Anger and Lust

lust cries in anger that he was sharing with the mirrored plane, inside his room as he was destroying everything in sight. screaming against his lungs, he was punching the walls and destruction was a lesser term when compared to how he was destroying the mirror world. the other dimension was supporting and coping up with his anger while the reality was torturing him.

whenever he closed his eyes, they only flashed the sly smirk of the woman who was so sure about lust not being the one showing her heaven.

envy was right there when he felt the loneliness spilling out of the room of his brother. he decides to check him, but instead is invited into the realm of the mirror world where he found lust throwing and destroying things around him. envy was worried for his brother as lust gets the thought as soon as he looks at his brotherly sin.

"brother... what do you do when you are envious of something?"

"I try to take it away." envy answers simply.

pride had also seemed to have understood the distress in the area as he too makes an entrance. with the eldest in the realm, lust runs towards him asks him the question.

"brother... what do do when these people have taken away something far too precious from you?" pride was flabbergasted at the emotions lust was expressing towards the others. taking a glance at envy, he holds his head high upwards and smiles proudly.

"we show them what we really are, brother. we show them our true colors and they will be scared, they will give our precious possession back." Says pride. following the statement, lust too smirks in thought while suddenly there was an alarming inclusion.

it was divine and vast, like the earth quaking but you are thrown into the epicenter of the earthquake. groaning in pain, the three sins growl at the new glowing figure that escapes from the portal which was made. it was an illegal attempt to enter into lust's mirror world anf create a portal there.

but it was jikun, the daughter of hell had exceptions.

lust looks at the woman and smirks even wider, walking towards her as jikun directly falls into his trap. that is what he thought of in his mind.

roxy never fell for his tricks like his weak sister, that was why he wanted her.

and when she gave him that look, glaring into his eyes with her infamous smile as she wordlessly said to him, "you can never touch me like this", he lost it.

he lost his morale.

he lost the thought that roxy was his boss's own and beloved daughter.

Satan would do anything to keep roxy safe, but there is this one black sheep that wanted recognition from the male too, from her father that she was so keen on having onto herself for the past 10,000 years.

and lust deemed jikun as the perfect party planner for his master plan.

far back inside the reality, roxy pants as she falls on the bed with her man. sijna was breathing heavily with his dry mouth and head spinning for relieving himself in her not just once but thrice since morning.

to be practical, roxy keeps him assured that she can control her body and hence, she cannot get pregnant unless she wanted to. now that was something everyone wished for. being a demon has its own perks.

[water?] he animates with his hands as the woman nods her head and wipes the sweat off her face. he couldn't manage how his hormones were directing towards her lips as he steals one more peck, chuckling as he leaves her there while closing the door carefully behind him. he just ran out of water and he had to fetch it from the river.

just then, he bumps into gluttony who was stressed as sijna apologizes profusely.

[it's fine.] gluttony dismisses the man. yet, something makes him turn around and look at the skipping stance of the man with the jar of water in his hand. he had to put it through the aquifer to make it as clean to drink as possible, a little iron dust and copper dust from the metal shaping works as the best germ killers in the general aquifer of their village.

gluttony smelt something different on the male. he reeked of sex, but the strange thing was he also smelt like roxy, his humble girl who he never thought would do such a thing.

anyway, it was not his business to control of judge what the little girl did. it was her age of exploration anyway, and she was wise enough to control her uterus and her stages.

gulping down the unsettling feeling inside his mind, the male walks away against his path towards the river to grow some more fruit by the banks for fertility of the soil.

he was in the middle of growing his apple tree in the optimal weather when suddenly, he is concerned by the woman who was sadly looking at the reflection of her face in the puddle.

it was leah, he realizes.

"what is she doing here again?" gluttony knew the story of the young woman. she had the right to be jealous in his point of view. when the male was so attractive and gentle, every woman wanted him to herself.

leah was now chained down by a sin.


"Satan help them both." shaking his head disapprovingly, gluttony walks away while having an apple in his hand, despite the fact that this one creature in creation created Adam and eve to have s*x and give birth, hence the humans.

"roxy." suddenly, a sound appreciates in her ear as she flinches. she was sleeping with sijna in her arms at the moment, after he had come back with the jar of water, they immediately went to sleep, having nothing to do for today and spend the whole night under the blanket of stars.

"Shush. I'm sleeping." She says to the sin who was responsible for the same, in her mind of course because she is prohibited in using the vocal cords. yet.

"go away." She whines again only for the sin to chuckle for the second time before he swipes his hand in the air and roxy has entered the male's sub-conscious realm.

sighing, she gets off the bed to run towards sloth and engulfs into a semi-hug and a semi-headlock.

"I said I was sleeping, fool!" She screams in his ear as he hisses and puts her down carefully.

"Well, big time. jikun came by and the four were having a little conversation." He says to roxy who was partially flabbergasted because jikun was not allowed to escape hell until it was a few more thousands of years. maybe she missed the grass, roxy thought.

"who four? what conversation?" She asks him, being utterly clueless of his words as he slaps his forehead and says, "pride, jikun, lust and envy of course. they form the worst quarter" He says, making her giggle under her hand.

"Yes they are. I bet they are plotting something against me. they always do. that is why I am here and that is why I have fallen in love~" her heart was roaring with subtle and gentle emotions as sloth makes a sound of teasing her, making a derp face at her while holding her delicate hands.

"congratulations roxy! I'm really happy for you and that boy. he is really a good person, especially when he makes you reek of sweat and sex." He says as she enlarges her eyes and slaps his arm playfully.

"jokes apart. I really think I can trust this guy with you. he is cunning sometimes too. I saw it." He says, confusing her.

"Hey, don't lie! he is not someone who can be cunning."

"we never trust people, roxy. we are only demons and sins. humans embody our characteristics so they are not just one but a hot mess of many evil and good. be careful. you can go to sleep now, with my help." He says to her, making her smile from ear to ear as she closes her eyes and softly shakes her head to the sides.

"I think I might just watch my man sleep. he is beautiful all the time." Says roxy as sloth possesses the most prideful smile on his face while he caresses her soft and silky hair.

letting her escape his consciousness, he looks at the two in bed and sighs in thought. the sweetest guy ever, he thinks.

he would love to describe their relationship as the sweetest and pure, like the face of a new born baby, pure and innocent until the world tries to test the waters with their relationship.

all the sins have known about their future, that was why they support them, let them live.

humans have been doomed to have a short lifespan, and so does sijna.