Love emerges in different ways

It was maybe how the woman always smiled, irrespective of how the people thought of her around her. she had the impeccable vibe of a queen, she possessed the gentleness of a princess and she was the king to her own body.

when sijna was staring deep into her chocolate and fiery orbs that glowed with tension and an unspeakable attraction towards himself, he knew half the trouble that was about to follow the next morning to the two of them.

karma had them real good in fate.

the boy was merely 19 years old, yet the woman was aging like fine wine for 2000 years and more to come.

it was lovely how the contrast did not matter to the one who knew exactly what it was, but it was the desperation of the moment.

shit, he should not have kissed her. she should not have let him touch her body nor should he have to play the flute and attract her towards himself like a pied piper to the rats of the street. except...the street was burning hot and was called hell, the rat was hell's precious princess.

shaking his head, he takes his steps back while the feeling of shock slowly starts to settle in her. maybe it was how he realized he made a mistake. or maybe...he was afraid of the punishments.

the new lady was to be their healer, after her grandmother (jikun) had pretended to pass away of old age. she should not indulge in such things and lose her purity.

[are you afraid of the consequences or are you afraid of me?] she asks sijna with tears lingering in her innocent orbs. the man gulps down the lump in his throat as he looks at her form which was turning into a silhouette the more he backed up inside his very house.

she couldn't believe him as she sniffles and runs away, leaving him stranded like an emotionless spirit in the middle of an island in an alien planet.

roxy was crying loudly, weeping like a child as she crosses the borders of the village and runs back to the same river that she caught him smiling at her like a maniac.

what did that kiss mean to him? was he only planning to use her body as a need to fulfill his loneliness? only if he dared to say that to her face, she would have thought of him as a man with needs. but the boy in him has proven him as impulsive who couldn't deal with his consequences.

she was hell mad at the man for doing this to her.

to raise her believes just to crush them back down and crumple them away like pumice.

sniffling, she looks at the moon above her head and thinks of her lovely father. if he was here, he would have dragged sijna by his hair and make him his slave at hell. oh she thanks the moon goddess for protecting her from the rage of her father. the moon of course had the power to cool everything down, even the Satan himself.

the woman wanted to disappear into the water, mainly because she wanted to cool off the steam, the fire that he set inside her and herself too.

wiping the tears away and flinching at the coldness, she was worried about the warnings that gluttony gave to her. her human body should not be exposed to any of the unsual temperatures or she will get sick. she thinks for a while, what was going to happen to her human body if she went into the cold river.

she quickly remembered the term: catch a cold.

"I dont care at this point..." she says to herself and sniffles again, taking in a deep breath and she could feel the water almost burning near her hands. slowly, she starts to undress herself from the soft fabric around her body, that was the only thing she was wearing as of now. she has to call herself down or someone was going to catch her assertion over the poor water, making it boil and so.

"Shush..." she says to herself, going below the surface and only emerging back up when the air in her lungs was suffocating her. gasping as she comes back out, she wipes away the excess water from her face and pushes her hair back.

this felt good for her.

on the other hand, sijna slaps his forehead and looks at the flute that was still in his hand. he stares at it, hoping it would answer to the millions of questions inside his mind.

but sadly, he wasn't a flute whisperer.

he had to find his way on getting back to her.

suddenly, a small flash of scenery comes before his closed eye lids as she gasps at the beauty that has imagery held.

it was roxy who was smiling and her beautiful, lustrous black hair was flowing with the wind like a warm hug from the safest person. he felt the tug in his warm heart, he places his open fist on his chest to see what was making his heart beat so fast like a rhythmic cycle of the wind on a distraught hut.

he peels his hands off, sitting on the bed and placing the flute beside him as he holds his stupid head in his hands. he messed it up for the two of them, he knew that.

that look she gave him just a moment ago held the most delicate expression of love and her orbs were asking for permission to be touched. to be touched like a woman, to be tormented with love on this very bed.

another scenery in front of his this time, but it snatches his conscious and drives him to insanity when the woman was talking and babying little children of their little village.

there was something so devious and angelic in that scenery and her smile had blown him away. he was desperate again, to tease those lips and run a boy.

so he goes out to be one.

he did not know much about how her simple smile had stirred such a strong emotion in him, but he knew for sure that the woman had gone somewhere else to clear her mind and let the water occupy her hot head.

he goes towards the river and sees that the same woman was there, just as he expected her to be. he sighs in relief for having found her so easily, he would like to approach her as he stumbles against the grass and gets to her.

his footsteps don't distract her, because his smile fades away the closer he got to her. her sobs were breaking his heart, the only thing he could do was open his mouth and close it, gulping the saliva like a fish.

as he got even closer, his eyes enlarge as he realized that she was having a bath there. like she was trying to cool her mind as she was doing exactly that.

he knew he made her insecure about herself, and he wants to remit those feelings out of her, this very instant.

he slowly begins taking his clothes off, starting with his top and then his bottom that lies beside her very cloth. he was breathing heavily, because the river at this time was not a joke with its cold and almost freezing temperature.

while the soft ripples were being splashed around, roxy is startled as she turns around and thinks she was being sabotaged by a creature. she hoped the creature was better, because sijna was the least expected person she wanted to see right now.

turning her head back, she swims away but the man keeps chasing her effortlessly. he wanted to let her know that it wasn't his intention, that it wasn't his intention to subtly reject her offering her body when he too wanted the same thing.

she swims and swims and swims, until the moment her limbs were getting weaker and the woman was crying loudly again, using her vocal cords to accept the defeat of her fate. sijna easily catches up to her, engulfing her little body with his taller one while she tries to kick and pinch him everywhere possible to set herself free.

turning forcefully in his embrace, she communicates with him.

[go away] he shakes his head to the sides at her request.

[I'm sorry.] he apologizes to her with his one hand, the other one holding onto her for dear life. the woman sniffles and brings her forehead to his warm chest.

[my love, I apologize] he says again but this time the woman freezes at his gestures.

[my love....] he repeats again, as if he read her mind and wanted to confirm it with her.

roxy slowly, very gently cranes her head up and the male smiles before wiping her hot tears away with the pads of his thumbs.

it was their little magical moment. her naked body against his while she closes her eyes and trusts the world to him.

sijna now makes her his world, their lips mould together into a beautiful synergy of emotions. her insecurity begins to fade away...

she felt human...