Wrath of Hades

After both of them cleared their respective floors, they met in the stairwell.

Sol had a victorious, proud smile on his lips as he approached him while bashfully running his fingers through his unkempt, hazel locks.

"Yo, Jeong-Hui!" Sol greeted him as they both met on the mid-section between both floors on the stairwell, "I ran into a giant insect, but I managed to defeat it. Not a biggy. What about you?"

In contrast to Sol's proud expression, what he wore was a solemn look of lamentation that quickly caused Sol's own smile to fade as he realized what that look could mean.

"Jeong-Hui? What's up…?" Sol asked.

He looked up, "Ho-Jun and Junsu…they…"

Before he could finish as his words lingered with hesitation to embed such a reality, Sol began to realize what was being told to him as his eyes widened in disbelief.

"They're dead," he finally got out with it.

"No way…" Sol said quietly.