WebNovelKing Fool83.33%


King Lonson VI awakes in a windowless candle lit room. He is tucked snugly inside a bed of great size. Surveying his surroundings, the King is confused. This was not a new experience. Once again, one second he is facing his grandfather. The next second he wakes up in bed. A delicious smell magnifies.

"Ah. Just in time my King." A man in his grey years comes along happily trodding, holding a bowl of food. He is wearing unfamiliar clothing. "Eat up, you must be starving," he says, placing the bowl on an empty end-table bedside of his King.

"Jensen?" the King ponders out loud.

"I suppose we do look alike, he was my father after all," replies the man.

"Father? Meroven?!" the Kings eyes widen in short lasting excitement. "Wait. Your appearance. Just how long has it been?"

"As my father directed upon your awakening, it seems I have much to tell you." Meroven begins to explain, "Ten-Thousand men of Oates Kingdom witnessed you fight bravely. However, once you tackled the monster through the shack you were unheard. Hours passed by before my father was able to finally make his way onto the battlefield. When he stepped into the shack there was no sight of a colossal monster. Only you my King, laying on the cold wet stone."

King Lonson VI listens intently, the look of confusion never leaving his face.

Meroven continues, "My father invoked his Venuri rights and took command of Oates Kingdoms army. He directed seven-thousand men south. Assigning them the duty to protect the battered King and safely return you to the capital of the kingdom, Oates. The remaining three-thousand men were ordered west. Their role was to guard the bodies of Torkas and Pollux, along with their weapons, on the journey to their birthplace of Curisod for a proper religious burial.

"However, Mother Naredti grew frustrated with the lack of details regarding the deaths of her nations top warriors. She repeatedly seeked council with you, the King of Oates. Breaking treaty, she imprisoned all three-thousand of the Oates army sent to her land. No one dared to leak knowledge of your wherabouts, staying loyal through various forms of torture. Nevertheless, only my father knew where your body was hidden. Two years passed of her questions going unanswered," Meroven pauses in remembrance, "Please, eat my King. You need it. They call it stew, it is common in these lands. I promise it is tasty!"

"Ah yes. Thank you," says the King in gratitude. He picks up the bowl with both hands and begins to drink the stew, ignoring the heat of the fresh dish. "Where are we?" asks the King.

"I'm almost there," Meroven replies as he continues an explanation of events as told to him by his father. "Two years passed. Curisodian leaders began refusing to export any amount of Blue Iron to cities loyal to the Oates Kingdom. This led to the Great Succession period. In promise of Blue Iron and other valuable resources, many cities aligned themselves with Curisod. This act weakened our supplies, our army, and our overall structure of the Kingdom. In only another years time, Oates Kingdom was just a third of its size.

"Mother Naredtis impatience, still knowing nothing about your condition, culminated in an invasion of the capital of Oates. Curisods army marched to the Gates of Oates with new creations of war. Blue Rain, these tiny Blue Iron objects similar to a spearhead, stormed into the city impaling numerous commoners. Large circular plates of Blue Iron strapped to their arms defended them from attacks. Curisodians called them shields.

"Upon news of invasion my father, still operating under Venuri rights, sent me to the smallest tavern in the Kingdom. 'Down the well behind the Reng Tavern you will find our King. Take him and follow the path paved inside of the well. You will find a food-stocked carrier that will float you beyond the un-explored waters into safety. When he awakes, make sure your King knows of these events,' my father commanded of me."

"Oates Kingdom is no more?" interjects King Lonson VI discouragingly.

"Curisodians have ruled what you remember as Oates Kingdom for more than 10 years," replies Meroven. "You are now east of the un-explored waters of Oates, in the nation known as Gilgathe."

"Gilgathe?" says the King with widened eyes. "What a name."

"We should get going soon. We don't want to prolong this any longer. Put this on. The natives of this country call them cloaks and sandals." Meroven tosses the King a brown cloak and brown open toed sandals that match his own. The King covers himself in the Gilgathian garments.

"This doesn't protect much. I'm sure there are bounties on my head," replied the King as the two men walk through the windowless dwelling.

Meroven attempts to settle the King as he opens the front door. "Ah no worries my King. Trust me, people on this side of the world have never heard of Oates. Here I believe you will find yourself fitting in more than usual."

King Lonson VI is frozen in utter disbelief as they step out into a prosperous and fairly large city with copious amounts of activity in the streets. Every structure is a behemoth. All men stood over seven feet high, all women over six and a half.

Meroven speaks with his arms open and exclaims, "Welcome to Goli! The capital city of Gilgathe, The Land of Giants!"