
When the bus stopped at another bus station, they climbed out and went away, she led him to the orphanage and before heading there she bought somethings on the way.

They arrived at the orphanage and she was warmly welcomed by the children. She was surrounded and this made him realized she really does come here every Sunday, the children already recognize and were expecting her. Soon, she played a game with them and any child who won gets a lollipop she bought earlier before getting to the orphanage.

Now he knew why she bought so many, he enjoyed watching her and her smile looks so genuine, he never knew she could be this playful and cheerful. Her face glowed, she looked really excited.

Afterwards the children left to have lunch and he went to sit with her on a bench in the garden. "You must be thirsty" he guessed right and handed her a bottle of water he got earlier. She offered a smile and collected the bottle, she couldn't opened the bottle but kept trying. Eric opened his and handed his to her, collecting hers.

"Why do you come to the orphanage?" He asked but not curious to know because he wasn't sure she'd reply.

"Because I know how it feels to be left without a parent and also be abandoned" she replied. He turned to her feeling sorry for her.

"Don't look at me that way. I hate it" she frowned at him and then he forced a smile on his face.

"I wanna ask more questions but I'm not going to" he said.

"Good" she said and looked around. Her gaze landed on the reception to see a baby in one of the caregiver's hand.

The poor child abandoned so early. She dropped the bottle with her and went to the caregiver.

"Can I carry her?" She asked when she saw the baby, she couldn't guess how old she is but could tell it's a girl because of her dress and her beautiful small face.

"Sure" she was handed to Lucy gently, she moved slightly with the baby in her hands.

"Why is she here so early?" She asked looking at the baby girl.

"After birth, her father beats her mother up until she wasn't able to breathe so he's in jail and they got no other family members" she replied. "That's all I know" the lady in uniform explained.

Lucy was so disheartened to hear that, she was unhappy for the baby. Why are some men just so heartless? She recalled her dad was never like that. He's caring, funny, loving, he's always there for her. She never lacked until he abandoned her, she's still upset with him but misses him and loves him even when he's gone. "Poor girl" she said in an emotional tone. "I'd be taking her to sit there" Lucy informed the lady in uniform and she nodded approvingly when she saw the direction Lucy pointed at. Lucy slowly walked back to sit on the bench with Eric.

"She's pretty right?" she asked the man who had be watching her the whole time she was with the caregiver but really didn't care about his opinion about the baby girl.

"She is pretty" he said simply also staring at the baby.

"She's also abandoned and so early. You know if I ever have a child, I'd never abandoned that child" she said as if making a vow but mentioning 'if' sounded like she doesn't have plans to have a child. He stared at her and could see how broken she is. It was written all over her face. Is that why she hasn't treated herself because she doesn't wants to live? Is the world really mean to her? He wondered but what if he becomes a good reason for her to live? What if he makes her happy and become a good reason to want life? He smiled at his thoughts, just like in romantic novels the other being the reason for the other to live. He'd want that for Lucy. She's so caring, she deserves to be happy.

"I'll also never abandon my child" he said and she stared at him with a sweet smile as if telling him it was the right thing to do. He loves her sweet smile. He never imagined the naughty Lucy he met months ago being this caring. She's cute.

Just then the baby began to cry. Lucy swinged her hands and tried to stop her from crying but couldn't. "Seems she's hungry" she said and then turned to him. "Can you carry her while I go get her milk?" She asked. He nodded and then she stood up, gently placed her on his arms and Eric's heart melt, oh! It was so warm carrying a baby. The last time he carried a baby was when his little sister was brought to this world.

This baby is just so cute, he continued to stare at her and did the same thing Lucy was doing to her earlier. Seeing this child made him imagine having a baby with the woman he loves so much. His cheek flushed as he played with her but no success in stopping her from crying.

Lucy straightened her shirt when she stood up. "I'd be right back" she said and left after he nodded.

When she came back, her face expression changed. What happened? Eric wondered. When she sat down, he handed the girl back to her and gently and quietly she fed her.

"Are you okay?" He leaned closer to look at her face, tilting his head. She met his gaze and faked a smile. "I'm fine" she said. "Just that the children here aren't" she added.

"Why? What happened to them?" He asked as he leaned back.

"The expenses are too much and the government's donation aren't enough" she said. "I just wish I have a lot to donate, I would because those children needs it. They don't have parents at least the government should be able to help them and comfort them but they aren't doing enough" she sounded like she's the one affected, she sounded worried, sad, disappointed and desperately wants to help.

"Is that why you are looking so sad? Okay I'll do something about it" he told her. She averted her gaze to him looking surprised.

He smiled. "She's asleep.... Stop feeding her" he informed Lucy and she stopped feeding the child, she stood up with the bottle ready to return the child. "I'd go hand her to the caregiver" she said.

"Lucy" he stopped her halfway, she turned around.

The both of them were walking side by side on the road quietly until her stomach growled, feeling hungry. She stopped by a shop and sat on a bench. Eric sat next to her and she ordered for a burger and ice tea. She handed him one and she took the other.

She's being so nice to him because of what he did earlier. He actually donated two million dollars to the orphanage which was more than enough for the children. She was really impressed and happy.

He stuffed the bread in his mouth and then chewed it while drinking the ice tea. It was his first time eating in a place like this and also eating something like this burger but it tasted okay.

Lucy stared at him admiring him and down to his neck, she stared at his Adam's apple making funny movement, she smiled and then her gaze moved down to his unbuttoned shirt at the top and saw his bare skin, she moved her gaze to his lips and remembered the first time she kissed him. Well, then she didn't get a good taste of his lips. She stopped looking at him and continued to eat.

In the end, they went through the bus again, they sat the same way they sat in the morning. When the bus started, she looked at him. "Mister, I'm really happy you gave those children a lot of donations. They really would be happy about it. I thank you for that" she said looking really sleepy. She then looked out the window.

Eric looked at her and smiled. "It's nothing" he said, afterwards they were enveloped in silence and soon. She felt a magnetic force between her eyelids. It was becoming so heavy and she was feeling really sleepy, eventually she stop fighting the urge to sleep and fell asleep.

Eric slowly felt her head fell on his shoulder, he was shocked and turned to her, she still had that her sweet smiley face making her look like a person with no problems at all and looked like she's having a sweet dream as she closed her eyes. Her head slowly slipped off his shoulder so he shrugged his shoulder slightly and made use of his hands to place her head properly on his shoulder.

He impressed and made her happy today, he keeps thinking about the whole day, she playing with those children and her smile reminded him of his little sister. He turned on his phone and took a picture of the both of them being so close. It's going to be part of his best memories and then he stared at the photo before smiling.

He wanted to be her friend and be a good reason for her to see the good side of life. She's broken and devastated being all alone without her parents, he wondered where they are. He had his dad and mom until his Mom left for good. Losing a loved one is really the most devastating thing that could ever happen to anyone. Losing his mother also turned him to a different person.

He turned his gaze back to Lucy, she was sleeping peacefully and without worries, he likes her being asleep because she wouldn't be in pain the world had caused her and would be in her dream world smiling making her look like an exciting baby.

He recalled her smiley gaze on him when eating the burger, she stared at him as if he was something she was telling herself she'd have some day. He stroked her cheek and then the bus stopped, she became awake but not fully awake. They left the bus station after dropping down from the bus. They walked silently down the street but she keeps stumbling with her eyes half closed, he walked more faster than she does all the time.

So Eric went back to her and piggy backed her, she relented and slept on his back, she was so light meaning she had lost a lot of weight. It caused Eric to be more worried for her.