Leah's resentment

leah had run away into the forest, an hour ago she was exploring the land as she came across a little hideout inside a cave. a little ecosystem that seemed it was built for her.

she falls onto the rock, below her face was the most stable pond, like an aquarium built with the most precious little fungus and hyacinths but the pond had a variety of fishes residing in them. she sighs and sniffles softly, when a small drop of her tear falls into the pond and disrupts the image in front of her.

the image of her own face.

that made her realize something...

leah was someone who was considered as royalty before she was even born. as a royal member of the civilization, leah was almost always forced to conceive the ideas of the royals, the people around her always gave her advice on how to walk, how to talk, how to sit and stand and everything which became a futuristic habit for her.

the bombastic thing she ever did in her twenty-four year old life was to learn to hunt. she was fond of it, especially when she got the appreciation from her elders because that was everything that she could think of.

then one day, a new boy joined their group for the hunting. sijna was known for nothing but knowing how to hunt, because his own parents were hunters. it was expected of him. slowly and slowly, the young woman in her started to fall for his tricks.

his masculine smile, even if he was younger than her suitors, he was the bravest when it came to his smile. so bright, so careless and free. he was like the divine glow she needed in her black and dark life.

whenever he passed by her, he used to bow down to her, to respect her. he even taught her the basics of hunting when she was still weak at them, and yet she never recognized his tricks and taught.

at some point of time, she grew up to be that one adamant member in the family who will throw tantrums when they don't get what they want.

[I want him, father. he is mine.] she says to the chief who looks at his wife.

[he is yours. do not worry. when the boy turns twenty, you can mate with him.] the mother told her, bossting her morale as she sighs and walks out of the house to go for hunting.

the same morning, she was returning back from the hunt while eyeing the male every chance she got. she rode the horse while he was walking right beside her on his bare feet, the infamous spear of sijna in his hands as he was cautiously looking around.

they have hunted a bore and a little hare, they were coming back to a surprise at home.

the village gates close as she comes back and sees that seven tall and hefty men with a red hooded and draped little woman in the center, talking to her father.

it was roxy and the seven sins, the seven sins were nameless of course. they were only the perpetual protectors of the woman.

she came to heal the injured, but what about the emotional injury that leah sustained the very moment forth?

roxy was staring at the young man among the public which just arrived, for her surprise, leah found sijna staring back at her with a subtle thought of love and care in his eyes.

she never got such a gaze from him, only respect and fear.

getting irritated at the woman, she threw her anger on sijna as she lifted the dead hare in her hands with its ears and begins screaming at sijna, calling him as a useless person and what not. she was guilty about the sad expression that was dancing on his face, the humiliation was making him want to cry.

although, she steals a glance at roxy and was shivering in fear at the fire in her eyes. she looked devilish, like something was not right with that woman was also dressed like fire itself.

[get lost.] she dismisses sijna at once, she takes a deep breath and tugs at the leash of the horse as the troop walks towards the horseshed.

coming back to the scenario, leah was staring at the ugly image of her face in the reflection of the trampled water.

she looked dead and gray, all ashy like she was rolling in the soil for hours.

she indirectly compares herself to roxy, the woman was white and pink at spots men desired the most. her cheeks were full and bright, shining like the moon itself.

she was jealous and crying for help from the gods.

she knew no one was going to help her now, but there was nothing wrong in making the mankind realize that the boisterous leah was dead in that cave. buried and said goodbye to.

the new leah who walks out of that cave is someone who all men tend to worship. fair, bright and feminine.

clenching her jaw, she stares at her reflection for just awhile and dumps her face totally into the pond, her body resting against the arch of the same boulder as she opens her eyes and observes the beauty if the marine life.

little shawls of fishes roaming around like their territory might be disturbed, a small turtle, which makes her crave for its meat, looks at her and swims away from her swiftly.

for not being able to breath, the woman pulls herself back up, gasping for air and wiping the water off from her face.

she swore to herself from then, if anyone was to ever look back at her with jealousy in her eyes, then it must be none other than roxy herself. she looks down at her clothes and is upset that her skirt is always tied up and it exposes her dirty, man like legs to the people.

untucking the fabric from her waist, she also removes the jacket and places it down to the ground. going near the pond again, but from a flatter surface, she begins to scrubs the dust off from her sleeveless hands and dusts the water off, trying to dry it up but the cave was humid.

groaning, she takes the jacket and walks back out.

a few moments later, the woman was approaching the village gates when the guards could not recognize that the woman was their princess herself. getting their spears ready, they decide to barge at her but as she came closer, they gasp in shock.

[it's princess leah] they signal towards each other and loosen their stance.

[welcome princess.] the guards greet her.

leah knows that she already has their attention. her self confidence was boosted by five hundred times as she lifts her head up and walks directly into the village. she hears the door closing as she walks straight towards her house, meeting up with her parents to let them know about her decision.

although, she stops herself in the center of the hall and looks down at her shoes. the leather shoes that look way too manly. she removes them in one go, kicking them aside while the maids collect her shoes away.

smiling was something new to her body, she never did that in her entire life. but she was trying, like when she was in her childhood and she knew how to smile.

when she comes forward, the chief who was discussing a few matters with the royal guards pauses and looks at us daughter, his eyebrows knit together.

[what are you wearing?] he asks her sternly, getting up from his seat.

[my clothes.] she too rudely answers him as she walks away arrogantly. inside was her mother who was grooming herself in front a bowl of water.

[mother, groom me too.] she asks her mother who was perplexed to see her daughter in this state.

[leah...? you look beautiful already my darling] her mother responds but leah directly disregards her words as she scoots closer.

[apply my color. I want to be feminine from now.] says leah.

[are you finally looking for a suitor?] her mother was overjoyed as she immediately begins to assist her daughter, not letting any servant touch her.

[more or less. I want to show them how beautiful I can be.] she says with a wicked smile. the mother instantly gets to know about her intentions as she stops koving the horse hair brush on her daughter's lips.

[is it about sijna?] she asks slowly. leah nods her head without any hesitation. she clicks her fingers and points to her feet to the servants who quickly get the needed equipment for her feet.

three of the servants begin to work on her manly legs as they shave it with pumice, she was told to experience pain for this.

[are you really willing to make them believe you are better than roxy?] the mother asks her child who simply hums and takes a deep breath in.

the mother knew only how much her daughter was going to get hurt from now.