the fate of sijna

parting from the hug, looking into the devil's eyes, roxy shakes her head because she was genuinely confused.

"what... what do you mean by—"

"roxy, not all species have their own fate entangled in my hands. some are fortunate enough, some are not." He explains to his little girl who was still oblivious.

"father, just tell me who has his fate. I will kill them..." she says, desperately.

"you shouldn't know. it ruins the whole purpose of being a good person."

"but father, I do not wish to be a good person henceforth. I was happy with him, I am happy with him! please don't take this away from me? hell was fine, but with him it's heaven for me, father."

"roxy, I understand. I was mad for your mother too, until way too many unfortunate things started happening with us. above me, there stands the pillars of judgment and I cannot help it." Satan says, his hands raised above his shoulders to tell her that things are way beyond himself.

"I... I will talk with the pillars. take me to them."

"no. you don't have to. I just did." He says, shocking her even more as she eagerly looks into his eyes to judge him herself.

"what did they say...?"

"you have an irreversible fate, my dear. I tried. trust me, there is none more powerful than me who has tried to hamper your fate but my love, I could not change it. I'm sorry." Says the Satan as roxy begins crying hysterically. not being able to adjust her sorrow in his heart, he pulls his daughter close to his chest and let's her borrow his warmth for protection of her delicate emotions.

"I love him, father. I want him..." she cries.

"you will have him. just not for long. he is human, remember?" Asks the hell's deity as roxy did nothing but nod at his words. it was true.

"can't I change him to be a vampire?"

"vampires don't exist yet. the timeliness of the event shall be respected, my love. but I promise, with him, everyday for you is heaven." his words calm the fire in her heart, he was like a cold ice block for her fire, just this once.

only he knew the truth and no one else. the saddest part was, he could not change it.

"I will get going now, my dear. live your best in this realm. come back to me, I will miss you, my lovely daughter." He says while giving her hope and everything beautiful as a supportive father.

"I'll come back. I promise." kissing his cheek out if pure affection, she hugs the tall red skinned devil and parts from the hug for the third time. disappearing into thin air, the devil goes down to hell to resume the movements of the underworld.

when he was gone, roxy slowly turns to face the one sin who was sweating out of fear.

"you better stay in your lane from now on, lust. father does not know about you. yet." The strongest warning ever given. lust bows his head still lower as roxy blows the hot air out of her nostrils, done with the male who just shamed her for sleeping with a mortal.

she willingly exits the mirror world and comes back to the real world with her magic, she was quickly inside her room while the other sins followed her. sijna was still in the male's hold, yet the chief of the clan was making roxy angry as she decides to resume the timeline again.

[I love her chief!] the male gestures, getting her attention as her eyes are as wide as the plates they use to eat.

[what...?] leah now barges in as she pulls him away from her father's hold and gives a tight slap on his right cheek. shocked, the male looks at the clan's princess but lean simply walks away.

although, roxy had her own mind on it. she follows her gaze with Leah as she quickly resides in her mind to acknowledge her thoughts. why would she personally get her head into this?

roxy gasps when she realizes that... leah is in love with the young man. despite the age gap, she was older to him by a few lunar years, she still gave her heart away. roxy could not agree less. the man himself was built like a model for love.

[sijna...] pretending to be human, she approaches her man yet tries her best to not think of a curse on this old man. just the mere thought of it can ruin his whole life. that was the power that the little woman held in her delicate and warm hands.

[you okay?] she asks him with one hand as the other is on his shoulder.

[your highness... did he lure you—] before the chief could blame the man for sleeping with her, she lifts her palm up as it instantly stops him from speaking further.

[it was my decision. I have fallen in love with sijna. nothing can change that.] she says, a bit sternly and with her eyes that lock with each and everyone around them both, including the chief's wife who was raging and glaring at the woman.

of course, as a mother she needed to satisfy her daughter and give her what she desires.

[if leah does not come and apologize to sijna, I will resume to help your clan. mind you, you are not the only one...] she says, scaring them as they gasp. all of them.

sijna whips his head towards her to see if she was actually intending to. she was not playing around anymore, he had seen it. he sighs and holds her hand as he pulls her towards his house, back into it as he closes the door behind himself.

[leah is madly in love with me. I want to get rid of her, even if she is the chief's daughter, she always tries to climb on me.] he confesses to her, making her scoff and look away in anger. he understood her resentment as he holds her by her shoulders and the hands don't stop there while one travels up and the other one goes down.

[don't be ridiculous. why didn't you tell anyone about this?] she says, feeling concerned about him because she has been in the same shoes. except...

[I have no one to talk to...] he says with his head gradually drooping down.

the woman's anger fades away, like it was crumpled and thrown out of the window while roxy takes a double take at him, throwing away her shyness out of the same window as she pulls him into the warmest hug she could ever give to a man.

surprised and slightly emotional, the man hugs her back. roxy kisses his ear and that provokes him to clench his arms around her tiny waist, like he was able to express to her with a free heart. the male kisses her back, feeling grateful because for the first time in his nineteen year old life, he had someone to merely talk to.

[look, sijna, you are with me now. these people cannot do anything to you, because if they mess with you now, they mess with me. I give them the most simple of a warning, and if they do not wish to follow my rules, then you know what is going to happen to their own civilization.] speaking in a better and simple language with her gestures, she smiles up at her man who gives her a tight lipped smile.

[oh come on, give me a better smile!] she insists while she sneaks her arms around his armpits and startlingly, she starts tickling the man to make him happy.

the man twists and turns but could not escape her hold. she was far too strong, it seemed to him.

[ah, there it is.] leaning forward, she kisses his smile that she admired the most.

the woman sighs and brings him towards the ruined bed and stops there as if she realized something.

[um... they don't smell good. I will wash them at the river.] she says and starts unhinging the crooks of the folds over the straw mattress and suddenly, the male grabs her wrist before she could walk out.

[not before I get my daily dose.] he says with his eyebrow jumped upwards.

[we have so much sex already. leave me alone, sijna] she insists but they both knew what was up. the male grabs the bedsheets from her hands and throws it to the dusty ground. while the woman's gaze was on the ruined bedsheet, the male swiftly grabs her both wrists and pins them over her head.

the motion allowed her body to arch upwards while her cleavage was seen for the man.

[I loved sleeping on these the morning.] he says with one hand, making her remember the love making session just before the headache situation with the chief and the people.

[of course. because they are mine.] the woman says which makes both of them chuckle. the male instantly falls for her beautiful smile as they kiss for the umpteenth time that day.

from that day on, the two were known as the love birds of the civilization.