Chapter 46

Seth walked into his apartment. He was exhausted from today's work. He took off his coat and laid his bag next to the table. Falling onto the sofa he closed his eyes and took a few deep breathes letting them out slowly. He opened one of his eyes and looked down at the bag. Closing it again he put his arm over his eyes. A couple minutes passed and Seth sat up on the couch. He stared at the bag. His eyes didn't move from the bag for several minutes. He was debating on whether to open it, and take out the envelope that Leon had giving him or not. Finally after several minutes of thinking, he grabbed the bag. He found the item he was looking for and pulled it out. He paced the bag back on the floor. He took the item and opened it. He found a letter and what looked like time stamped tickets. Seth didn't know what to expect from the letter. He took it out and began to silently read it to himself.

Seth, I don't know what I did wrong, but you won't answer your phone or talk to me. I have tried to think of what I could've done to make you mad.

Seth huffed. He knew damn well what he did. Seth continued reading.

I want to talk to you. Please come to my performance. I want to see you. I want to sit down with you and talk things over to see what had happened. I really hope to see you then. Leon

Seth pulled out the ticket and looked at them. Zorah playing at Tony's bar and grill on Friday 8th at 10.00pm. Seth couldn't help but allow a small smile appear on his face. Suddenly it disappeared. He didn't want to be drawn into that same thing he went through. Leon knew damn well what he did and if he went there, he knows the man would deny it all. Seth took the ticket stub and the letter and threw them into the trash can right next to the couch. He had no intention of being pulled back into that man's web of deception. Tomorrow his kids would be here. Once they come he would be able to focus on them and forget about Leon. He closed his eyes. He was drained.

Seth woke to the sound of the doorbell going off. He opened his eyes and realized that he had fallen asleep on the couch. He hadn't done that it a long time. He heard the door being beat on and the bell being rung again. Seth staggered as he got up and made his way over to the door. He opened it to see his ex-wife and kids behind her. He scratched his head.

"Is it already Saturday?" She looked at him with her head cocked to the side.

"You must've slept on the couch again." Seth didn't say anything. "Listen it's still Friday." "Friday? What time is it?" Seth questioned.

"It's almost nine PM. Listen I have to go to work earlier than expected, so I can't drop off the kids tomorrow. You will take care of them now." She looked at her watch. Turning to her kids she gave them all kissing. "Listen to your father and be good." She turned and walked away. Seth was still drowsy from being woke up that he didn't catch everything that happened. A few seconds had passed before it registered.

"What!" His ex was already gone when he spoke. He looked down at the kids. Well, guess you're coming to stay with me for an extra day . He laughed. The kids entered the apartment. Michael noticed right away that the apartment was a lot cleaner than the last time they were there. He looked at his father who was still groggy from being woken up. Maybe he was able to solve the fight with Leon and they are good again. The young teen thought.

"So what do you guys-," His phone began to ring while he was speaking. He turned to head towards his phone finding it was from work. He picked it up. He listened and only said "yes" or "Okay" now and then until the end of the call. "I will be right there." Seth hung up the phone and looked over at his kids. "I'm really sorry, but it seems that there was a huge accident and they are completely overwhelmed. I have to go in and help them. Um, Michael. I think that because you are the oldest that I would have you watch your brother and sister." Seth stretched and yawned. He then realized a smell coming from him. "First I'm going to shower." He headed towards his room to the master bedroom. Michael watched as his siblings went after the remote. They fought over who got to watch what channel. Michael rolled his eyes at their immaturity. When he did, he noticed a letter in the normally empty trashcan next to the couch. He walked over and picked up the letter and ticket stub. He read the letter. He was starting to understand what was going on with his father.

"So something did happen." He mumbled to himself. He was never the type to pry, but his father was never as happy as he was with Leon. Only way he could find out what had happened was talking with Leon. He knew no matter what, his father would brush him off and tell him not to worry.

"I'm sorry about this." Seth spoke as he was wearing new slacks and button up shirt. Michael threw the letter back into the trash and tucked the ticket in his back pocket hoping that his father didn't see anything. "You guys know that I am on call, so sometimes I have to leave.

"That is fine." Michael spoke. "We can sit here and watch TV. We will be fine." Seth grabbed the tie wrapped around his neck and started to tie it. He smiled warmly at his son.

"I know that you guys would be fine. I just hate leaving you though." Seth spoke.

"It's fine." Michael repeated.

"I don't know when I will be back, but I promise I will make it up somehow." He finished the tie. "You don't have to worry about it. The kids really don't care as long as they are able to watch TV." "You are so right." Seth chuckled as he looked at his other two kids whose eyes were glued to the TV. "Well I will try to be back early, but I can't guarantee it."

"No prob." Seth said his goodbyes as he left. Michael took out the ticket out of his back pocket and looked it over. He looked at the clock. It was almost nine thirty. He knew exactly where that place was. He had been there before with his family. They do play different types of live music. He walked over to his siblings and spoke as they watched TV. "Hey. I'm going to get something for us to eat. I will be back in a little bit okay."

"Yeah fine! Whatever, we are trying to watch this." The two spoke. Michael knew that they wouldn't tear away from the TV too easily. So he grabbed a spare key he knew that his father had in the kitchen drawer. He walked to the door, locked it and shut it behind him.