Chapter 22

Lia Pov:

I stretch my arms as I awake, doing my best to shake my mind out of the past. By my guess it's nearly time. I change clothes and I head out to the dungeon entrance. As I climb the small step I see the two dungeon hosts appear, it might just be because I was tired but they look different… More… human.

The two hosts sit down on the glass floor, as I follow suit a veil of water appears, blocking the way back.

"So what is it that you want to talk about?" The light haired one says.

I grab the king's letter from my pocket and hand it over to the two, "These are the things his majesty would like to know to… promote a better… working relationship? Anyway if you want any control over how we set up your dungeon, or our rules at least, you're probably going to have to answer those… I think."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. No. This is the first time a new dungeon has appeared in hundreds of years. Most of the things we know about the 'contracts' were from when my grandpa was young."

"So from what I have read, this is basically us setting rules and warnings for you guys? Does that mean we could work with you to mutually benefit each other?"

"That's essentially it, from what I remember dungeons have requested for materials, that they will return in the form of lute, rest time to improve or reset the dungeon, or even set conditions to start a 'hard mode'."

The dark haired one gives a nod and the other says, "That sounds good, is it possible for us to get that to you in a day or so? And Ah- I just realized that if we're going to be working together we should know each other's names, I'm Neil and he's Zion!"

With that Neil extends his hand and gives a bright smile. I take his hand with a nod "Lia."