Chapter 4 : Sushie's Diary ( 1)

Five years ago.

It's my first day in junior high school, I wrote the Exams last month, and luckily I was among The Students who got admission into the school.

My new school is a government school, our education was free all we have to do is to come to School with our Stationery.

The School was named ' Heart of Gold ' it is a very Prestigious one even though it was owned by the government but it was said to be once owned by the missionaries before it was handed over to the government.

Standing right in front of my new school, I took a deep breath before I entered through the large black-painted gate.

" Hey, you! , Stop there! , You are late! " A dark and Skinny man in a blue uniform Stopped me.

" What! ... I am... " I stopped mid Sentence when I looked down at the time on my wristwatch and realized that I was indeed late, by fifteen minutes to be exact.

' No! Why did this have to happen on my first day in school! ' I Cried Inwardly.

" Where do you Reside? " He asked Suddenly, interrupting my thoughts.

" Western Estate " I replied and immediately I thought I saw surprise in the man's eyes, I wouldn't blame him though as to where I lived was a place where Wealthy people Reside.

" Western Estate? And you are arriving at school at this time? Do you know where I Reside? " He Questioned, raising an eyebrow.

' How would I know that? ' I thought Inwardly.

" Look here girl, I live around Kroger local government but yet I got here at exactly 7 am despite the heavy traffic. " He Said, Scoldingly.

" It's not my fault Sir, I am a new student and today happens to be my first day. " I Whispered and Thankfully I would say, he heard me.

" Oh! But that isn't an Excuse, anyways as today is your first day, I wouldn't like to make things difficult for you so all you have to do now is to pick up all the pieces of dirt on the ground and throw them all into the dust bin right there. " He said, pointing to a large drum-like container nearby.

" Then you can go to class, just Friendly advice, make sure to jog to your class or you will be punished if found cat walking. " He said.

" Alright, thanks for the advice, Sir. " I Replied, immediately getting to work.

After I was done with the picking and dumping, I headed to the administrative building where I would be meeting my class teacher, Miss Anya.

On getting there.

I took a deep breath and was about to enter the staff room when a fat and Chocolate Skinned man Stopped me.

" What are you doing here? " He asked in an impolite manner.

" Well...I... " I trailed off.

" Speak up! " He ordered.

" I came to meet my class teacher so she can assign me to my new class. " I Whispered.

" Oh! You are a new student? " He asked, Staring intensely at me.

" Yes I am, Sir " I replied.

" You can go in, " He told me as he walked away.

Taking another deep breath, I opened the door, the room was kind of crowded which made me a little uncomfortable as I was quite allergic to the crowd.

The room consisted of five Desks and Chairs all arranged opposite one another with Name tags on each.

' How would I know which desk is my class teachers? ' I thought Inwardly.

I then decided to walk up to the desk Nearest to where I stood.

" Good Morning, Ma " I greeted the middle Aged woman.

" Morning, How can I help you? " She asked.

" Well, today is my first day at school as I am a new student but I don't know where my new class is. " I Replied immediately.

" Oh! What's the name of your class teacher? " She asked.

" Miss Anya " I replied.

" Oh! That's 1a class teacher .... " She suddenly paused when a Tall and Slender looking Young lady who was wearing a knee-length dress walked in.

" Miss Anya, this should be one of your students. " The Middle-Aged woman Said attracting the Attention of Miss Anya.

" Oh! Thanks, ma. " Miss Anya replied.

Turning to me, " Follow me " She said as she walked towards her Desk which was located at the far end of the room.

After Setting down on her Wooden chair.

" What's your name? " She asked me without even looking up.

" Sushie Williams " I replied.

" The one who registered on Friday? " She asked as if trying to confirm.

" Yes, Ma " I replied.

" Okay " She Nodded as she continued Flipping The student's Document.

" Sushie Williams, you had 75% in the Entrance Examination is that right? "

" Yes ma "

Now looking at me, " Right, you were indeed Registered to my class 1a but I have to warn you Though, there are no dullards in my class, so if you want to continue the term and Session in my class then you have to face your studies Squarely and Pass your Exams, do you get it? " She asked raising an eyebrow.

" Yes ma " I replied.

" Follow me," she said as she stood up and walked towards the entrance of the Room with me trailing behind her, We walked towards the opposite building and took the stairs to the last floor all this we did while I kept Quiet.

When we got there, we entered the first classroom near the stairs.

As soon as I walked in, I felt Goosebumps on my Skin, The classroom we entered was Crowded and Noisy, I could easily discern that the ratio of the population of girls to boys was 3:1, Then I realized that the guys Wore White shirts and color Arsh shorts while the girls Including me wore, Arsh colored Gown.

" Silence! " Miss Anya instructed and miraculously I would say, the once Noisy class Became as silent as a graveyard.

" Next to me, is Sushie Williams, Your New Classmate so I hope you'll be nice to her, understand? " She asked.

" Yes, ma " The class replied in Unison.

" Where is Esther the class Captain? "

" Am here Ma " A Fat and tall girl replied from the midst of the crowded class as she Approached us.

" Esther, please find a seat for Sushie " Miss Anya instructed and walked out of the class.

" Okay Ma " She replied and Miss Anya who was already at the door nodded.

" En, Sushie, there aren't Any vacant seats in the class, so can you please manage with those two girls over there? " She asked pointing to the two students on the Second seat in the middle row.

" Alright " I replied reassuringly as I walked towards the two girls.

" Hi, can I seat? " I asked.

" Yes, you can " The dark-skinned girl Replied.

" You can but only for this week as my friend is Resuming Next week and she's going to seat here. " The one with a Styled Hair replied.

" Okay," I replied and sat between them.

Thirty minutes went by in eerie silence and soon the first bell was rung.

" Aren't we having any lectures today? " Confused I asked the dark Skinned girl.

" We are " she replied Simply.

" If so why aren't there any subject Teachers in class yet? " I asked.

" Well, we are supposed to be having maths this morning but I heard that the Teacher lives very far away so she often arrives late. " She replied.

" Okay, Will she still Tutors us today? " I asked.

" Of course, She... "

" Good Morning class, a middle Aged woman with waist-long hair greeted her as she stood in front of the class, She was putting on a mismatched Top and Skirt with 3cm heels, a golden wristwatch was tied to her Wrist.

" Good Morning Ma " The class Replied in Unison.

" For the sake of the new students, let me introduce myself, I am Mrs. Smith, your maths teacher," she said with a smile hanging on her lips.

" You are Welcome ma " We replied, Politely.

" Last week which happen to be the first week of resumption, we did some revisions on some of the Questions that came out in the entrance Examination right? " She asked Staring at the faces of the students.

" Yes Ma "

" Am glad to hear that, Anyways we are starting the Term's Topic today, and we are starting with the topic, Simple Equations. " She Said as she Turned around with her back to us as she faced the Whiteboard and wrote the date and the Topic.

" I advise you to listen attentively while I teach so you can understand the topic perfectly, I am sure that most of you might already have an idea of it but still you should pay attention, is that understood? "

" Yes Ma "

Then she turned to the board again and Continued the lesson.

As the lesson went on I realized that the Topic was actually very simple and interesting and not as hard and boring as I thought and expected it to be.

I soon realized that seating in the first two Seats in the class was an advantage as the back sitters were mostly noisemakers and you would hardly hear what the teacher was saying if you were seated there.

' Thank God, I got a seat in Front '

The period ended in an hour and twenty minutes and the maths teacher stepped out.

Soon the English Teacher Came in with a Comprehensive English Textbook and a dictionary in hand, Her name was Miss Cynthia, she was tall and Slim with dark short Shoulder length hair.

She Lectured us on Intonations, her class was very interactive.