Chapter 45

A few days have passed since Seth had finally made a clean break. He buried himself in work, and while at home, he drank until he passed out. Not the life to lead, but that was what was going on now. He hasn't really spoken too much to Ashely since the whole conversation from before. He knew that is wasn't her fault, but until his feelings had completely disappeared. He wanted really nothing to do with her. He still heard several things from the girls she spoke with. So he knew that Leon was still with her. He now understood that it didn't mean a thing to Leon. He was nothing to that man. Nothing more than someone to get off on. That was it.

Seth was given' a new patient clipboard by the Ashely, who he still had to work with. He would smile to her, and be professional, but that was it. He looked over the papers and left.

"Do you think that there is something wrong with Seth lately?" Ashely asked. The brunette girl that sitting next to her watched Seth for a moment as he disappeared around the corner and then back at the blonde.

"I really don't see a difference. He is just as nice as he was the first day I met him." The young nurse replied.

"I don't know, something is a bit off." Ashely replied.

"Maybe you are thinking too much. I mean you did just have that incident with the one patient. What was his name again?" The brunette questioned holding her index finger to her chin. Ashely began to scowl as she began to remember the person that her coworker was talking about. "I can't believe that you would even bring that man up again." Ashely almost hissed.

"Well, some men can be real jerks just like that man was." Her coworker said.

"I know right. I hate men that are like that. Thinking that they are cool just because they are a hot guy." Ashely exclaimed.

"I hope I'm not one of them." Ashely turned around and saw Leon grinning at her. She went red for a moment then got her composure back.

"Of course not. I was talking about a man that came into the ER a few days ago." She explained.

"What are you doing here anyway? I haven't seen you here for a while." Leon scratched his head.

"I had things I had to do." Ashely crossed her arms.

"You're probably with some other girls." Leon's eyes slanted then he burst into laughter. "You act like a jealous girlfriend."

"I was your girlfriend for a while. I can't believe that you broke up with me." She huffed.

"You were never my girlfriend." He spoke out.

"Yeah Yeah! I did find out that you were actually going out with another girl. I can't believe that you lied to me." She whined a bit.

"You never asked if I had a girlfriend."

"You were the one that asked me to dinner." He smirked at her.

"I can't help it. I'm a bit of a playboy." He chuckled.

"You know that girl you're with right now will leave you when she finds what a horrible man you are." Leon kept his trademark smirk on, but thought to himself.

I think I already lost him.

"Now what are you here for again?" Ashely asked. Leon reached into his pocket.

"I know that Seth is busy, but I want him to go to my gig." He handed the envelope over to Ashely.

"Why don't you just take it to him yourself?" Leon didn't respond to her questioned.

"Can't you just do me this favor?" He questioned. She looked at Leon and nodded her head.

"Yeah. I can do that for you." She grabbed the envelope. Leon grinned and started to walk away from the counter.

"Was that all you were here for?" Ashely questioned.

"Yeah! I have to go back to practice before I get into trouble." He waived his hand as he walked away from the girls. Ashely looked down at the envelope.

Seth day had come to an end. It was Friday morning and he would be getting the kids tomorrow. He actually couldn't wait until they showed up. He had been having a hard time getting over Leon. He knew that it would take a while and with his kids there, he would feel even better. As he passed the nurse station, he heard his name being yelled out.

"Seth!" Seth turned around and saw Ashely motioning him to come over. He followed her instruction and made his way over to her.

"What is it?" He questioned.

"This is for you." She handed him the envelope.

"What is it?" He questioned again as he started at the item handed to him.

"It's from Leon." She had a smile on her face. His eyes narrowed a bit.

"I don't want it." Seth pushed the item back to Ashely.

"I don't know what's going on with you two, but I would take it. He personally came down here and dropped it off." Seth looked at the white item. He sighed. It was something from Leon. He was kind of curious to see what was inside it. On the other hand, he has been trying to get over that man for over three weeks now.

"Fine, I'll take the damn thing." He mumble. He shoved it into his bag. "Is that all?" He questioned the girl. He tried to keep his voice calm but it came out in a rude manner instead.

"Yes." She slowly said. He realized that his voice was effecting the girl's mood. He didn't mean to.

"I'm sorry. I'm just really exhausted." He apologized to the woman in front of him.

"No." She spoke as she waived her hands in front of her." Don't worry about it. I understand." Seth smiled a bit. He nodded thanking that she understood where he was coming from. "I'm going home now." Seth spoke as he turned and headed out.