
(Stones and 😘)

Morgan jumped back.

"Tch! How dare you those cowards deserve to die!" Morgan said angrily at me.

"Those "cowards" did the right thing to run away. They were going to die for your ambition!" I glared at Morgan angrily. Scume like this deserve to die. Like the criminals in my last world.

"Those people don't understand my ambition! You two don't understand my ambition!" Morgan said like he was proud of it.

"So what's your ambition then Morgan?!" I asked amused.

"I will never tell pirate scum my ambition! Now prepare to die by my axe hand!" Morgan got ready to charge at us.

"Get ready for our special move Morgan!" Me And Zoro also got ready.

"Special move? Since when do we have a special move?" Zoro whispered.

"Just follow me and you'll see." I said back.

I ran up to Morgan with Zoro following me. I was on the left and Zoro was on the right. Zoro was still confused on what was i trying to do but he will find out soon. Morgan seeing that we were attacking stopped getting ready to charge at us. He instead defended himself. I then raised my Haki covered sword and Zoro did the same. But suddenly I changed my direction and went right. Zoro seeing what I was doing changed his direction too. What you see is two swords doing the X shape.

"You won't get through scum!" Morgan raised up his axe to block but he wasn't fast enough.

"Oden Nittoryu— Oh wait wrong name!


"Nittoryu: Pirates Will!"

Our swords broke Morgan's axe and we cut his chest. Leaving a bloody X shape.



Both if his hands got cut off from the swing. I feel sorry for the people watching. The floor must be full of puke. Feel sorry for Ririka.

Morgan didn't even shouted anything. He just stared in shock as he fell down. The only words he said were


Today. Captain Morgan, dictator of Shells Island has been brutally killed but the Straw Hat Pirates. The Pirates are the saviors of this Island and the Island will be forever grateful to them.

"Zoro. We should loot this place and fast." I said.

"Why? Stealing's bad." Zoro said to me.

I looked at him like he was some kind of retard.

"Bro! We're pirates! Stealing's normal for us!" I said.

Zoro realized what he was now and just said.

"Oh yeahhhhh. I forgot."

"Fucking idiot." I said in my head of course.

"Let's just go loot this place. This place must have a lot of money. We'll give some of them to the civilians and keep the rest for ourselves." I said while heading to the tower.


We looted the place. We found a lot of money, swords that are worth nothing. And evidence that Morgan is a corrupt asshole. I took the evidence and money.

"We don't have to stay here long but you're very hungry right Zoro?" I asked my friend.

"I am starving. Let's go to that kid's restaurant." Zoro said while rubbing his stomach.

"Yes. But we shouldn't stay long. Marines will find us eventually. People will also stare at us."

"Why?" Zoro asked.

I held up the camera for Zoro to see. He looked puzzled then shocked.

"You filmed that? But how'd you show it on TV?"

"I just disconnected channel 6 and put mine on."

"Yeah but how does that work?" Zoro asked apparently interested.

"I don't know either man." I said sheepishly. I honestly didn't really know how that worked. I just know the basics.


"So he defeated him huh? Paperwork's gonna be a headache." Sengoku said rubbing his head.

"The show was wonderful! Too bad it ended so soon!" Garp said. He is happy that the scummy Marine is killed by his grandson and his swordsman friend.

"Now we have to worry about both of their bounties." Garps wife and Luffy's grandson, Tsuru chided in.

"Bounty? Oh yeah. He did kill a Marine Captain. Hope it's high!" Garp said excitedly.

"Stupid! You want our grandson be hunted by Marines!?" Tsuru said angrily.

"From what we can see Tsuru. Mugiwara and Roronoa can defend themselves pretty well. They both have Haki. Although the swordsman's Haki is untrained. When it is, they are pretty unstoppable in the East Blue."

"Hmph. Fine! Raise their bounties. But if I find out it's unreasonably high I swear..." Tsuru said angrily.

"Don't worry Tsuru. Sengoku isn't like that." Garp comforted his wife. Which apparently he can do.

(Back to Me)

We arrived at the restaurant. All of the people stared at us like we're celebrities while we sat on our seats. Even Nami stared at me.

I turned to look at them. "What are you guys staring at huh? It looks creepy you know." They immediately stopped looking at me. Probably because they saw what we did to Morgan. They didn't want that to happen to them.

After eating 10 plates of food. Me and Zoro immediately went to our ship because I told him I sensed Marines coming our way. Coby followed us.

"Coby. Why don't you register for the Marines. Your dream is to be one right?"

"But what if they find out about me being a past pirate." Coby asked me.

"You were forced to become a pirate Coby. Besides, they will never find out about it." I said.

"Well what about the head of Alvida Luffy—san? Didn't you say you were going to a bounty office to get the money?" Coby asked again.

"We got more than enough from the tower Coby. Now it's time to go now." I said while leaving.

"It's been nice knowing you Luffy —san! I'll work hard to become a great Marine!" Coby shouted.

"Sure you will Coby. Goodbye for now." I waved goodbye to Coby. He waved back. We then got far and far away from Coby till I can't see him anymore.

"Let's go Zoro. I gotta go draw the Jolly Roger." I said while rushing to the ship.

"Okay?" Zoro was wondering why a Pirate flags was so important but he followed his captain's orders.