protect disgusting World Nobles. The Marines were never an option.

Sengoku:**Mugiwara! How dare you insult the Marines! We are the protectors of the sea! We protect them from pirates like you!**

Me:What about Arlong!? He's still alive and well, killing Innocent people because they are a lower race! What have you guys done about that huh!? At least I'm trying to do something unlike the Marines here at East Blue!

Sengoku:**And why should I expect you to kill Arlong! You could be working secretly with him!**

Garp:**Woah woah woah Sengoku. Do you know what you're saying? You just said that my grandson works together with a guy that kills innocent people. I know my grandson wouldn't do that ever.

Sengoku:**Sorry Garp. It's just that the things that Mugiwara said just got me riled up. I never thought that the prestigious Marines would not protect people instead alligning themselves with murderers. They do that for what? Money? Power? Fame? I don't know anymore. Seems like i was too focused on the things happening in the New World and never focused on the 'Protecting the Seas' thing.

Me:Hey man. No need to put yourself down. You realized the problem before it's to late. If you hadn't, who knows what will happen.

Garp:** What will happen? I never thought of it?**

Me:I don't know grandpa. I don't know.

Dragon:**So what are you doing Luffy?**

Me: I'm bout to wake up a kid i knocked out. Then we should be arriving at Shell Island in 2 hours. I heard there is a bounty hunter named Roronoa Zoro being held prisoner there. I'm gonna recruit him to my crew.

Garp:** You're basically breaking him out of jail. Bounty hasn't been around for 12 hours and it's gonna increase.**

Me:Hey. This is gonna be fun. Who the guy in charge there?

Dragon:**Our sources say that 'Axe Hand' Morgan is in charge there. He extorts money from civilians and executes anyone who disobeys his rules. His son, Helmeppo is holding the strongest swordsman in East Blue, Roronoa Zoro captive for killing his wolf pet. Witnesses say that the Wolf was about to attack a child and Roronoa saved her. Then he willingly gave up and now is being tied up at the execution grounds.**

Me: That's alot of information. And I'll put it to good use. You Said that he's the strongest swordsman in East Blue right?

Dragon:**That's what i said. Is my information wrong?**

Me:Yes. Because you got this guy in front of you being the Strongest Swordsman in East Blue now.

Dragon:**Care to tell me?**

Me:One word. Haki.

Dragon:**That explains it. Never thought you would be a swordsman though.**

Me:I try new things.

(Makinos Bar)

Makinos: That's Luffy's father!? Shanks told me of him. He's the most wanted man in the world for liberating islands and kingdoms from the World Governments rule. His voice is so scary.


Me: Alright i think it's time to wake up the kid.

I then went up to the knocked out Coby who is being leaned up against a wall. I then went for the bathroom and filled up a bucket of cold water. I also didn't forget to bring the camera and my Mushi too. I poured the cold water onto his face. Kinda feel bad because i poured cold water on a kid who doesn't even know what's going on but things are going to get better for him. I hope.

Coby:Guah!!!! Cough!!! Cough!!! Cough!!

Coby jumped up and coughed a little.

Me💭: Shit. Should've poured the water a little softer. Now he's gonna choke.

Coby:Ugh.... Where am I? What happened? I remember someone with a straw hat knocked me out. Where is Alvida?

Me:Alvida is gone kid.

Coby looked up to see the exact guy who was fighting the Alvida Pirates and also knocked him out in the middle of the battle.

Coby :H—how are you still here? You should've been dead by now!? There's no way you defeated Alvida! No! No way! Impossible!

Ipunched him in the head softly. Without Armenant Haki of course. Wouldn't wanna kill him.

Me:Do you see anyone on the ship stopping me? No right? That proves that i defeated them. The least you could do is thank me. Coby :Well thank you ummmmmm....

Me:Luffy. Monkey D. Luffy. Rookie Pirate with a 950,000 Berry bounty.

Coby :My name is Coby. Luffy—san.

Coby: But how did you defeat them? They're very strong you know.

Me:With my sword and my devil fruit powers.

Coby:So they are real!

Me:Yeah. And in the Grand Line there's a lot of people with Devil Fruit powers too.

Coby: I've always wanted to go to the Grand Line as a Marine. But now It can't come true now.

Me: Don't say that Coby! You should chase you dreams no matter what! Even if you have to die trying! My dream is to become the Pirate King and i will do what it takes to become that!

Coby:Are you sure Luffy—san ? What if they find out that I was apart of a pirate crew?

Sengoku:**We'll overlook that as you were forced. No child could be apart of a pirate crew.**

I smiled a traditional Monkey Smile 😁.

Coby :W—who said that!? Come on out! I'll take you on!! I'm not scared of you!!


Garp:Bwahahahahahaha! He thinks you're there 🤣.

Sengoku:I say something and someone gets scared.

Tsuru:Kid's got guts.

Hina:Hina thinks that he will make be a great Marine.

Sengoku:Sure hope so. We don't want another Sakazuki or Kuzan or Aokiji. Or even Nezumi.

Garp: I'm going to kill him if that Nezumi guy shows up here.

Sengoku:When people ask we'll just say that it Garp throwing the trash out.

Garp:Sure they'll buy that excuse?

Sengoku:The Marines believe every word the Fleet Admiral says. So yes, i think they will believe me.

Garp:Hope so.

Me: Shishishishishishi!!!! Coby! There's no one there! It's from my Den Den Mushi.

Coby :Oh. Well who was that who was talking.

Me:Fleet Admiral Sengoku.

Coby:F—f—fleet A—admiral S—se—sengoku. Unhhhhh *Thud*

Me:Well. Guess the name is overwhelming for him.

Sengoku:**Never thought my name would work this well.

Dragon:**Name's bring fear to everyone. Mine especially.**

Me:Yeah. Cuz you fucking look like a devil in the wanted poster dad.

Dragon:**People also will fear your face when you have notoriety.**

Me:When i get a high bounty. I bet people will shut their pants when they see me. Especially the World Nobles. I hope they get diarrhea when they see me.

Dragon:**That would be a funny sight. Wouldn't it Dad?**

Garp:**I'll bring my rice crackers for this occasion. Bwahahaha!*

Me: Alright. You can roast the World Nobles later. Let go check if we arrived at Shell Island.

I went out to the ship deck. I see an Island that has a big shell on it.

Me:Oh! We're here. I need to write a note to Coby.

I found a piece of paper that was the bounty of Alvida. And wrote on the back. Here's what it says.

Coby. Please meet me at the Marines Base when you wake up immediately. Ask for directions if you need to.

Yours truly

Monkey D Luffy

Future Pirate King.

I put the note down right beside Coby and went up to the wheel and guided the ship to a dock.

Random dude:Hey! You have to pay for docking!

Me:How much?

Random dude:For one hour it's 200 Berry's.

Me: 6 hours.

Random dude:1200 Berry's.

Me:Whye do we need to pay you for docking.

Random dude: Beacuse you can't dock here forever. If you do then that would be unfair to others.

Me:What about the Marines?

The man visibly shivered when i said the word 'Marines'

Random dude:Free of charge.

Me: That's nice for them.

Random dude:I—i need to go now. Have a nice stay at Shells Island and please come back again.

Me:Sure will man. *Monkey Smile.*

The man ran away holding his money. Leaving a cloud of dust behind him.

Me:Jeez. They're that scared of the Marines.


Hina :Admiral. Did you see that man shiver when Mugiwara—san said 'Marines'?

Sengoku:Yes. How bad is the situation for the public to be scared of us?

Tsuru:Most likely very bad. How do we deal with this?

Garp:We have a cypher team right here with us for a reason. Let's put them to work!

Sengoku: Tomorrow. I want all of you to find me everything you can about the files of the Marines situated in East Blue. We'll start with the peaceful place first.

Cypher:Yes sir!

Sengoku:Good. Now let's continue watching.

The Marines saw me walked towards the Marine Base. When the Base was in view, i stood at the gate and Smiled a Monkey Smile 😁.

Dragon:**Shit's going to happen.**

Tsuru:Luffy better put one hell of a show for wasting my time.

Hina:Hina hopes he does.

Garp: Don't worry guys! The brat can put up one hell of a show!

Sengoku: Let's hope the show doesn't go to far. I don't want to deal with infrastructure damage outside of the marine base.