Bitter Truth

Wearing a dress while riding a motorcycle is not a wise choice. The bottom of Jasmine's dress fluttered, her eyes squinted with dust, and her hair was deformed. Joe didn't want to slow down at all even though Jasmine screamed and gripped the man's arm tightly in fear. Seriously, Jasmine will tell Sam about this, later.

"Smile, let's look beautiful!" Joe looks very satisfied when he sees Jasmine's appearance which is quite messy.

'If he wasn't my master, I would have strangled him and pulled his tongue out so that he would stop uttering unsavory words.'

Jasmine also followed Joe who walked quickly to Sam's room.

Exactly one minute after they got there, Jasmine wanted to get out and run as far as she could.

How can Sam laugh with other women when he doesn't even want to meet Jasmine face to face?

The laughter and wide smile he showed the woman made Jasmine's heartthrob in pain. They look so close and so compatible.

The woman was very beautiful and her smile was very sweet, her appearance was also very elegant.

If they were standing next to each other, they would look like an ugly duckling and a graceful swan.

'I'm not jealous anymore. Please no!'

"Hey, Joe, who's that goose?"

"Her name is Nisa."

Joe walked casually over to them.

"Hey, our beautiful Nisa! What are you doing here so early in the morning?" Joe smiled and greeted her kindly.

Joe is not the type of person who can be friends with just anyone. Even to Jasmine, who lived with him, he was never friendly, unless he needed something.

"Nisa just stopped by," replied Sam quickly.

"Sam, I'm not talking to you!" Joe glanced cynically as he threw the paper bag containing Sam's clothes on the table.

"I happened to be passing by, so stop by all of a sudden. By the way, who's behind you? Your girlfriend?" asked Nisa with a big smile.

"Don't joke! She's not my type!" Joe protested.

'Yeah, as if you're just my type, bitch.'


"He's Bara's girlfriend," replied Joe casually.

Just leave the youngest with all the bullshit. Leave it alone.

Jasmine took a deep breath, then let it out slowly through her nose.

"Seriously? Thank goodness he finally has a girlfriend. Finally, he can forget about Kei." Nisa shouted with sparkling eyes.

No more drama.

"Please don't listen to Mr. Joe. I am a maid in his house." Jasmine said before Joe interrupted.

After Jasmine said that, both Sam and Joe immediately stared at her in silence. It's okay, she's just trying to be honest. She didn't want any more drama. That's sickening.

"No kidding. Look at your dress. I know which boutique sells it and at what price. Are you sure you are a maid?"

The beautiful swan thought Jasmine was joking? Yes, if only this was a joke, of course, Jasmine would be very happy. But sadly, this is the reality.

"This is a gift from Mr. Joe. You know what Mr. Joe is like. He will hurt his eyes when he sees people wearing clothes that don't suit his taste." said Jasmine slowly.

She didn't lie.

"You're right, Joe is a fashion freak. He's friends with a lot of designers, of course, he cares about his appearance. You're lucky to work with the Bagaskara family." Miss Nisa gently patted Jasmine's arm.

Very lucky. Of course.

"Oh, Nisa, we'll talk later. I still have a business. I'm leaving." goodbye Joe.

The man grabbed Jasmine's wrist and carried her away from Sam's room without looking back.

Jasmine smiled sadly. Did she make another mistake?

"Joe, can you let go of my hand? It hurts!"

Joe stopped walking and let go of Jasmine's hand. He looks angry.

"You're pathetic, Jasmine!"

'What?' Jasmine looks confused.

"Aren't you ashamed to tell others that you're our maid?" snapped Joe.

Wow. Jasmine looked at her master confused.

"Why should I be ashamed? I am your maid. I don't want to lie!"

"Didn't you forget that you are a maid in another sense? My father gave you to us, what kind of maid do you think you should be? People will think you are a cheap girl!"

Joe managed to silence Jasmine. Jasmine lost. She, with full awareness, of course, would never forget that.

But, for some reason, hearing Joe say that made Jasmine's heartthrob in pain.

The disgusted look that Joe gave Jasmine now really made her want to cry.

'I'm getting tired, God. Please hurry this all so I can go quickly.'

Jasmine then asked Joe to go to Nhola alone with the excuse that she wanted to attend Jeri's wedding alone. She forced the young master, Joe Bagaskara to leave her.

And now she's a mess. She felt sick, weak, and tired.

Jasmine walked without knowing directions, without a penny of money, and without a cell phone. What was she thinking? Why did she carry that expensive bag without putting anything in it? How can she go home now?

'Am I stupid? Yes, I know.'

Jasmine kept walking, trying to remember the way to Bara's office. She should have gone back to Sam's office and asked for money for the taxi fare, but she was scared. She was afraid that her heart would beat in pain again when she saw the beautiful Miss Nisa there.

Jasmine kept walking until she came to a small park on the side of the road. It was only when he sat down in the old chair under the tree and took off his shoes that he realized that his legs were too tired to walk.

Thanks to those expensive high heels, her ankles and heels were red and sore.

Perfect day.

Now what?

Jasmine had rested for a long time, but her legs still hurt. If her legs could talk, it would curse Jasmine. Poor Jasmine.

"Are you here alone? Where's Joe?"


'Why is he here? He should stay in his comfortable office with the beautiful Nisa, they can chat and laugh to their heart's content.'

Oh no, Jasmine started again.

Sam noticed Jasmine's feet which still looked very red. He snorted in annoyance and glared at Jasmine.

"What are you doing here?" he asked in a deep voice.

'Is he angry? Did I make a mistake?'

"Em, I just want to go for a walk alone." Jasmine lie.

"Walking? By foot? You can ask the driver to pick you up and drop you off, or you can ask your Bara to accompany you!"

What's with that 'your Bara' words?

"You came here just to scold me? Never mind Sam, I'm tired, just give me some money, I want to go home."

"Money? You left without any money?" shrieked Sam in surprise.

"I forgot to put my wallet and cell phone in my bag."

"Why don't you just go see Bara? The Lotus Building isn't far from here. And now Bara must be there."

Again and again... What's wrong with him?

Jasmine shook her head in annoyance. What's wrong with Sam? And how does he know where the Lotus Building is?! For God's sake.

"Are you going to give me money or not? I'm tired."

"Are you sure you don't want to just meet Bara?"

'For God's sake, Sam! I'm tiring and want to go home!' Jasmine's mind screamed.

"Why do you keep asking me to meet Bara?! I just asking you a little money for the taxi fare!"

Sam fell silent. He seemed to be thinking about something.

"I'll take you home."

"No, don't bother!"

"Jeri's wedding hall is not far from home, I'll take you first."

Oh, Jeri. Jasmine forgot to attend his wedding. But, who cares? She is very tired today.

Sam turned and crouched with his back to Jasmine.

"What are you doing?"

"Isn't that obvious? I'll carry you to the car. You can't walk on your feet like that. Doesn't that hurt? Get on my back!"

This was the longest sentence Sam had spoken to her in days.

Jasmine bent slightly and wrapped her arms around Sam's neck. He stood up and took Jasmine away.