Government of the underworld

the ruler of hell was indeed taken aback when said that she would die one day. was immortality not for the one who deserves it more?

"it is all fate, my lord. jikun was born to give purpose."

"but my roxy...I can't lose her." His face was as stoic as possible as he says that to the pillars of judgement.

pillars of judgement are nine of them.

each decide and whispers the fate of the soul, the eternal decision so as to access the portals of the afterlife and be reborn.

there would be some other souls who cannot be allowed to be reborn. they are banished from all the world's that exist, and hence cannot dive down the river of fate through Satan's grace.

"What do you mean by something bigger is coming her way?"

"it is not for us to tell, for it will alter her fate." a pillar replies. Satan takes a deep breath and turns his head away.

"a sacrifice..." the pillar whispers, the ruler of hell widening his eyes as he hums and waits for more but nothing is shared to him as the pillars go back to working on the judgement of all souls.

the souls who cannot be reincarnated or can not be born again are considered by the pillars as energy to keep their powers going. it was a cruel reality that none could understand.

Satan does take his leave and giving his respects to the higher power than him. he closes the door through his magic and the pillars fall into a discussion amongst themselves.

"put a spell on the girl. he won't allow her to be coming here." Says the pillars as the river of fate takes another turn and flows upwards.

"is this really necessary?" The youngest pillar asks as the elder one replies.

"for everything to be in order. yes."

silence follows in the burning place.

Satan sits on his throne and sees the river of fate from afar. for the first time in billion years of his existence, the river of fate flows up from the cliff than go downwards.

"What is happening...?" He asks to himself, not knowing the plans of the pillars as he goes on with the daily decisions of millions and millions of souls of all living creatures from earth.

back at roxy's room, she had completed her cleaning and she hears the seven sins have come to visit hell for their daily accord of sharing their pieces of judgement.

roxy gets the news from one of her friends as she runs towards the entrance and entangles gluttony in a tight hug.

"I slept for four earth days!" She says as gluttony gasps and pats her shoulder.

"did something happen?" He asks as he takes her to a corridor but lust follows them and they express their distaste of him being around them.

just then, a formless wrath like a cloud of bubbling lava and fire walks past and gluttony puts roxy behind his back to save her from the heat of argument from the strongest brother, the strongest and most fiery sin.

"Whoa, that was close. please tell him to stop roaming around in his form." roxy says as gluttony gulps harshly and nods his head.

"Yes, I have to warn him. four days? roxy, that is a lot of sleep! what happened?" gluttony asks her out of concern and is met with a pursing of her lips out and a shoulder shrug.

"Maybe dad did something. he always does that when he senses that I needed sleep. I'm so glad you put that spell around my room, gluttony. at least I slept in peace." Says roxy as she eyes lust and he smirks shamelessly at her.

"I'll make you sleep better, roxy. why do you always run away from me? just one night and I will never look your way again. just one night." He begs with his infamous smolder and his thin lips pulled into a sinister smile.

"Stop begging, beggar." Says roxy as jikun comes from behind her and claps her hand.

"Why are you here? shouldn't you be—"

"I asked dad to give me a break from humanity. they almost accepted me as their fertility counter. every woman and man came to me to bless their child. I hate children." She says as roxy gets a vivid memory from her mind of their own childhood.

jikun was almost in her adolescent age, except that the human characteristics and hormones doesn't apply to her behavior.

roxy was a new born baby and without a mother. jikun always saw the little girl in Satan's lap as he carried on his duties of the ruler, commanding souls and altering the gates of river of fate at his will.

but then again, roxy had grown up and needed some human love which Satan could never give. hence, jikun was her only appoint.

unlike one day, she was said that jikun hated children of all kind just because of roxy who snatched away all the attention from Satan to herself. roxy was hated, and jikun started hating on all children in general.

"you always said that to me too." roxy says as jikun scoffs and looks at her.

"of course I did. you think I would have accepted you? do understand that I will never let your hair touch me. you're disgusting, and you are the reason why I hate children, roxy. you made me into this." Says jikun as a bloody fire glides down her body and in a whoosh, she disappears back to her chamber.

"roxy?" gluttony taps on her shoulder as she hums.

"are you okay?" He asks as she gives him another hum topped with a smile. lust was already gone, sensing that the girl was not in the mood for his fuckery.

"I'm always alright, gluttony. I'm tired again. let me sleep." she says as gluttony gives her a tight lipped smile as he watches her leave.

was it really that she was tired?

or does she use that excuse to escape from reality like all those humans up there?