New look

Lucy was in her room that morning staring at her view in the mirror. She took her hair and thought she should change her hair look, beside it had gone to long as it falls off. Just then she heard knocks from the door. Who could that be? Eric? That man doesn't Inform her because coming to her house. "Who is it?" She cried out

"Lucy" she heard her name and she went to unlock the door to see who she wasn't expecting to see. Daniel.

"Daniel?" She was surprised, what's he doing here? If he's here to call her back to work well, Hell No! She's not working with him again!

"Good morning" he greeted. She eyed him and then he offered her a bouquet of flowers. She looked down at it.

"What are you doing here?" She asked with a stern and not amicable look.

"I'm here to apologize to you" he replied. Yes, he's here to apologize. After so many thoughts, he realized he's the one who was wrong. She doesn't like being scolded and treated like she's some instrument. He should have known that by now so he's here to apologize and if possible bring her back to work..

He asked if he could come in through his gaze and she left the door entrance. He closed the door behind him. "Lucy..."

"What?" She turned to him and he outstretched the bouquet of flowers to her. She took it and dropped it on the table.

"I'm sorry" he said. "I shouldn't have yell at you and act like we aren't friends. I was just not in a good mood then. I'm sorry if I went too far" he apologized.

Lucy only stared at him and looked away. "Lucy..." He reached for her.

"Okay, I've heard you" she replied. No human is perfect anyway, now that he has apologized it's okay, she isn't upset anymore.

"Does that mean..." He couldn't finish because she interrupted him.

"You once told you that you wouldn't smash things to the ground but you did it again, which means I'm totally nothing to you, I'm just a woman you hired and want to treat like you own so I'm not coming back to work with you"

"I'm sorry Lucy... I just lost it please come back to work" he pleaded with her. She turned away declining.

"Lucy please..."

"Why should I Daniel? Why should I work with you? You scolded me and because you pay me you act like you own me... Daniel I accept your apology but working with you isn't part of the theory" she said.

He stared at her for a while and went closer to her. She wondered what he was up to. "Daniel..." And then he pulled her in and hugged her so tight. She sensed that he really needed a hug but went to the wrong person.

"I know... I know I treated you badly and I understand if you don't want to come back to work... It's okay" he whispered, with her body pressed against his. Slowly and gently she pushed him off and met his sad looking eyes. "I'm leaving soon...for a week" he told her. Her stern look vanished slowly off her face.

"Why?" She asked.

"It's necessary I leave... I came so we could be in good terms and wanted to see you" he said.

Lucy stared at him before going to sit on a plastic chair. "When are you leaving then?" She asked.

"Later today" he replied. "So I'd be leaving soon"

"Is that why you were disturbed?"

He nodded. "Yes" he whispered.

"Safe travels then" she said and stood up with a sigh.

"Will you return to work when I'm back?" He tried again.

"I'd think about it'

"Hope you come back" he whispered.

"Umn" she said Inside of her.

She gestured for them to go out of her house and when they were out, she closed the door behind her and escorted him to his car.

With his car door opened. "See you Lucy. I'd miss you... Bye" he told her.

She waved at him. "See you too, bye!" She said and he smiled. He started the engine and drove off.

Oh, he's so lonely, if only he never scolded her and pushed her she'd have tried to comfort him because she knows how it feels to be alone and distressed, she doesn't know why he's in that state but he's not fine, she hopes he becomes fine when he's back.

She went back in to see the flowers he left, she sighed and called her friend. Tory decided to come over instead and when she did, she came without Vanessa.

They both sat on the floor when Tory noticed the flowers. Then she turned to her friend with a teasing look. "Will you explain what that is?" She requested for an explanation.

Lucy looked at the flowers and showed no expression. "It's for an apology" she said.

"Really?!" Tory's face lit up, she went closer to her friend and grabbed her shoulders. "Ohh, Lucy you finally got a boyfriend!" She said and stood up on her feet bringing Lucy with her. "I'm so happy for you!" She jumped in excitement.

Lucy was surprised by her actions. "Tory! Tory! I don't have a boyfriend!" She said and the excited Tory stopped jumping and her happy face vanished.

"I disappointed you right?" Lucy asked and sat back down. "I don't have a boyfriend and not ready, maybe I'm ready but find it hard to open up my heart. I'm scared that I'd get hurt again and left all alone like my parents did. Do you blame me Tory?" She asked and Tory face had sadness written on it. She lowered herself and sat back down.

"I don't blame you, giving it a try might hurt but if you don't how will you find the one? What if you never get hurt? What if you find the one that wouldn't leave you or hurt you? So just give it a try okay?" She touched her friend's shoulder.

"It would hurt so much if I get broken again. I don't know if I'd be able to live with it after"

Tory sighed and pulled her in for a warm hug. "You have to try, you can't be alone forever... Just believe and wish for a good fate" Tory said and stroked Lucy's hair.

Later that day, they went to a hair salon, Lucy cut her hair to her mid back and change it to a little Ash blonde hair. She looked really beautiful and decided to let her hair down. Tory took a lot of pictures and complimented her look. She looked more gorgeous and eventually they left the salon.

On their way back to her house she spotted Edward coming from a place that led to her street. She knew there was something skeptical about him. She turned to her friend and received a questioning look. "I'd explain to you later, just follow me" she told her and took her hand before trailing Edward.

Edward stopped by his motorcycle that was by the road. Then he received a call.

Lucy was standing behind a wall wanting to get some information.

"I couldn't find her Ma but I assure you that she's okay" he told someone on phone.

Wait... Who's the 'her'? Could she perhaps be the 'her' he's talking about? But who would want so many information about her?

She left her hiding place and pretended she was passing by, well, she was until she saw him.

"Edward...." She made it sound like she couldn't believe it was him.

He turned around only to forget how to breathe. "Oh... Lucy" he managed to say and hung up the call.

"What are you doing here?" She asked.

"Ahh... I was passing by so I stopped to get..." He looked around and saw a shop that sells fried chicken. "Ah... To get fried chicken" he finished. "Well, I have things to do so I'd get going..."

Lucy gave a suspicious look and went closer to smell his scent but he smelt not like fried chicken.

"Okay.." she said.

"See you then" he said and put on his helmet before waving at her and started the engine before driving off.

Lucy trialled him with her eyes until it landed on Tory's questioning face.

She sighed. "I find him dubious Tory" she said but all Tory requested was how she knew him. So she narrated all that had been going on the past few weeks as they walked back home.