Chapter 5 : Sushie's Diary (2)

Days Went by and I and that dark-skinned girl started to get along.

I later found out that her name Was Lia, What a nice name, I thought.

I have been getting an adapted to the crowded Class buy the noise making is something I haven't come to accept yet as it was just too much, Whenever there isn't a teacher in class, the whole class automatically becomes a marketplace with students gisting and Gossiping, I wonder what their discussions are about.

One I Witness an argument between two of my classmates that got me amused.

" What do you think of Lara? " A girl asked.

" Well, I think she's intelligent and Smart. " The other girl replied.

" Smart, my foot! " The other girl Refuted.

" Why would you say such a thing like that of Lara? , Are you guys fighting? " The other girl Surprisingly Asked.

" No, why would we? , We aren't friends in the first place so why would we fight? "

" Then, why did you say that about her? "

" I just don't like her! "

" Oh! Why? "

" Isn't it obvious why I don't? "

" No, it's not "

" It is! Don't you know that Lara is not As intelligent and Smart as we think she is, She's only a show-off. "

" Why did you say that? "

" Isn't it obvious, she's always copying Joseph in the Exams and Tests. "

" How did you know that, where you both attending the same elementary school, before? "

" Of course we were, she was our name only Head girl, Copy cat Head girl. "

" Well, in my own opinion I would say that you are quite envious of her. "

" What! Why would I be?, What's there to be envious about in her? "


" Perhaps you are Envious of the fact that she's more popular, intelligent, and Smarter than you. "

" Are you trying to say that I am dumb? " She asked angrily.

" No, I am not. "

" Then What? " She demanded.

" I am just trying to analyze the situation, but the fact that you took it the wrong way isn't my fault. "

" Isn't your fault? , Then Who is? Mine? "

" It's useless Arguing with you. "

" What do you mean by that? , Do I look useless to you? "

" I didn't call you useless, you called yourself that. "

" But that's what you said, I heard it clearly, I amn't dumb alright? "

" How would I know? It's either you are indeed dumb or you are a fucking illiterate who only knows how to gossip all day. "

" How dare you!!! " Angrily the girl pushed the other one out of the seat, due to the force at which she was shoved, the girl lost her balance and landed on the Cemented Floor with a ' Boom ' Sound, luckily for her, her head was protected by her school bag which feels first before she did.

This attracted a lot of attention from the other students.

With the help of Esther, the class Captain and one other girl who was pushed was able to get back on her feet.

" How dare you, push me! " She Screamed at the Other girl.

" I pushed you, So? " The other girl replied Mockingly.

" You still got the guts to open your mouth after what you've done, eh? " The girl who was pushed said as she slapped the other girl across the face.

" You... " She couldn't Continue her words as another Slap landed on her face.

" What's going on here? " The voice of the Civic teacher was heard.

The Students who were trying to separate the duo were stunned while the two girls were immediately frightened.

" I asked a question, what's going on with her? " the teacher asked in a demanding tone.

" Well, some girls here are fighting " Esther replied.

" Fighting, Why? " The teacher asked.

" We don't know why but our attention was attracted when they started getting physical. " She replied.

" Oh! Where are the girls? "

" They are here. " Esther replied holding the two girls firmly as she brought them to the teacher.

" So it's you again? " The teacher said Referring to the Pusher.

" What! It's not my fault I... "

" Shut up! I know you, don't give me an Explanation go to my office now and kneel facing the wall. "

" But Ma..."

" I said, go! "

Frightened by the sudden change in tone, the two students immediately ran out of the classroom to the teacher's staffroom.

" I wonder why students nowadays are so disrespectful and Spoilt. " The teacher Murmured under her breath but we heard it.

Facing us.

" Alright class, please settle down as it's time for the lesson. " She said and also immediately everyone standing returned to their seats.

" I wonder why students fight, can't they be Peaceful for once? " I Murmured under my breath but the dark Skinned girl heard me.

" Well, I think fighting and Arguments are inevitable as we are all humans. " She Replied.

" Really? " I asked.

" Yep," she replied.

Now facing the board I realized that the teacher had written the date and Topic on the whiteboard.

Looking at the date, 15/10/2015, I was confused.

" What's the meaning of this date? " I asked.

" I thought you are a quiet girl. " She said.

" I am but I am just curious, alright. "

" Oh! The date is today's date, I understand that it's quite weird as we usually write longer ones in elementary school. " She said and I nodded.

" So this is a shorter date, uh? " I asked.

" Yes. " She replied.

" Alright, thanks. "

" My Pleasure, always " she replied Smiling.

Back to face the board.

" Today's topic is Citizenship Education. " The teacher Announced.

" Like you have all been taught in elementary school, a citizen is a legal member of a country or state, this definition is still valid but you can just add some important things to yours but this is the simplest definition, Citizenship Education is blah blah blah " She continued with the lesson for an hour and thirty minutes till the bell rang again.

During break time, I was a little Pressed and decided to go and empty my bladder as I couldn't hold it anymore as I often do.

Though I didn't know where the restrooms were exactly I just knew that they Were downstairs.

After descending the forty-Two stairs I got to the corridor downstairs where I saw students playing on the field, While some were Playing Soccer, others were building Sandcastles while most of the guys were climbing up the tall mango tree.

I wondered how they were able to climb it, I couldn't do it, what if I fall?

I walked to the Side where I saw a gate with a Hanging note ' ladies Restroom '

' At last, I found the Restroom ' I thought joyfully.

I went in and saw that it comprised of four room-like places which had Toilets with Sinks, I opened the door of the first one and was about to enter when I heard a voice.

" What are you doing there? " The voice asked.

" Well, I want to urinate. " I answered.

" What! Is that the student's restroom? " The voice asked Annoyed.

" I don't know " I replied honestly.

" Come out, now! " She demanded and I quickly did as she instructed to avoid further troubles and as soon I did I came face to face with a tall and light-skinned woman.

' she might be a teacher ' I thought.

" Didn't you see the sign up there? " She told me, referring to the Posted cardboard on the wall which Said, ' Teacher's Toilet '

' How could I have missed that? ' I scolded myself inwardly.

" I didn't see that, Ma " I replied.

" Are you a new student? " She asked and I nodded.

" Oh! The student's Restroom is just opposite the second school gate. " She said.

" Alright, thank you, Ma " I replied and when I heard no response I silently walked away.

While I was heading there I saw some boys laughing at me.

They were five in number Sitting on the bricks, they were Dark in Complexion.

" See here, that's her. " One said Referring to me and the others laughed.

Ignoring them, I continued walking ahead.

' I think they Witnessed what happened ' i thought as I went into the restroom