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Land of Giants

The beauty of Goli was unlike anything King Lonson VI had ever experienced. It is a lively city. Merchants crowd the streets. Roads are completely paved with stone. Trimmed tall grass evenly fills the areas where stone does not. Bright decorations add to the atmosphere in preparation for some type of festival. Everything was large. Everyone was large.

"First walk in over 10 years. How are you feeling my King?" Meroven asks Lonson VI as they continue to stroll the streets of Goli.

"These sandals are a bit squishy. I prefer my Blue Iron boots," replied Lonson VI.

Meroven laughs, "Father always wondered why you loved being in full armor. Even in peaceful times."

"As a King, you never know when your kingdom may come under attack. You must always be prepared." Lonson VI looks down at Meroven. "Speaking of your father, is Jensen still alive?"

Meroven says, "I'm afraid I do not have an answer. It was pure luck that we managed to arrive here unseen. Travel across the water is forbidden unless you are an approved sailor. Even though they live in a perfect location, most citizens of Goli are not exactly what you would call 'explorers'. There is simply no way to obtain information from Oates. But, you know what they say about my bloodline. 'Their lifespans are as long as their eyesight.' So if my father avoided being captured and slaughtered by Curisodian warriors, then he may still be with us."

"Jensen is too smart. I have no doubt he breathes!" exclaims a hopeful Lonson VI.

A powerful yet high-pitched and light-hearted voice is heard shouting further along the road. "IT'S ALMOST THE NEW YEAR EVERYONE!! GET YOUR NEW YEAR CALENDAR RIGHT HERE!!"

King Lonson VI and Meroven continue down the path towards the voice. It's coming from a heavily decorated stone booth.

A broad woman of great size, matching Lonson VI, is inside. Two braids wrap around opposite sides of her dark brown hair and combine into a ponytail with a teal bow. Her light-brown eyes the size of eggs are filled with excitement and sincereness. Her soft and rounded face is welcoming. She is covered in traditional Gilgathian garment. A brown cloak and brown open-toed sandals.

"Hey! Aren't you that one shady Quatser that's always shut away in his home? What brings you to the outside world?" she says sarcastically. She looks at Lonson VI. "And who're you? I've never seen you around here. You must be from out of town?"

"Quatser?" whispers Lonson VI to Meroven confusingly.

"Ah, it is what the natives of Gilgathe call non-giants," replies Meroven.

"Hellooo. Did you hear me?" says the woman, waving her hand towards the two men obnoxiously. "What's your name? You too mister shady Quatser."

"I. Um," Lonson VI stumbles across his words. "This is Meroven and I'm King--"

The giantess interrupts with a hearty laugh, "'King'? That's a new one." She continues to laugh.

"What did I say?" asks King Lonson VI concerningly.

"Oh nothing. Don't mind me. I've just never heard that before. Where are you from 'King'?" replies the still chuckling woman.

Meroven takes hold of the interaction. "Ah. My friend here is from a couple of cities over yonder. King is just a childhood nickname. What is your name, if you do not mind me asking?"

"RIGHT HERE!" The lady springs a calendar towards the faces of the two men. The phrase "Mikana's Calendar - 817" is written in red on the top page of the 12 month 364 day calendar. "SEE!? Mikana's the name. Nice to meet you," says Mikana with a bright and hefty smile as she passes them both a calendar.

The two men look over the calendar while Mikana continues to speak, "You guys coming out for the festival tonight? 817 only happens once!"

Meroven attempts to explain, "I am afraid we have very important business to attend to young lady, we may not have time--" but he is cut off by Mikana's brashness.

"What's more important than celebrating history!?", exclaims Mikana. "The 'Stories of Gilgathe' says our ancestors arrived here after a fierce civil war destroyed their homelands. Most people claim this is just a myth or a story for children. Not me! I've always dreamed of setting sail and traveling to the original land of giants," her tone gets slightly sadder, "but 'women can't be approved sailors.' No exceptions. Not even if your father is the chief sailor and has taught you everything he knows."

Back to her energetic self, Mikana plops an oversized bucket of fish on top of the stone booths counter. "So, the life of a fisherwoman is the closest I will ever get! You all eat yet?"

"No thank you. We both had a full helping of stew," Meroven declines.

Mikana laughs, "Stew may be enough for a Quatser, but for him," she lifts a meaty 2 foot tall fish from the oversized bucket with her bulky arms, "he needs this baby right here! How about it 'King'?"

King Lonson VI begins to extend his hand until Meroven interjects, "Ah, no worries. He will be just fine." Meroven continues to walk down the roads of Goli. "Come along now King."

King Lonson VI waves goodbye and begins to follow Meroven. Mikana's voice trails them. "If you change your minds meet me at my tavern, FishiN'Ale. It happens to be where the festival kicks off. You can't miss it!"

"Apologies my King," says Meroven. "Some younger Gilgathians are rather rude and disorderly."

Finally able to speak a word uninterrupted, King Lonson VI says, "She was beautiful."