The One Who Can Shine The Brightest

[Three Years Prior]

"Hey, Sol!"

The streets were bustling, full of passing cars and busy people, all who seemed to have a place to go.

On the other hand, he walked without a care beside his schoolyard friends. They were delinquents; people that didn't strive to aim high, and only to do what they wanted.

To him, they were cool.


Again, his name was called, this time pulling him from his daydreaming-mind as he looked forward to his blonde-haired, tan-skinned friend.


The delinquent friend of his certainly looked the part; blonde, wild hair, an unnatural tan, piercings on his ears and lips, and their school uniform, unbuttoned and open.

"Hurry up, would you? My guy isn't going to wait all day for us."


He followed along, rushing down the sidewalk as he followed his friend, against his better judgment.