Jikun, back to earth

it was the season of hailstorm on a part of earth.

the continents were one piece back then, and jikun found it easier to travel because they have discovered that water was not a medium for them to walk on, nor air.

jikun and the seven sins together were working on finding the cavemen hidden in caves and a few more species in the burrows and on tree tops. they have an amazing adaption skill, jikun always said about the human kind.

"dress up! I believe there won't be time for us to encounter—"

"human!" pride ensures that the blob is a mere human and in a second, the seven sins along with jikun using her powers disappear into thin air.

jikun makes sure they transport into a place where there was no population of any kind except for plants. and that resulted in a place of an abandoned cave.

the hailstorm was still there, but the cave gave them enough shelter to change their clothes to blend more into the aspects of the people of stone age.

"jikun, I am—" before lust could even speak, jikun shut him up by throwing an animal skin towards him.

"I don't want you speaking anywhere near me. there will be plenty men and women once we reach the kin. concentrate on that." She says harshly as the man pouts.

"but I wanted to reward you for getting us here..." he says shamelessly as gluttony looks at him in disgust.

"let's go."


back in hell, roxy has just woken up and there was Satan himself sitting by the side of her bed.

"dad?" She utters and the ruler of hell hums and smiles when he notices her getting up.

"What brings you here?" She asks while rubbing her eyes off from tiredness.

"can't I visit to see my own daughter?" he says and roxy purses her lips together.

"you never go to jikun. she is always jealous of me since you give me this kind of attention. dad, she deserves no less. our moms were human, they died and they went through the river even when they begged you not to send them there."

"your mothers were sinners, roxy. you both had mothers who were driven by greed to stay alive and to enjoy being the wife of me, as the queen of hell, but they had to go because they have sinned."

"they have not, father. they only wanted to have a share of what should be given to them." She says in argument as the ruler of hell sighs and gets up. his red skin and large figure makes her gulp but she had nothing to fear.

"there are no rules here, except to anger me. I do not wish to tell you the sins they have done to be mortalized by me. you think it was not hard for me?" He says as roxy understands his stance and gets up to hold his hands in her small and colder ones.

"I know you always tell me I am nor of the right age to be told, but dad, I'm curious. I'm so curious of what they did to be mortalized and thrown down the river of fate by you yourself. dad...I miss mom. honestly. I miss having her arms around me and her tucking me to bed because I always slept so well." She says with a chuckle as Satan chuckles too, remembering her little snores.

"She was not a cave woman, dad. she was a brilliant person who understood the rules of hell and even learnt our language." Says roxy as Satan immediately goes into denial.

"She was not the most pious when it came to giving birth to you." He says as roxy gets a but confused by his words.

what does he mean by that?


"roxy. you and your sister have been named a lot ahead of time and I know people will look down on you. but I want you to know that whatever I do, I do it with a purpose." He says and it confuses her even more.

"dad, what is going on?" She asks as she senses his words after a while.

"something big. there will be an event that will shake all three worlds and I must be aware. I am doing this for all of us."

"do you think I am a part of it?" She asks out of curiosity as he looks around and says, "a major one."

she gasps as she leaves his hands, falling on the bed as she takes deep breaths to call herself down.

"I don't want to think about it. remove it from my memory."

"it is fate. even if I do, you will remember to do it."

"but I would not ponder upon that for long, for when it happens." She says as Satan sighs and nods his head.

removing a memory was the most painful process, second to having the soul withering and burnt out alive than the body.

roxy's screams resonate through the walls but the process was successful as the ruler of hell clutches the strand of her memory in his hand.

"I have to keep this safe." He says to himself, looking at the unconscious girl's body on the bed as he tucks her inside the bed and leaves.

roxy wakes up again after two days of sleep.

her mind is full of thoughts, what happened here?

it should be seen that Satan had not only taken her memories of the question from her but the whole conversation of them.

what happened next was in history, but she woke up in delight and stretches her body, keeping her mind set on cleaning her room since it had become dusty from all the ash again.

soon, the young lady was spending decades on her own and she was happy since her sister was no longer bothering her. she spent the time alone with her friends that she had made long, long ago.