Heading to Orange Town

"So what do you think about the flag Zoro?" Luffy asked his vice captain, Zoro. The flag was laid out on the ground. The drawing was pretty good in Luffy'd standards. It pretty much looks like the OG one. Except for the fact that Luffy isn't done with it. He needs all of the crew for it to be done.

Zoro looked at the flag. He was impressed, he didn't think his captain who fights can have the patience to sit and draw.

"It looks pretty nice. Except for the fact that you only put your own straw hat in there. Which only identifies you, not the whole crew." Zorro added.

"Yeah about that, we need the full crew to be able to complete the Jolly Roger. I don't want to draw like twenty Jolly Roger's everytime I get a new member. " Luffy said to Zoro.

" Okay. So what now? What do we do? Where do we go? " Zoro asked, sitting beside his captain.

" We got to Orange Island to stock up on supplies, get new training equipment for you and me. " Luffy said.

" Okay sounds like a plan. " Zoro said.

" Tell me more about Haki Luffy. I still haven't gotten over the fact that I have this power hidden inside me. " Zoro said.

" Let me put it in simple terms for you Zoro. Armament is for hardening your body and swords if you use them. Observation is for dodging your opponents attacks, sensing very far away. If you're very good in it, you could potentially see the future for a while. " Luffy said before taking a breath but Zoro intervened.

" So if I train in these two a lot I can do all of those." Zoro said.

"There's a lot more to that than the ones that I mentioned but yes, you could do all of them if you train very hard every single day. That's what I did, and you could too if you have drive and will to train. " Luffy said.

" Alright, but back there you mentioned that there's a third one. What is it Conquerors Haki or something? " Zoro asked.

" Conquerors Haki. You use your will to knock out other people. There's a lot more to that but this is the main thing people know about Haki. Only a select few have that power. I'm one of them. I think the Pirate King Gold Roger also had it. The Yonko definitely have it. Admiral Sengoku also has it as well. " Luffy counted of the people that has Conquerors Haki.

" So what you're saying is that strong people have it." Zoro said.

"Anybody could have it. You could even have it Zoro." I said. This is true, Zoro doesn't unlock Haki until he is at Wano.

"But what if I don't have it, wouldn't that be a big disadvantage to me. The other users can just knock me out and I would be done for. " Zoro said.

" Well you can just resist it if you have a strong will." Luffy said picking his nose.

"So I have to train in that as well." Zoro said. He was determined to get stronger if it means fighting thousands of enemies in his journey.

"Yes. Fortunately you have a guy here who has Conquerors Haki so you can have a good feeling of what is feels like and also have a good defense against it." Luffy said.

"So how about some training right now Zoro?" Luffy said getting up.

" Training? What kind of training?" Zoro said getting up as well.

" Full Activation of Armament Haki." Luffy said.

"But I thought I can activate it already." Zoro said confused.

"Full Activation means that you can activate Armament Haki with a single thought." Luffy said.

"And why is that important?" Zoro said.

"It is important because what if the next time you try to activate Armament Haki you fail to do so? We don't want to rely on luck to activate Armament Haki or any other types of Haki." Luffy said.

" So what you're saying is I need to be able to activate Armament Haki every time I want to. " Zoro said.

"100% chance of activation every time you fight or train. We got to achieve that goal first so we can do more." Luffy said.

" So what are we standing here for? " Zoro said.

" I gotta hang the Jolly Roger first before we can do that. It shouldn't take to long because I have rubber hands." Luffy said before stretching his hands to the top of the flag pole.

"I forgot he could do that. Someday he's gonna give me a heart attack. " Zoro said to himself while waiting for Luffy to hang the Jolly Roger.

(After hanging the Jolly Roger)

"Alright so should we train?" Luffy said jumping down from the flag pole.

"Yeah let's start. Gimme your hardest training session." Zoro said getting ready.

"Bro you just had a battle like one hour ago so why you pushing yourself? You should slow down. We have a lot of time before we get to Orange Island. I bet you could complete your goal by the time we get there." Luffy said calming down Zoro.

" Okay I guess that's logical. Then give me your second hardest one. " Zoro said.

" That'll still kill you. I'll give you the fourth hardest one. That'll at least give you a challenge but won't kill you by the time training ends." Luffy said.

" Then what the hell are we waiting for then?" Zoro said.

" Yeah let's do this. Don't cry after this Zoro. " Luffy said smirking.

"I think you'll cry after this. " Zoro said smirking.

" We'll see." Luffy said getting ready.

(After one hour of battling and Zoro losing over and over again)

"Alright let's end this. You're clearly running out of steam." Luffy said.

" Yeah .... I think we should.... " Zoro wanted to finish his sentence but can't because he's tired as fuck.

"I told you, you shouldn't train when you've never eaten in ten days and you've just had a battle. Why do people never listen to me. " Luffy complained.

" Uh Luffy I gotta tell you something. " Zoro said.

" Did I crack one of your ribs when I punched you or something Zoro. If so you could punch me back. " Luffy said.

" No it's just that I got the feeling that we're not alone on this ship. " Zoro said.

" What do you mean Zoro?" Luffy said. He knows who's on this ship and it's his resident thief/ future navigator .

"I think there's someone spying on us." Zoro said getting up.