Waking up, miserably

the morning was the day when the most of men have gone out for hunting and women were staying back, except for leah of course. leah was trapped into a little bush from where she could argue with nature and hunt for another bunny.

then there was sijna, the man who was said to be aspiring for more when he always had less to give away.

[arrogant.] leah says to one of her close guards when she looks at sijna who was bravely standing in the middle of the meadows. tall grasses, enough to hide a murder kitten was just a full on invitation to trouble. when sijna was breathing, although, he could only hear his poor heart thump as he was recollecting the murderous screams of his mother and father on that one fateful night.

the beast had them both, it was like fate. when one was gone, God was gracious enough and he sent the other one to them too. the man was holding onto his spear oh so powerfully, he thought he would snap them all by himself than to hunt the beast with it.

suddenly, out of the blue, their siren for the call on danger goes off and before the man could react, a gigantic, full grown tiger with its orange and black stripes attacks him.

with a fistful of his leather bedsheet, the male wakes up and realizes that he was sweating, and gladly very much alive. it was just a dream...

but...dream held messages that no one could have guessed. not even the greatest of the soul whisperers.

rubbing his face, the male silently sighs and licks his thin lips before he gets up from his bed and wears another body warmer around his shoulders. he makes his way towards a tree where he always used to sit and attract nature.

now, the most beautiful thing about music was it connects the soul. no matter who it was, where they are from, not even the species mattered to the wonderful rhythm of the music and sijna was an expert at playing the organ pipe.

his dusts his column of hollow wood away and softly smiles at the inanimate object. he thinks, "it's been a long time since we played together. are you ready for a wonderful dance, my love?" He asks the flute inside his mind as he softly chuckles and settles down under the tree that was hiding his favorite piece.

and the dance begins.

starting at a low register, the moonlight couldn't help the creatures nearby to wake up to the beautiful sound as sijna closes his eyes and smiles at the tree snake that crawls around his shoulder. it was just a tree snake, he knew the oblique difference between the one to worship and the one to leave alone.

the green snake slithers its little divided tongue and it looked as though the snake was trying to sing to the music he was producing. the male smiles in his mind, his tune connecting automatically with the periodic slither sound of the snake on his shoulder.

it looked too sweet to harm him, but just to be careful, he opens his eyes and he couldn't believe his own two senses.

he stops playing his flute.

[what...are you doing here?] the male asks her while she only shyly shakes her head and comes to sit beside him.

it was roxy who came by to pay a visit to such a rhythmic artist in the middle of the night. her story was similar to his, she too dreamt of something ill. or must I say, about lust himself. having encountered the shameless brat who flashed his length and testicles to her, her matured age did not accept defeat as she was worked up for the whole night.

sijna could smell the warmth right off of her as the wind brushed past her and the smell gets to his nose.

he was never innocent either.

he knew how the smell of sex was.

clearing his throat, he was feeling shy about the woman's adventures, but his smile deteriorates just as quickly as it forms as he looks at her sitting down and his eyebrows automatically are furrowed together.

[did you....see anyone?] he gave another sense to it as she thinks about his question and nods her head, adjusting her cloak when he catches the glimpse of her nakedness right below.

he felt heartbroken, for reasons unknown. he was feeling bad because he never knew that she was this kind of a woman. he always thought of her like a deity who has come to their pack after her grandmother and was having a special power, to heal people.

it looked wrong in his eyes.

[oh.] he simply lifts his index and thumb up to say that.

not understanding why he was feeling down all of a sudden, she tries to cheer him up by getting his attention again on herself, tapping his arm.

[you were playing the flute. why did you stop when you saw me?] she asks him under the dim moonlight but he gets the shadows of her and takes some time to respond to her. with one hand occupied, he bites down on his bottom lip and thinks about his impulsive next move.

he gets up from the area, his head almost hitting the low branch.

roxy was anxious and worried that she might have totally disappointed him by coming forward. he was enjoying his lovely little world along with the snake that danced and sang on his shoulder. she just had to ruin his moment of loneliness.


the man holds his hand out, the snake still hanging around his shoulder and crawling almost everywhere on his chest.

she did not understand what his hand was for, but when she took his hand, he holds her delicate hand tightly and pulls her up with a great force, making her land on his chest as he looks at her shocked face, when she looks up at him for his unusual behavior.

before she could do anything more or less, he snakes his warm hand around her neck and pulls her close by her nape, oh he was melting at how soft and extra warm she was. even when they were at the river, she radiated fever, not just the simple kind of body heat.

his furrowed eyebrows calm down drastically when her warm lips meet his, her own pupils enlarged as she couldn't believe what was happening to her.

the top priority question in her mind was split into two pieces; why was she allowing him to kiss her and why was she enjoying it?

the question remains as a mystery when the male suddenly stops kissing her and walks away, like he did not just start a pit of fire inside her stomach and left it open in the wild fire of emotions, her heart racing inside her ribcage.

she couldn't move, it was like his touch electrified her so well that she was paralyzed and barely could process anything while he was halfway racing down the hill to get to his room.

she thought...she touches her lips and sees the glistening love bite he left for her there. it felt magical to feel them, she was craving for more but the male was running away like a coward.

sijna gets to his hut and opens the door with aggression. he enters the little space and was about to shut it close when thundering footsteps were heard to him before the door was stopped by the same hand that was in his a few seconds ago.

it was not even a minute of time that all of this was happening with her.

not one whole minute.

sijna had the burning look in his eyes when the female in front of him was totally killing him with her questioning eyes. he was predominantly a coward, his dream indicated of the same.

but who he had kisses one minute ago, was the daughter of satan himself. he didn't need to know anything about her history, nor the future...because every second that passed by in his biological clock, his attraction towards the ravishing and arresting looks of the woman.

roxy was incredibly attractive, that was why the very lust was always behind her.

without any further ado, the two of them fall on top of each other while the man aggressively pins her body to the bed.

when roxy was breathlessly running her hands all over the male's clothed back, the male himself was busy with removing everything on both of their bodies, like it should matter the whole world when they were impulsively going to do something that they would definitely regret the next day morning.

this was how the pleasant feeling of love always brought a man and woman down to a bed, subtracted their clothes, added the bed and made the woman bend over for some love that her man shall show her.