"Dad, he can heal a lot of injuries, but it's not very fast. Try and sever his arm and I'll run with it." Faith told me. She slowly peeked her head from my body covering her and I nodded, focusing on Cole again.
The fight had grown stale, as it would end with me running out of energy, and Cole healing it all back. As long as Boo is keeping Fico occupied, I can successfully do enough damage to Cole. All we have to do is separate his body before he can repair it.
I ran at him again and Cole caught onto the strategy.
The Retriever from earlier that caught Faith and brought her here, wrapped around my ankles and threw me up in the air, before slamming me into the ground.
Shike's ability saved my life as I absorbed the kinetic energy, and sent it right back through the chain that comprised The Retriever.
The reverberation of the chain bouncing from the energy caused Cole's hand to pop off his body, and Faith kicked him in the face before spinning with her saber, which cut him up even more.
Cole tried to slam the mace head into Faith, but by using Alexia's Ability, I was able to shrink it down to a minuscule size.
Faith planted her heel into Cole's jaw and took it straight off of his body.
She landed on the ground, grabbed both of his legs, and lifted him off of the ground.
That girl has some strength...
Faith pushed him into a rock in the middle of town, punched him in the throat, jumped over the rock with her saber against his neck, and held it with her opposite hand, trapping him against the wall unless he decapitated himself.
I summoned a spike of ice directly at his head and took it off of his body anyway, successfully decapitating him and leaving his body limp and defeated against the rock.
Our cooperation left his head separated from his body... and a win for the fight.
Or, so we thought.
His head immediately came back to his body, no matter if it was pierced, and he stood up without any injuries.
"Don't make me use the Incarnation," Cole told the both of us.
Something about the way he said that made me nervous... like he hadn't been using the Incarnation this entire time...
"I told Dani that I was twice as strong as Illya, and I'm sure you had connections to her before she died, right? However, I bet you're very confused about that. How am I twice as strong as that bitch, but I can't beat the two of you? I think the answer is very simple, but can you find it?" Cole asked me.
I waited as long as possible to answer him, acting like I was thinking when I was really stalling for time.
"It's not because I'm physically stronger than that bitch, it's because I can't die or take damage," Cole said to us.
"I think that's arguable, considering that you were just decapitated a moment ago." Faith said with a smirk.
"And look where that has led you? I'm still standing and well... and you two are showing signs of slowing down. Doesn't that mean that by default, I win?" Cole asked the both of us with his arms spread open as if he was claiming victory.
"Then, why is Fico stronger than you? Why aren't you the leader of Quake, if you aren't invincible? Don't you think that is a question that holds more weight than any of your attacks?" Faith asked.
Cole shot a glare at her and smiled.
"Fine, you got me. I do have a weakness, but you'll never find it. Not as you are right now." Cole enticed us with that small bit of hope, but it appeared that he did it on purpose.
"You still want to go? Knowing that I can't die?" Cole specifically asked me.
"I don't think I have much of a choice, do I?" I returned his question with a brandished saber, and Faith followed right behind me.
I do have an idea... but it would include using Alexia's Ability to the next level. I would have to shrink his body so it's anatomically impossible to put together.
I ran at him once more my extended saber, not having any regard for Faith's location... for good reason.
Every time I swung it and it wrapped around to her position, Faith jumped over it, ducked over it, or flipped over it as she needed to, closing the distance on Cole from a distance. I kept swinging it at Cole, but his mace head and The Retriever were both blocking it without any trouble at all.
It wasn't until Faith snuck up behind him that he turned his body, and immediately forfeited this encounter.
I jumped onto his back and wrapped my arm around his throat, squeezing it as tightly as possible.
"When I was fighting Providence and when I killed her, I happened to realize something quite important. Oxygen is still something we both need." I told him, squeezing even tighter.
Faith ran over and dug her saber into his chest, puncturing his heart, and his lungs, and then cutting him in half, leaving his upper half to me.
I pushed ice into the ground and rose myself up about twenty feet, all while holding his throat closed with my arm. Meanwhile, Faith held the rest of his body on the ground with a saber pinning him down.
Cole started to scramble for ideas to fix the situation he was in, but all that would be left of him was one last struggle before I choked him out.
Again, I had been wrong.
Cole immediately regenerated his body up by me and the part by Faith simply disappeared. When Cole grabbed onto my throat, I unleashed the kinetic energy I stored up with Shike's Ability, and launched him into a nearby building on accident.
He hit it, cracked some windows on the wall, and landed on the ground without issue.
"That's just simply not true," Cole suggested, standing up, with no injuries again.