Y'all have been waiting for this

(Stones, Comment and Love you guys 😘)

Me:Here they come. Get ready Zoro. Activate Armament Haki when i tell you to. Do you remember how to?

Zoro :I remember the feeling.

Me: That's great.

Marines come from the gate with rifles and swords at hand. The Marines that are holding the rifles crouched down and aimed it at us.

Me:Can you block bullets?

Zoro : I'm not that fast.

Me:I can. But if it's bullets with Haki I'm done.

Zoro :Oh?

Me:Haki can damage Logia Types.

Me💭:Even though I'm a Zoan Type.

Me: it's okay Zoro. We can improve on that part later.

Helmeppo:Father they hurt me! Punish them!

Morgan:Shut up! *Smacks him away.*

I got a look of rage in my eyes.

Me💭: Even though he was a brat he does not deserve that, no could should deserve that.

Me: Why'd you hit him! You're his father!

Morgan:You don't tell me how i parent my child criminal. Surrender to the Axe Hand Morgan or die like the criminals you are!

Me: Seriously 😒. You think we're gonna surrender to you? I'd rather surrender to Fleet Admiral Sengoku than surrendering to scum like you!

Morgan:Why you! Marines Fire! Show no mercy!

Marine :Yes sir!


Hina:Hina wonders if those Marines are stupid or not. Why do they answer to that guy? He clearly doesn't care about them.

Tsuru: I don't know Hina. I don't know. I guess they fear that Morgan is going to do something to them.

Sengoku:I have an idea. I wanna send someone here to deal with them.

Hina : Send Hina. Hina wants to fight scum marines and put pirate scum to jail as well.

Sengoku:I think Hina should be enough. Do we have any disagreement?

Garp:Can i go?

Sengoku:No Garp you can't go! What would the people think when we send an Vice Admiral to solve this? They would laugh at us!

Garp:Then let them! At least we're doing something and saving their asses.

Sengoku: Fine! But you are to deal with Arlong!

Garp: I'll wait for a bit.

Sengoku:Huh! You can just do that now!

Garp: I'll wait for my grandson to get there.

Hina : Can Hina go to do her job now?

Sengoku: You will leave tomorrow.

Garp:This is going to be funny.

Sengoku:How so?

Tsuru:What Garp means is that it will be funny when people see Marines and Pirates working together.

Garp:Like the God Valley incident! Those were good times.

Marine : What's the God Valley incident sir?

Garp:A great time for Pirates and Marines.

Marine : Alright.

Marine 2: Oh look they're about to fight!

The Admirals looked back at the screen.

(Fight scene)

Me:Zoro now!

Zoro:On it!

Wado's blade turned pitch black. Though it did lose color for a little while. Zoro seems really focused on keeping the Haki on the blade.

Me:If you run out of energy don't put Haki on Wado anymore alright?

Zoro:Who Said I'll run out of energy?

Me: I'm just saying.

Morgan:Fire! Show no Mercy!


Bullets were flying towards me fast but i was not fazed. I took out my sword and cut the bullets in half. Zoro decided to hide behind me because he can't deflect bullets.Not yet anyway. Coby hid behind the cross with his small body.

After the barrage ended with no one getting hurt. The Marines stared at me with shock.

Marine:M—monster!!! Run!!!!

Morgan slashed the marine that shouted in the chest with his axe hand.

Morgan:Shut up coward! Marines! If you defeat these two! I'll give you advanced pay! And also fun with the ladies!!! You wanna have fun!!!???

Me, Zoro's and Coby's eyes widen.

Me:The fuck?

Zoro :Should we kill them?

Coby:So Luffy—san was right! There are bad Marines!


Sengoku: Alright that does it! Hina !

Hina :Yes Admiral !

Sengoku : Forget departing tomorrow! Depart now! Who knows what the other Marines situated there have done to the civilian populace!

Hina:Yes Admiral!

Hina immediately got up and went to the docks. She went to her battle ship and ordered her crew to immediately sail to East Blue. The Marines didn't ask why as it seemed very important. But one Marine was very brave enough to ask her why.

Hina: Sengoku has ordered Hina to go catch scum marines and pirates alike.

The Marines were whispering because their captain said that they're gonna catch Marines.

Hina:Go to channel six on the Television and you'll find out. I'll explain it on the way.


Tsuru:Did you had to rush her Sengoku?

Sengoku:Yes i had to Tsuru. I fear it's too late to fix it.

Tsuru:We can still try Sengoku.

Garp:Yeah Sengoku when have you given up on stuff.

Sengoku took a deep breath and the fire in his eyes returned.

Sengoku: You're right i shouldn't give up on this. We will fix the damage even though we will need to work with pirates. But the pirates that we will work with are good ones so I'm okay with it.

Garp:Now there's the Sengoku i know!

Tsuru smirked. That's all she did.

(Back to fight)

Zoro :Luffy. I think we should kill em all.

Me: They've gone too far. It seems they are more driven by money and power and not protecting the people. This is why I've always refuse my grandpa's offer to become a Marine.

Zoro :We doing this?

Me: Fuck yeah.

I charged to them in a blinding speed. I slashed at one of them. I turned and sliced the rifle and the man in half.


Marine:Ukkk!.. Ukk!.. Ukk.. *Thud*

Zoro:So he does know how to use a sword. I though he was lying to me.

Zoro ran to the nearest guy. The marine swung down his sword.

Marine :Ahhhhh!

Zoro parried it last second and it broke the Marines guard. Ghost of Tsushima style. Zoro then slashes down and it cut the Marine I'm half perfectly.

Zoro:This Haki thing is sweet!

Zoro then slashed two more that were about to sneak attack him. Then a big Marine came.

Big Chunky:You won't be able to get past me!

Zoro:Ittoryou: Heavenly Slash !

Zoro moved at a blinding pace and sliced the Marines side quickly. Zoro then swiped his sword to clean the blood off.Bug Chunky fell down with a


Marine:H—he defeated B—big Chunky.

Big Boi:But he can't defeat me!

I went to the Big Boi and sliced his neck.

*Shing!* *Splash!*

There was a big gash on the side of his neck. The Big Boi was now kneeling to the ground holding his neck trying to stop the bleeding. But it was too late.

Bug Boi:H—how—


I slice of his head clean. His head rolled towards the Marines who stared at me and Zoro in shocked.

Marine:Monsters! Run for you lives!!!


Morgan, seeing the Marines running for their lives got angry AF and ran towards them.

Morgan:Cowards! You shouldn't live at all!!! Hah!

Morgan tried to slash the nearest Marine.


Morgan :Huh?

Zoro: We're not done with you Morgan.

Me: You're gonna die now!