Chapter 47

Michael looked at the sign in front of him. "Tony's Bar and Grill." He looked at his watch. It was ten thirty-five. It took him a while to get a cab and take him to this destination. Now he stood in front of the building. He wanted to speak with Leon to find out what had happened between those two. He walked in and found it to be entirely packed with people. The band was already on a roll with their music. Women were squealing as they watched the band play. He could see that Leon was having a blast. He would smirk and point at the women as it made them squeal even louder. Michael watched as Leon would flirt with the girls while onstage.

The show had finally ended. Michael noticed Leon look around and then get off the stage. He was bombarded with women right away. One girl even jumped into his arms and kissed him. Thinking that Leon would push the girl away, instead kissed her back. He even wrapped his arms around her body. Michael understood everything that moment. He could feel anger building up in his body. His father was so excited to be with Leon and now Leon was doing this to him. He now knew why his father acted the way he did. Michael made his way out of the building and waited at the corner where the back door was. He knew that all bands big or small would go out the back way. He waited only a few minutes before he started to hear laughter. It was more than one woman that he could hear, then he heard a voice he recognized. Leon had turned the corner. Michael's face turned to anger but then calmed himself. Leon was walking past him with two women hanging on each arm. "I think that this performance was wonderful." One girl spoke out.

"I agree! It was the best." The other replied.

"Oh ladies. You're just sucking up to me." Leon laughed. Michael turned to look at Leon's back as the man started to walk away.

"So do you always cheat on your partners?" Leon stopped and the girls looked behind him.

"Who are you?" One the girl's asked. Her voice soft. Michael looked at the lady and didn't respond. Leon turned around to see who the girl was speaking to. It took him a moment before he remembered who the teenager was.

"You're Seth's kid. Michael right?" Leon spoke.

"I asked you a question?" Michael spoke up.

"Hey brat. Don't you know how to treat people that are older than yo-" The girl stopped speaking when Leon put up his hand as to silence her.

"Ladies. Go ahead without me. I'm going to talk to the shrimp here."

"But Leon…" Both girl's whined. He gave them both a look. Soon they turned and started to walk away. Since it was so late and there was still a band going on in the bar, there were very few people on the streets. Leon moved one of his hands to his hips.

"You asked me to answer a question. What was the question?" Michael was shocked a bit as Leon's eyes burned into his. Michael swallowed trying to wet his throat that suddenly went dry. He looked to the side then at Leon. "Well?" Leon spoke. Michael cleared his throat. He didn't want to show this man that he was nervous because of the gaze he was giving him.

"I asked, do you normally cheat on your partner?" Leon looked at Michael and scratched his head. "I have no idea what you're talking about."

"I'm saying, you already have someone you're dating yet you're all over those girls." A grin slowly formed across his lips and then burst into laughter. "Why are you laughing?" Michael yelled. Leon calmed down a little and spoke.

"Who am I dating? I'm not dating anyone." Michael's eyes went wide.

"You are!" He yelled.

"Listen kid. I don't know what you think about me and you dad dating, but we aren't. We never were." Michael couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"But you sent that letter!" Michael yelled. "You wanted to apologize to my father for something that you had done." Leon's eyes narrowed.

"He showed you that?" His voice was low.

"No! I found it!" Michael yelled. "It was in the trash. I wanted to see what had made my father depressed, and thought it would be best to come and talk to you." Michael spoke. "My father would never talk to me about your relationship, so I thought the best thing was for me to see you." Leon's eyes softened.

"Listen kid. You may be more mature then others your age, but you don't know the relationships of adults." Michael watched Leon.

"You two were a couple." Michael spoke slowly.

"See that's where you're wrong. You are still too young to understand what adults call a relationship." "Then what would you call it!" Michael yelled. Leon sighed.

"I'm not going to discuss sexual relationships with a kid."

"Tell me! What were you?" Leon narrowed his eyes again. Michael was demanding to know what was going on and Leon didn't want to talk to him about something so personal. "I said I don't want to talk this with a ki-"

"Tell me damn it!" Michael shouted again.

"We were just friends with benefits!" Leon yelled back. "But I highly doubt you even know what that means."