Roxy's problems with Lust

"Did he just say that to me?" Lust complains as Jikun shrugs her shoulders and moves away from the scene. She only knew that Gluttony had put a spell on her, too, and they saw Roxy twisting and turning from where she was on her small and cozy bed.

"Whoa, where do you think you're going, Jikun?" Asks the sin as Jikun looks up and down at him.

"I remember I told you that I'm not in the mood for you to stick inside me. I'm done. you're boring to me too." She tells a white lie. Who was she kidding? It was Lust himself as an embodiment of the sin.

"Are you joking with me right now, Jikun? I need you, right now." Lust is adamant but Jikun is too.

"Leave my hand alone. I'm not favoring you ever again. want Roxy."

"I want the both of you. You know I like a bit of an audience right?" He says as Jikun gives him a disgusted stare as she yanks her hand away from his rough grip.

"You're really shameless. Get away from me. If you want Roxy, then forget about me." she says as Lust rolls his eyes and sees her walk away as he comments behind her.

"I would always want Roxy than you, sick witch." He says as he turns back to Roxy and literally stays there, watching her breathing as she sleeps like the princess she is.

"Why are you so addictive, baby girl? You want me to want you so bad. One night won't change least for you. It would mean the entire universe to me if you slept with me just for once." Lust sits down by the floor, right in front of the spell his brother Sin had put and admires her.

He knew it was a different kind of sin that humans initially possessed.


A sin just a bit different from Greed but very strong in nature. He wanted to do everything with her delicate feminine body. Roxy was very much feminine whereas Jikun was built like a warrior.

At the thought of Jikun, the woman who had come back after a change in her mind, she was startled a bit when she saw Lust sitting in front of the chamber of her sister like an obsessed monster.

"You're nuts. I really thought I would give you myself for this night, but you prove to me that everyone likes that wrench." Lust lifts his head up to see Jikun towering over him. She's come back after turning away. How insecure...he thought.

"Watch your mouth, Jikun," Lust says with darkness flowing out of his voice like the volcano which gives the river of fate its power.

He turns his head to look at her with his hand under his chin as he gives Jikun a sinister smile which makes anyone shudder at his creepiness.

"She is my doll. How dare you speak ill of my beloved?"

"Beloved?" baffled, Jikun scoffs as she comes towards him and crouches down to his height.

"She is nothing but a toy for you. For me, she is a flower that I want to crush. With all that I have. I want to make her life miserable." Jikun says while taking a glance at Roxy, who shifts in her bed, and her back greets them.

Lust looks at Jikun and scoffs, judging her contemptible attitude as she raises her eyebrow.

"This. This is the exact reason why everyone loves Roxy while they hate you. At least not hate you, but they dislike you for the monster you're showing us. To your own sister? I mean, look at yourself Jikun. You're not worthy of the title. Always remember, nothing is permanent, and you don't stand a chance against your dad. If he is angry for hurting his daughter, he won't spare you." Lust seethes at her.

"But I'm his daughter too..." Jikun's tone shifts drastically as tears form in her eyes. Not exactly, though. Monsters are cursed not to cry. Sadness cannot be filtered through tears, and the stir of emotions makes the seven sins rise in each individual.

"Monster. Wrench. Petty little thing. You will be known by those names if you do not take care of your relationship with that little girl. She did not do anything to you. And about your jealousy for her, maybe it's time that you take your role as your father's daughter and go back to earth to carry on with your tasks." Lust says as Jikun gives him a poker face and sighs. She got over her sadness so quickly!

She does not have much to say as she moves away from the place, glancing at Lust and then at Roxy one more time before scoffing to herself and exiting the place to go to her chambers.

Now, when she visits Earth and spends a few countable decades there, she will learn the ways of humans, and there are a couple of things that she wants to learn from human society.

For example, hunting without using her powers. She, by far had got to know that humans are capable of understanding and differentiating from what is normal to their kind and what is not.

Those who migrate to earth, from anywhere that is from hell or heaven, have to keep their powers hidden if they want to keep their privacy hidden.

Or else the humans will find a perfect way to execute them.

They have already learnt the ways to deal with wild animals now, it won't be a problem to kill an angel or a demon like herself in no time, they have said in a discussion.

Jikun goes to Satan and explains to him what she will do and when she will come back to hell.

"That is expected. Don't forget to bring knowledge with you. Every literal thing is helpful for us to grow and be in touch with what happens up there." Says Satan as Jikun nods and gives a formal bow to the mighty power.

Her folded hand with the fist closed is against her chest as she kneels on one knee and keeps her head down.

There is a line that she says. It moves the scary God of the underworld.

"I will not let you down, father." She says as his eyes widen a bit and his words fumble within themselves.

"A-Alright then." He stutters which have the seven sins who go with her for their daily schedule give Satan a questionable look.

Lust and Gluttony look at each other in thought. What made The Satan stutter...?