Hidden in Babylon

[there is our family heirloom necklace hidden inside the capital of the civilization. in Babylon...]

shocked and surprised at the equal intensity, the three look at each other as sijna steps forward and raises a question in might.

[chief, if I may ask, what speciality does the heirloom hold for us?] the male asks the three as leah makes her eyes into crescents of longing thoughts as roxy takes a deep breath, anticipating for the chief's answer.


the people widen their eyes.

[freedom for...?] sijna asks again as he, with permission, approaches the man who was sitting on the small bed and leaning over with his staff in hand.

[against the capital. we will be a free society. they will never be able to touch us. a war, then again one more, one more and death of humanity. we flourished because we kept ourselves safe, but the war is concerning. Babylon will die one day, but our village should live.] says the chief who had foreseen the whole world within his eyes as leah and her mother gasp in shock.

roxy was acting normal, actually, she was thinking.

she remembers her father letting her know of a civilization dying, she did not expect them to die. what the chief wants is freedom from the rules of the civilization as they wanted to move the cities and live further away.

[we will go get them.]

[take...leah with you. she is the heir of the loom, please.]

[roxy and leah in the same room with this male? I cannot accept that. either it's roxy and sijna, leah will be safe here or sijna and leah. sijna and leah shall keep each other company while roxy will keep us safe from the wave of war.]

[impossible. three of them must leave at the same course.] the chief says as a predicament, as a verdict which cannot know defiment as he scoffs and walks away, leaving the three to think.

[come on.] extending her hand out, roxy gets sijna back up on his feet as they walk away to think about their decision.

leah on the other hand was shaken with all of the information given to her in such a short span.

[is he...dying mother?] leah asks her mother who was already crying silently while sitting on the bed. the old woman nods while making leah feel bad about cursing death on her father earlier. tears flow out if her eyes as she sniffles and walks out to clear her mind away.

she goes back towards her hut, shutting the door close and falling onto the bed while her emotions escalate and a burst through happens. she was crying hysterically, she never wanted the old man to die. you any ask why was eoxy quiet about it. that is because she has no control over death.

injuries are different from the soul wanting to leave the body. the old man was in the latter phase, he wanted to remove himself from the wrappings of the physical realm to go live in a politics free realm of the spirits.

[sijna, listen to me.] roxy was behind sijna who was looking out of the window, at the river while he sighed. he feels her arms around his waist, they slowly creep inside his top and she was holding onto his bare skin.

[we still have time. you will be 21 when we will be going to get the heirloom. we cannot go now. not when you are this young. the world out there is dangerous for you. they will eat you like a tiger, sijna.] he looks at her arms that were speaking to him as he sighs and turns around to hold her face in his hands.

[love, even if I have two more years to go there, I am sure I will never leave this village with Leah. she is toxic and she scares me, she scares me the most.]

[I understand that you feel vulnerable around her, but you do trust me, right? trust me, because you saw how she never spoke back to me at the river.] she explains to him but he shakes his head at her.

[she was only afraid of the chief, roxy. if we go out there, she will try her best and worst to steal me from you. I don't know what she will do. she might even kill me and herself to keep you from me. she hates you, love.] roxy was baffled at what sijna was telling to her.

on a sad note, she observed the fear in his eyes as he spoke about leah and her obsession towards sijna. it was not normal, nor appreciated by the man who almost always felt vulnerable around the woman.

[I...I'm sorry. but this is how she will treat us. and it might get worse through time too. she will be assured that once we return back, her father will no longer be there and leah will take her own ways to make sijna as hers to hail herself as the next chief of the village.

[sijna...] roxy sweetly cups the man's face in her palms as he closes his eyes and lets his mind calm down with her special touch. kissing her palms, he holds onto them as roxy cranes her neck up and kisses his lips.

[I know you won't fall for her stupid tricks.]

[even if she dressed up as the most beautiful woman in the world, my world is you, roxy. I won't even look at her—] the woman chuckle and holds his hands as she shakes her head as a no.

[no need to contain your eyes for me. I will look at a few handsome men too, you have the right too. just have it in your head, don't let them govern you.] she says to him about watching other women as she too can do the crime on visually cheating on sijna.

the man chuckles, understanding her words as he holds her face back and pulls her towards a heated kiss.


sijna breaths in her scent. a flowery mixture of slight exhaustion and a little bit of roses that were on her hair a few moments ago.

[you always smell like nature. fresh and beautiful. I don't know how you do that.]

[most women in this village are very conscious of how they smell. also, I have not bathed yet.] she says to tease him as he remembers the spilt milk over her tummy from their morning session.

[you...let's shower, but my youth us craving for something, from a delectable woman like you.] saying that, he leans in towards her neck to leave a few marks on her nape and shoulders, her gown's sleeve almost down to her elbow. good thing it was durable or the force he was pushing it down, his artwork on her neck and shoulders would have been ruined.

[good work, I wish you could go look at this.] he says while she was feeling light headed and dizzy at his touch.

moving his face away from her felt like he was stepping into the new world of hell. her hooded eyes were staring at him, suggestive as they can be as sijna was stunned to his core. her immediate stare was enough to awaken his stamina as he holds her by the shoulders and turns her around, making her lean over the window where she could see the beautiful scenery he was watching a while ago.

[enjoy that and enjoy me] he says as she turns her head back to look at the scenery of the gushing river in front of her and the male lifting her gown from behind. before entering her, sijna softly kisses her back as he tried his best to see her.

tapping her shoulder, he immediately pulls her back by her neck and turns her face to kiss her, the impact suddenly making her feel all of his length inside her as she was feeling heavenly. without wasting another second of his life, he starts pounding into her hole, making her see stars as she couldn't keep her knees aligned to the ground.

her body falls forward, taking the help of the raw form of the window as she gets a glimpse of someone from afar, standing against the tall mango tree as they bite into the apple.

roxy smirks at the male, provoking him as sijna right at that moment starts to go faster and harder on her, making her body bounce with his thrusts. with her hair bouncing and all over the place, she smirks while slyly giving a smile to lust who was glaring at her figure.

he was the one who should be doing that to her, not sijna, he should be showing her how to feel good and make her the princess in his bed, not sijna who was doing her over the window but with love and care.

he throws the apple to the ground as it immediately turns to ash the moment it leaves his hand. it's dust falls upon the ground and flows away with the wind.

lust scoffs and turns himself into the darkest fur and skin of a cat humanity has ever sees with his lustrous green and yellow eyes as he walks away to serve the purpose inside the village.

roxy felt even more powerful when she saw the sin leave with no power left in his hands.

that was roxy to the world.

angelic on the outside, the literal daughter of satan on the inside.